The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Women’s Rights
- English1. Male and female citizens have equal rights in all fields. The State shall adopt policies to guarantee the right to and opportunities for gender equality.
2. The State, society and family shall create the conditions for women to develop comprehensively and to advance their role in society.
3. Gender discrimination is prohibited. (Art. 26) - Vietnamese1. Công dân nam, nữ bình đẳng về mọi mặt. Nhà nước có chính sách bảo đảm quyền và cơ hội bình đẳng giới.
2. Nhà nước, xã hội và gia đình tạo điều kiện để phụ nữ phát triển toàn diện, phát huy vai trò của mình trong xã hội.
3. Nghiêm cấm phân biệt đối xử về giới. (Điều 26)
Women’s Rights
- EnglishThe State sees to the elimination of all forms of discrimination concerning [à l’égard de] women, young girls and handicapped persons. The public policies in all the domains assure their full development and their participation in the national development.
The State takes, among others, measures to combat the violence done to women and children in public and private life.
It assures to them an equitable representation within the public institutions through the national policy [concerning] gender and the respect for the quotas. (Art. 22) - FrenchL'Etat veille à l'élimination de toute forme de discrimination à l'égard de la femme, de la jeune fille et des personnes handicapées. Les politiques publiques dans tous les domaines assurent leur plein épanouissement et leur participation au développement national.
L'Etat prend, en outre, les mesures de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes et aux enfants dans la vie publique et privée.
Il leur assure une représentation équitable dans les institutions publiques à travers la politique nationale du genre et le respect des quotas. (Art. 22)
Women’s Rights
- English
The State and the public collectivities assure the promotion, the development and the protection of women. They take the measures necessary in view of eliminating all forms of violence against women and young girls. (Art. 35)
- French
L’Etat et les collectivités publiques assurent la promotion, le développement et la protection de la femme. Ils prennent les mesures nécessaires en vue d’éliminer toutes les formes de violence faites à la femme et à la jeune fille. (Art. 35)
Women’s Rights
- English1. Women shall be accorded full and equal dignity of the person with men.
2. The State shall provide the facilities and opportunities necessary to enhance the welfare of women to enable them to realise their full potential and advancement.
3. The State shall protect women and their rights, taking into account their unique status and natural maternal functions in society.
4. Women shall have the right to equal treatment with men and that right shall include equal opportunities in political, economic and social activities.
5. Without prejudice to article 32 of this Constitution, women shall have the right to affirmative action for the purpose of redressing the imbalances created by history, tradition or custom. (Art. 33)
Women’s Rights
- English(1) Every woman is entitled to equal rights and status with men in all spheres of political, economic and social life. All forms of discrimination against women on the basis of gender or sex are illegal.
(2) Every woman is entitled to equal access with men to academic, vocational and professional training, equal opportunities in employment, remuneration and promotion and in social, political and cultural activity. (Art. 149F)
Women’s Rights
- EnglishWomen are accorded equal social status and rights with men.
The State shall afford special protection to mothers and children by providing maternity leave, reduced working hours for mothers with several children, a wide network of maternity hospitals, crèches and kindergartens, and other measures.
The State shall provide all conditions for women to play their full roles in society. (Art. 77) - Korean녀자는 남자와 똑같은 사회적지위와 권리를 가진다.
국가는 산전산후휴가의 보장, 여러 어린이를 가진 어머니를 위한 로동시간의 단축, 산원, 탁아소와 유치원망의 확장 그밖의 시책을 통하여 어머니와 어린이를 특별히 보호한다.
국가는 녀성들이 사회에 진출할 온갖 조건을 지어준다. (제77조)
Women’s Rights
- English1. Women shall, in the enjoyment of rights and protections provided for by this Constitution, have equal right with men.
2. Women have equal rights with men in marriage as prescribed by this Constitution.
3. The historical legacy of inequality and discrimination suffered by women in Ethiopia taken into account, women, in order to remedy this legacy, are entitled to affirmative measures. The purpose of such measures shall be to provide special attention to women so as to enable them to compete and participate on the basis of equality with men in political, social and economic life as well as in public and private institutions.
4. The State shall enforce the right of women to eliminate the influences of harmful customs. Laws, customs and practices that oppress or cause bodily or mental harm to women are prohibited.
5. a. Women have the right to maternity leave with full pay. The duration of maternity leave shall be determined by law taking into account the nature of the work, the health of the mother and the well-being of the child and family.
b. Maternity leave may, in accordance with the provisions of law, include prenatal leave with full pay.
6. Women have the right to full consultation in the formulation of national development policies, the designing and execution of projects, and particularly in the case of projects affecting the interests of women.
7. Women have the right to acquire, administer, control, use and transfer property. In particular, they have equal rights with men with respect to use, transfer, administration and control of land. They shall also enjoy equal treatment in the inheritance of property.
8. Women shall have a right to equality in employment, promotion, pay, and the transfer of pension entitlements.
9. To prevent harm arising from pregnancy and childbirth and in order to safeguard their health, women have the right of access to family planning education, information and capacity. (Art. 35) - Amharic1. ሴቶች ይህ ሕገ መንግሥት በአረጋገጣቸው መብቶችና ጥበቃዎች በመጠቀም ረገድ ከወንዶች ጋር እኩል መብት አላቸው፡፡
2. ሴቶች በዚህ ሕገ መንግሥት በተደነገገው መሰረት በጋብቻ ከወንዶች ጋር እኩል መብት አላቸው፡፡
3. ሴቶች በበታችነትና በልዩነት በመታየታቸው የደረሰባቸውን የታሪክ ቅርስ ከግምት ውስጥ በማስገባት ይህ ቅርስ እንዲታረምላቸው በተጨማሪ የድጋፍ እርምጃዎች ተጠቃሚ የመሆን መብት አላቸው፡፡ በዚህ በኩል የሚወሰዱት እርምጃዎች ዓላማ በፖለቲካዊ፣ በማኅበራዊና በኢኮኖሚያዊ መስኮች እንዲሁም በመንግሥት እና በግል ተቋሞች ውስጥ ሴቶች ከወንዶች ጋር በእኩልነት ተወዳዳሪና ተሳታፊ እንዲሆኑ ለማድረግ እንዲቻል ልዩ ትኩረት ለመስጠት ነው፡፡
4. ሴቶች ከጐጂ ባሕል ተጽዕኖ የመላቀቅ መብታቸውን መንግሥት ማስከበር አለበት፡፡ ሴቶችን የሚጨቁኑ ወይም በአካላቸው ወይም በአዕምሮአቸው ላይ ጉዳት የሚያስከትሉ ሕጐች፣ ወጐችና ልማዶች የተከለከሉ ናቸው፡፡
5. ሀ/ ሴቶች የወሊድ ፈቃድ ከሙሉ የደመወዝ ክፍያ ጋር የማግኘት መብት አላቸው፡፡ የወሊድ ፈቃድ ርዝመት ሴቷ የምትሠራውን ሥራ ሁኔታ፣የሴቷን ጤንነት፣ የሕጻኑንና የቤተሰቡን ደህንነት ከግምት ውስጥ በማስገባት በሕግ ይወሰናል፡፡
ለ/ የወሊድ ፈቃድ በሕግ በሚወሰነው መሰረት ከሙሉ የደመወዝ ክፍያ ጋር የሚሰጥ የእርግዝና ፈቃድን ሊጨምር ይችላል፡፡
6. ሴቶች በብሔራዊ የልማት ፖሊሲዎች ዕቅድና በኘሮጀክቶች ዝግጅትና አፈጻጸም፣በተለይ የሴቶችን ጥቅም በሚነኩ ኘሮጀክቶች ሐሳባቸውን በተሟላ ሁኔታ እንዲሰጡ የመጠየቅ መብት አላቸው፡፡
7. ሴቶች ንብረት የማፍራት፣ የማስተዳደር፣ የመቆጣጠር፣ የመጠቀምና የማስተላለፍ መብት አላቸው፡፡ በተለይም መሬትን በመጠቀም፣ በማስተላለፍ፣ በማስተዳደርና በመቆጣጠር ረገድ ከወንዶች ጋር እኩል መብት አላቸው፡፡ እንዲሁም ውርስን በሚመለከት በእኩልነት የመታየት መብት አላቸው፡፡
8. ሴቶች የቅጥር፣ የሥራ እድገት፣ የእኩል ክፍያና ጡረታን የማስተላለፍ እኩል መብት አላቸው፡፡
9. ሴቶች በእርግዝናና በወሊድ ምክንያት የሚደርስባቸውን ጉዳት ለመከላከልና ጤንነታቸውን ለማስጠበቅ የሚያስችል የቤተሰብ ምጣኔ ትምህርት፣ መረጃ እና አቅም የማግኘት መብት አላቸው፡፡ (አንቀጽ 35)
Women’s Rights
- EnglishThe state shall provide women with all opportunities enabling them to effectively and fully contribute to the political, economic, social and cultural life, and the state shall work on removing the restrictions that prevent their development and participation in building society. (Art. 23)
- Arabicتوفّر الدّولة للمرأة جميع الفرص التي تتيح لها المساهمة الفعالة والكاملة في الحياة السياسية والإقتصادية والإجتماعية والثقافية، وتعمل على إزالة القيود التي تمنع تطورها ومشاركتها في بناء المجتمع. (المادّة 23)
Women’s Rights
- EnglishThe State shall actively promote and maintain the welfare of the people by adopting, inter alia, policies aimed at the following:
(a) enactment of legislation to ensure equality of opportunity for women, to enable them to participate fully in all spheres of Namibian society; in particular, the Government shall ensure the implementation of the principle of non-discrimination in remuneration of men and women; further, the Government shall seek, through appropriate legislation, to provide maternity and related benefits for women;
… (Art. 95)
Women’s Rights
- EnglishThe State assures to all equality before the law without distinction of origin, of race, of sex, of religion, of political opinion or of social position.
It has the duty to see to the elimination of all the forms of discrimination with regard to women and to assure the protection of their rights in all the domains of private and public life. (Art. 14) - Arabicتضمن الدولة المساواة للجميع دون تمييز على أساس الأصل، العنصر، النوع الاجتماعي، الدين، الرأي السياسي أو المركز الاجتماعي.
ومن مهامها الحرص على القضاء على جميع أشكال التمييز ضد المرأة وضمان حماية حقوقها في جميع مجالات الحياة الخاصة والعامة. (المادة 14) - FrenchL'Etat assure à tous l'égalité devant la loi sans distinction d'origine, de race, de sexe, de religion, d'opinion politique ou de position sociale.
Il a le devoir de veiller à l'élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l'égard de la femme et d'assurer la protection de ses droits dans tous les domaines de la vie privée et publique. (Art. 14)