The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. The President of the Republic may ask the Constitutional Court to conduct a prior review of the constitutionality of any rule contained in legislation that has been submitted for enactment, any international treaty submitted to him for ratification or any international agreement sent to him for signature.
2. One tenth of the Members of the National Assembly in full exercise of their office may also request a prior review of the constitutionality of any rule contained in legislation that has been submitted for enactment.
… (Art. 228) - Portuguese1. O Presidente da República pode requerer ao Tribunal Constitucional a apreciação preventiva da constitucionalidade de qualquer norma constante de diploma legal que tenha sido submetido para promulgação, tratado internacional que lhe tenha sido submetido para ratificação ou acordo internacional que lhe tenha sido remetido para assinatura.
2. Pode ainda requerer a apreciação preventiva da constitucionalidade de qualquer norma constante de diploma legal que tenha sido submetido à promulgação um décimo dos Deputados à Assembleia Nacional em efectividade de funções.
... (Art. 228)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) The Supreme Court shall, save as otherwise provided in section 122 of this Constitution, have original jurisdiction, to the exclusion of all other Courts—
a. in all matters relating to the enforcement or interpretation of any provision of this Constitution; and
b. where any question arises whether an enactment was made in excess of the power conferred upon Parliament or any other authority or person by law or under this Constitution.
(2) Where any question relating to any matter or question as is referred to in subsection (1) arises in any proceedings in any Court, other than the Supreme Court, that Court shall stay the proceedings and refer the question of law involved to the Supreme Court for determination; and the Court in which the question arose shall dispose of the case in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court. (Sec. 124)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Constitutional Council is referred to [a matter] by:
• the President of Faso;
• the Prime Minister;
• the President of the National Assembly;
• one-tenth (1/10) at least of the members of the National Assembly.
In addition, any citizen may refer [a matter] to the Constitutional Council concerning the constitutionality of the laws, either directly, or through the procedure of the pleadings [exception] of unconstitutionality invoked in a matter [affaire] which concerns them before a jurisdiction. This must postpone [the matter] until the decision of the Constitutional Council which must intervene within a maximum period of time of thirty days counting from its referral [to the matter].
The Constitutional Council can refer itself to any questions relative to its competence, if it judges it necessary. (Art. 157) - French
Le Conseil constitutionnel est saisi par :
• le Président du Faso;
• le Premier ministre;
• le Président de l'Assemblée nationale;
• un dixième (1/10) au moins des membres de chaque chambre du Parlement.
En outre, tout citoyen peut saisir le Conseil constitutionnel sur la constitutionnalité des lois, soit directement, soit par la procédure de l’exception d’inconstitutionnalité invoquée dans une affaire qui le concerne devant une juridiction. Celle-ci doit surseoir jusqu’à la décision du Conseil constitutionnel qui doit intervenir dans un délai maximum de trente jours à compter de sa saisine.
Le Conseil constitutionnel peut se saisir de toutes questions relevant de sa compétence s’il le juge nécessaire. (Art. 157)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court is the highest jurisdiction of the State in constitutional matters. It is [the] judge the constitutionality of the law and it guarantees the fundamental rights of the human person and of the public freedoms. It is the regulatory organ of the functioning of the institutions and of the activity of the public powers. (Art. 99)
- FrenchLa Cour constitutionnelle est la plus haute juridiction de l'Etat en matière constitutionnelle. Elle est juge de la constitutionnalité de la loi et elle garantit les droits fondamentaux de la personne humaine et les libertés publiques. Elle est l'organe régulateur du fonctionnement des institutions et de l'activité des pouvoirs publics. (Art. 99)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court is the highest jurisdiction of the State in constitutional matters. It is given the charge:
– to judge the constitutionality of the organic and ordinary laws, already promulgated or simply voted, of the regulations as well as of the Internal Regulations of the National Assembly and of the Senate;
– to take cognizance of electoral disputes;
– to see to the regularity of the electoral consultations, [and] to examine and to proclaim the definitive results;
– to see to the regularity of the operations of [the] referendum, to examine the complaints and to proclaim the definitive results;
– to receive the oath of the President of the Republic elected;
– to determine the conflicts of competence within the executive power, between the legislative and executive powers and between the State and the territorial collectivities;
– to declare the errors [constater des défauts] of promulgation of the laws definitively voted and the lack of their promulgation in order to permit their entry into force;
– to interpret the Constitution;
– to give its opinion concerning the bills or proposals of constitutional revision and the procedure of [the] referendum;
– to receive the declarations of patrimony. (Art. 95) - FrenchLa Cour Constitutionnelle est la plus haute juridiction de l'Etat en matière constitutionnelle. Elle est chargée de:
- juger de la constitutionnalité des lois organiques et ordinaires, déjà promulguées ou simplement votées, des règlements, ainsi que des Règlements Intérieurs de l'Assemblée Nationale et du Sénat;
- connaître du contentieux électoral;
- veiller à la régularité des consultations électorales, examiner les réclamations et proclamer les résultats définitifs;
- veiller à la régularité des opérations référendaires, examiner les réclamations et proclamer les résultats définitifs;
- recevoir le serment du Président de la République élu;
- trancher les conflits de compétence au sein du pouvoir exécutif, entre les pouvoirs législatif et exécutif, et entre l'État et les collectivités territoriales;
- constater les défauts de promulgation des lois définitivement votées et la carence de leur promulgation afin de permettre leur entrée en vigueur;
- interpréter la Constitution;
- donner son avis sur les projets ou propositions de révision constitutionnelle et la procédure référendaire;
- recevoir les déclarations de patrimoine. (Art. 95)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The international commitments provided for in Article 120 before their ratification, the constitutional laws adopted by parliamentary vote [voie], the organic laws before their promulgation, [and] the regulations of the parliamentary assemblies before their entry into application, must be deferred by the President of the Republic, the President of the National Assembly or the President of the Senate to the Constitutional Council, which pronounces on their conformity with the Constitution.
... (Art. 134) - French
Les engagements internationaux visés à l'article 120 avant leur ratification, les lois constitutionnelles adoptées par voie parlementaire, les lois organiques avant leur promulgation, les règlements des assemblées parlementaires avant leur mise en application, doivent être déférés par la Président de la République, le Président de l'Assemblée nationale ou le Président du Sénat au Conseil constitutionnel, qui se prononce sur leur conformité à la Constitution.
… (Art. 134)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English…
(2) Without derogating from the generality of subsection (1) the High Court has jurisdiction -
(a) to enforce the fundamental human rights and freedoms guaranteed by this Constitution; and
(b) to hear and determine any matter of a constitutional nature.
… (Sec. 151)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court decides on:
- the constitutionality of the laws before their promulgation;
- the electoral disputes [contentieux] of the national elections;
- the Internal Regulations of the National Assembly, of the Economic and Social Council, of the High Authority of Communication, of the Independent National Electoral Commission, of the National Institution of Human Rights, of the Mediator of the Republic, [and] of the High Council of the Local Collectivities regarding their conformity to the Constitution;
- the conflicts of attributions between the constitutional organs;
- the exception [pleadings] of unconstitutionality raised before the jurisdictions;
- the recourses formed against the acts of the President of the Republic taken in application of Articles 2, 45, 74 and 90, as well as the recourses formed against the Ordinances taken in application of Article 82, under reserve of their ratification. (Art. 94) - FrenchLa Cour Constitutionnelle statue sur :
- la constitutionnalité des lois avant leur promulgation ;
- le contentieux des élections nationales ;
- le règlement intérieur de l'Assemblée nationale, du Conseil économique et social, de la Haute Autorité de la communication, de la Commission électorale nationale indépendante, de l'Institution nationale des droits humains, du Médiateur de la République, du Haut Conseil des collectivités locales quant à leur conformité à la Constitution.
- les conflits d'attributions entre les organes constitutionnels ;
- l'exception d'inconstitutionnalité soulevée devant les juridictions ;
- les recours formés contre les actes du président de la République pris en application des articles 2, 45, 74 et 90, ainsi que les recours formés contre les ordonnances prises en application de l'article 82, sous réserve de leur ratification. (Art. 94)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
Before any ratification, the treaties are submitted by the President of the Republic, to the control of constitutionality of the High Constitutional Court.
… (Art. 137) - French
Avant toute ratification, les traités sont soumis par le Président de la République, au contrôle de constitutionnalité de la Haute Cour Constitutionnelle.
… (Art. 137)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. The Constitutional Council is a sovereign public office with special jurisdiction to administer justice in matters of a legal-constitutional nature.
… (Art. 240) - Portuguese1. O Conselho Constitucional é o órgão de soberania, ao qual compete especialmente administrar a justiça, em matérias de natureza jurídico-constitucional.
… (Art. 240)