The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. The Constitutional Court has the competence to consider unconstitutionality and illegality, in accordance with Articles 277 et sequitur.
2. The Constitutional Court also has the competences:
a) To verify the death and declare the permanent physical incapacity of the President of the Republic, and to verify cases in which he is temporarily prevented from exercising his functions;
b) To verify loss of the office of President of the Republic in the cases provided for in Article 129(3) and Article 130(3);
c) As the court of final instance, to judge the proper observance and validity of electoral procedural acts, as laid down by law;
d) For the purposes of Article 124(3), to verify the death, and to declare the incapacity to exercise the function of President of the Republic, of any candidate therefore;
e) To verify the legality of the formation of political parties and coalitions thereof, to assess the legality of their names, initials and symbols, and to order their abolition, in accordance with the Constitution and the law;
f) To verify in advance the constitutionality and legality of national, regional and local referenda, including consideration of the requisites in relation to the respective universe of electors;
g) At the request of Members, as laid down by law, to judge appeals concerning losses of seat in, and elections conducted by, the Assembly of the Republic and the Legislative Assemblies of the autonomous regions;
h) To judge those actions involving challenges to elections to, and to decisions taken by, political party organs, which by law are subject to appeal.
3. The Constitutional Court also has the competence to exercise the other functions that are allocated to it by the Constitution and the law. (Art. 223) - Portuguese1. Compete ao Tribunal Constitucional apreciar a inconstitucionalidade e a ilegalidade, nos termos dos artigos 277.º e seguintes.
2. Compete também ao Tribunal Constitucional:
a) Verificar a morte e declarar a impossibilidade física permanente do Presidente da República, bem como verificar os impedimentos temporários do exercício das suas funções;
b) Verificar a perda do cargo de Presidente da República, nos casos previstos no n.º 3 do artigo 129.º e no n.º 3 do artigo 130.º;
c) Julgar em última instância a regularidade e a validade dos actos de processo eleitoral, nos termos da lei;
d) Verificar a morte e declarar a incapacidade para o exercício da função presidencial de qualquer candidato a Presidente da República, para efeitos do disposto no n.º 3 do artigo 124.º;
e) Verificar a legalidade da constituição de partidos políticos e suas coligações, bem como apreciar a legalidade das suas denominações, siglas e símbolos, e ordenar a respectiva extinção, nos termos da Constituição e da lei;
f) Verificar previamente a constitucionalidade e a legalidade dos referendos nacionais, regionais e locais, incluindo a apreciação dos requisitos relativos ao respectivo universo eleitoral; Julgar a requerimento dos Deputados, nos termos da lei, os recursos relativos à perda do mandato e às eleições realizadas na Assembleia da República e nas Assembleias Legislativas das regiões autónomas;
h) Julgar as acções de impugnação de eleições e deliberações de órgãos de partidos políticos que, nos termos da lei, sejam recorríveis.
3. Compete ainda ao Tribunal Constitucional exercer as demais funções que lhe sejam atribuídas pela Constituição e pela lei. (Art. 223)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
(1) The Constitutional Court shall decide on the conformity of
a) laws with the Constitution, constitutional laws and international treaties to which the National Council of the Slovak Republic has expressed its assent and which were ratified and promulgated in the manner laid down by a law,
b) government regulations, generally binding legal regulations of Ministries and other central state administration bodies with the Constitution, with constitutional laws, with international treaties to which the National Council of the Slovak Republic has expressed its assent and which were ratified and promulgated in the manner laid down by a law and with laws,
c) generally binding regulations pursuant to Art. 68, with the Constitution, with constitutional laws and with international treaties to which the National Council of the Slovak Republic has expressed its assent and which were ratified and promulgated in the manner laid down by a law, save another court shall decide on them,
d) generally binding legal regulations of the local bodies of state administration and generally binding regulations of the bodies of territorial self-administration pursuant to Art. 71 para. 2, with the Constitution, with constitutional laws, with international treaties promulgated in the manner laid down by a law, with laws, with government regulations and with generally binding legal regulations of Ministries and other central state administration bodies, save another court shall decide on them.
(2) If the Constitutional Court accepts the proposal for proceedings pursuant to paragraph 1, it can suspend the effect of challenged legal regulations, their parts, or some of their provisions, if fundamental rights and freedoms may be threatened by their further application, if there is a risk of serious economic damage or other serious irreparable consequence.
(4) The Constitutional Court shall not decide on conformity of a draft law or a proposal of other generally binding legal regulation with the Constitution, with an international treaty that was promulgated in the manner laid down by a law or with the constitutional law. The Constitutional Court shall not decide on the conformity of constitutional laws with the Constitution.
… (Art. 125) - Slovak
1) Ústavný súd rozhoduje o súlade
a) zákonov s ústavou, s ústavnými zákonmi a s medzinárodnými zmluvami, s ktorými vyslovila súhlas Národná rada Slovenskej republiky a ktoré boli ratifikované a vyhlásené spôsobom ustanoveným zákonom,
b) nariadení vlády, všeobecne záväzných právnych predpisov ministerstiev a ostatných ústredných orgánov štátnej správy s ústavou, s ústavnými zákonmi, s medzinárodnými zmluvami, s ktorými vyslovila súhlas Národná rada Slovenskej republiky a ktoré boli ratifikované a vyhlásené spôsobom ustanoveným zákonom, a so zákonmi,
c) všeobecne záväzných nariadení podľa čl. 68 s ústavou, s ústavnými zákonmi, s medzinárodnými zmluvami, s ktorými vyslovila súhlas Národná rada Slovenskej republiky a ktoré boli ratifikované a vyhlásené spôsobom ustanoveným zákonom, a so zákonmi, ak o nich nerozhoduje iný súd,
d) všeobecne záväzných právnych predpisov miestnych orgánov štátnej správy a všeobecne záväzných nariadení orgánov územnej samosprávy podľa čl. 71 ods. 2 s ústavou, s ústavnými zákonmi, s medzinárodnými zmluvami vyhlásenými spôsobom ustanoveným zákonom, so zákonmi, s nariadeniami vlády a so všeobecne záväznými právnymi predpismi ministerstiev a ostatných ústredných orgánov štátnej správy, ak o nich nerozhoduje iný súd.
(2) Ak ústavný súd prijme návrh na konanie podľa odseku 1, môţe pozastaviť účinnosť napadnutých právnych predpisov, ich častí, prípadne niektorých ich ustanovení, ak ich ďalšie uplatňovanie môţe ohroziť základné práva a slobody, ak hrozí značná hospodárska škoda alebo iný váţny nenapraviteľný následok.
(4) Ústavný súd nerozhoduje o súlade návrhu zákona alebo návrhu iného vseobecne záväzného právneho predpisu s ústavou, s medzinárodnou zmluvou, ktorá bola vyhlásená sposobom ustanoveným zákonom, alebo s ústavným zákonom. Ústavný súd nerozhoduje ani o súlade ústavného zákona s ústavou.
… (Čl. 125)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
(1) The Constitutional Court shall decide on a complaint against decision verifying or rejecting verification of the mandate of a Member of Parliament.
(2) The Constitutional Court shall decide whether the election of the President of the Slovak Republic, the elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic, and to the European Parliament have been held in conformity with the Constitution and the law.
(3) The Constitutional Court shall decide on complaints against the result of a referendum and complaint against the result of a plebiscite on the recall of President of the Slovak Republic.
(4) The Constitutional Court shall decide whether a decision dissolving a political party or movement or suspending political activities thereof is in conformity with the constitutional laws and other laws.
(5) The Constitutional Court shall decide on a prosecution by the National Council of the Slovak Republic against the President of the Slovak Republic in matters of wilful infringement of the Constitution or treason.
(6) The Constitutional Court shall decide on whether a decision on declaring an exceptional state or an emergency state and other decisions connected to this decision were issued in conformity with the Constitution and constitutional law.
(7) The decisions of the Constitutional Court according to the preceding paragraphs shall be binding for all bodies of public authority, natural persons or legal persons whom they concern. The respective body of public authority shall be obliged, without undue delay, to ensure their enforcement. Details shall be laid down by law. (Art. 129) - Slovak
(1) Ústavný súd rozhoduje o sťažnosti proti rozhodnutiu o overení alebo neoverení mandátu poslanca Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky.
(2) Ústavný súd rozhoduje o ústavnosti a zákonnosti volieb prezidenta Slovenskej republiky, volieb do Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky a volieb do Európskeho parlamentu.
(3) Ústavný súd rozhoduje o sťažnostiach proti výsledku referenda a o sťažnostiach proti výsledku ľudového hlasovania o odvolaní prezidenta Slovenskej republiky.
(4) Ústavný súd rozhoduje o tom, či rozhodnutie o rozpustení alebo pozastavení činnosti politickej strany alebo politického hnutia je v zhode s ústavnými zákonmi a s inými zákonmi.
(5) Ústavný súd rozhoduje o obžalobe Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky proti prezidentovi Slovenskej republiky vo veci úmyselného porušenia ústavy alebo vlastizrady.
(6) Ústavný súd rozhoduje o tom, či rozhodnutie o vyhlásení výnimočného stavu alebo núdzového stavu a na toto rozhodnutie nadväzujúce ďalšie rozhodnutia boli vydané v súlade s ústavou alebo s ústavným zákonom.
(7) Rozhodnutia ústavného súdu podľa predchádzajúcich odsekov sú záväzné pre všetky orgány verejnej moci, fyzické osoby alebo právnické osoby, ktorých sa týkajú. Príslušný orgán verejnej moci je povinný bez zbytočného odkladu zabezpečiť ich vykonanie. Podrobnosti ustanoví zákon. (Čl. 129)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
If the President applies to the Constitutional Court with a proposal to verify the constitutionality of a law within the specified period, the deadline for signing such a law shall be suspended while the proposal is being examined by the Constitutional Court. The opinion of the Constitutional Court must be adopted no later than ten days from the date of submission of the proposal by the President. If the Constitutional Court confirms the constitutionality of a law, the President shall sign it within five days of the adoption of the opinion by the Constitutional Court. If the Constitutional Court finds a law to be unconstitutional, the President shall return it to the House of Representatives.
If the President does not return a law within two weeks of its submission to the President or, if the Constitutional Court has issued an opinion on the constitutionality of a law, within five days of the adoption of the opinion, the law is considered signed. A law is not considered signed and does not enter into force if it could not be returned to Parliament at the end of the session.
... (Art. 100) - Belarusian
Калі Прэзідэнт на працягу ўказанага тэрміну звернецца ў Канстытуцыйны Суд з прапановай аб праверцы канстытуцыйнасці закона, тэрмін для падпісання такога закона прыпыняецца на час разгляду прапановы Канстытуцыйным Судом. Заключэнне Канстытуцыйнага Суда павінна быць прынята не пазней за дзесяць дзён з дня ўнясення Прэзідэнтам адпаведнай прапановы. Калі Канстытуцыйны Суд пацвердзіць канстытуцыйнасць закона, Прэзідэнт падпісвае яго ў пяцідзённы тэрмін з дня прыняцця Канстытуцыйным Судом адпаведнага заключэння. У выпадку прызнання Канстытуцыйным Судом закона не адпаведным Канстытуцыі Прэзідэнт вяртае яго ў Палату прадстаўнікоў.
Калі Прэзідэнт не вяртае які-небудзь закон на працягу двух тыдняў пасля таго, як ён быў прадстаўлены Прэзідэнту, а ў выпадку прыняцця Канстытуцыйным Судом заключэння аб канстытуцыйнасці закона – пяці дзён з дня прыняцця адпаведнага заключэння, закон лічыцца падпісаным. Закон не лічыцца падпісаным і не ўступае ў сілу, калі ён не мог быць вернуты ў Парламент у сувязі з заканчэннем сесіі.
... (Артыкул 100) - Russian
Если Президент в течение указанного срока обратится в Конституционный Суд с предложением о проверке конституционности закона, срок для подписания такого закона приостанавливается на время рассмотрения предложения Конституционным Судом. Заключение Конституционного Суда должно быть принято не позднее десяти дней со дня внесения Президентом соответствующего предложения. Если Конституционный Суд подтвердит конституционность закона, Президент подписывает его в пятидневный срок со дня принятия Конституционным Судом соответствующего заключения. В случае признания Конституционным Судом закона не соответствующим Конституции Президент возвращает его в Палату представителей.
Если Президент не возвращает какой-либо закон на протяжении двух недель после того, как он был представлен Президенту, а в случае принятия Конституционным Судом заключения о конституционности закона – пяти дней со дня принятия соответствующего заключения, закон считается подписанным. Закон не считается подписанным и не вступает в силу, если он не мог быть возвращен в Парламент в связи с окончанием сессии.
... (Статья 100)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Constitutional Court shall exercise control over the constitutionality of normative legal acts in the state by means of constitutional judicial proceedings in order to protect the constitutional order of the Republic of Belarus, human and citizen's rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, to ensure the supremacy of the Constitution and its direct action in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
... (Art. 116) - Belarusian
Канстытуцыйны Суд ажыццяўляе кантроль за канстытуцыйнасцю нарматыўных прававых актаў у дзяржаве праз канстытуцыйнае судаводства з мэтай абароны канстытуцыйнага ладу Рэспублікі Беларусь, гарантаваных Канстытуцыяй правоў і свабод чалавека і грамадзяніна, забеспячэння вяршэнства Канстытуцыі і яе прамога дзеяння на тэрыторыі Рэспублікі Беларусь.
… (Артыкул 116) - Russian
Конституционный Суд осуществляет контроль за конституционностью нормативных правовых актов в государстве посредством конституционного судопроизводства в целях защиты конституционного строя Республики Беларусь, гарантированных Конституцией прав и свобод человека и гражданина, обеспечения верховенства Конституции и ее прямого действия на территории Республики Беларусь.
… (Статья 116)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishWhen determining a case, the courts refuse to give effect to a law or other legislation that is in conflict with the Constitution.
The Supreme Court declares invalid any law or other legislation that is in conflict with the letter and spirit of the Constitution. (Sec. 152) - EstonianKohus jätab kohtuasja lahendamisel kohaldamata mis tahes seaduse või muu õigusakti, kui see on vastuolus põhiseadusega.
Riigikohus tunnistab kehtetuks mis tahes seaduse või muu õigusakti, kui see on vastuolus põhiseaduse sätte ja mõttega. (§ 152)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court shall consider and adopt decisions on whether the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or other acts adopted by the Seimas are in conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.
The Constitutional Court shall also consider whether the following are in conflict with the Constitution and laws:
1) the acts of the President of the Republic;
2) the acts of the Government of the Republic.
The Constitutional Court shall present conclusions on:
1) whether there were the violations of election laws during the elections of the President of the Republic or the elections of the Members of the Seimas;
2) whether the state of health of the President of the Republic allows him to continue to hold office;
3) whether the international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania are in conflict with the Constitution;
4) whether the concrete actions of the Members of the Seimas and state officials against whom an impeachment case has been instituted are in conflict with the Constitution (Art. 105) - LithuanianKonstitucinis Teismas nagrinėja ir priima sprendimą, ar neprieštarauja Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijai Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymai ir kiti Seimo priimti aktai.
Konstitucinis Teismas taip pat nagrinėja, ar neprieštarauja Konstitucijai ir įstatymams:
1) Respublikos Prezidento aktai;
2) Respublikos Vyriausybės aktai.
Konstitucinis Teismas teikia išvadas:
1) ar nebuvo pažeisti rinkimų įstatymai per Respublikos Prezidento ar Seimo narių rinkimus;
2) ar Respublikos Prezidento sveikatos būklė leidžia jam ir toliau eiti pareigas;
3) ar Lietuvos Respublikos tarptautinės sutartys neprieštarauja Konstitucijai;
4) ar Seimo narių ir valstybės pareigūnų, kuriems pradėta apkaltos byla, konkretūs veiksmai prieštarauja Konstitucijai. (105 straipsnis)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court of the Republic of North Macedonia:
- decides on the conformity of laws with the Constitution;
- decides on the conformity of collective agreements and other regulations with the Constitution and laws;
- protects the freedoms and rights of the individual and citizen relating to the freedom of conviction, conscience, thought and public expression of thought, political association and activity as well as to the prohibition of discrimination among citizens on the ground of sex, race, religion or national, social or political affiliation;
- decides on conflicts of competency among holders of legislative, executive and judicial offices;
- decides on conflicts of competency among bodies of the Republic and units of local self-government;
- decides on the accountability of the President of the Republic;
- decides on the constitutionality of the programmes and statutes of political parties and associations of citizens and
- decides on other issues determined by the Constitution. (Art. 110) - MacedonianУставниот суд на Република Северна Македонија:
- одлучува за согласноста на законите со Уставот;
- одлучува за согласноста на другите прописи и на колективните договори со Уставот и со законите;
- ги штити слободите и правата на човекот и граѓанинот што се однесуваат на слободата на уверувањето, совеста, мислата и јавното изразување на мислата, политичкото здружување и дејствување и забраната на дискриминација на граѓаните по основ на пол, раса, верска, национална, социјална и политичка припадност;
- решава за судирот на надлежностите меѓу носителите на законодавната, извршната и судската власт;
- решава за судирот на надлежностите меѓу органите на Републиката и единиците на локалната самоуправа;
- одлучува за одговорноста на претседателот на Републиката;
- одлучува за уставноста на програмите и статутите на политичките партии и на здруженијата на граѓаните и
- одлучува и за други прашања утврдени со Уставот. (Член 110)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) The Constitutional Court shall be the guarantor for the supremacy of the Constitution.
… (Art. 142) - Romanian(1) Curtea Constituţională este garantul supremaţiei Constituţiei.
… (Art. 142)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction over the whole Spanish territory and is entitled to hear:
a) Appeals against the alleged unconstitutionality of acts and statutes having the force of an act. ...
b) Individual appeals for protection (recursos de amparo) against violation of the rights and liberties contained in section 53(2) of the Constitution, in the circumstances and manner to be laid down by law.
c) Conflicts of jurisdiction between the State and the Autonomous Communities or between the Autonomous Communities themselves.
d) Other matters assigned to it by the Constitution or by organic acts.
(2) The Government may appeal to the Constitutional Court against provisions and resolutions adopted by the bodies of the Autonomous Communities, which shall bring about the suspension of the contested provisions or resolutions, but the Court must either ratify or lift the suspension, as the case may be, within a period of not more than five months. (Sec. 161) - Spanish1. El Tribunal Constitucional tiene jurisdicción en todo el territorio español y es competente para conocer:
a) Del recurso de inconstitucionalidad contra leyes y disposiciones normativas con fuerza de ley. …
b) Del recurso de amparo por violación de los derechos y libertades referidos en el artículo 53.2, de esta Constitución, en los casos y formas que la ley establezca.
c) De los conflictos de competencia entre el Estado y las Comunidades Autónomas o de los de éstas entre sí.
d) De las demás materias que le atribuyan la Constitución o las leyes orgánicas.
2. El Gobierno podrá impugnar ante el Tribunal Constitucional las disposiciones y resoluciones adoptadas por los órganos de las Comunidades Autónomas. La impugnación producirá la suspensión de la disposición o resolución recurrida, pero el Tribunal, en su caso, deberá ratificarla o levantarla en un plazo no superior a cinco meses. (Art. 161)