The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The organic laws before their promulgation, the Internal Regulations of the National Assembly, of the High Authority for Broadcasting and of Communication and of the Economic and Social Council prior to their implementation, must be submitted to the Constitutional Court which decides on their conformity with the Constitution. (Art. 123)
- French
Les lois organiques avant leur promulgation, les Règlements intérieurs de l'Assemblée nationale, de la Haute Autorité de l'Audiovisuel et de la Communication et du Conseil économique et social avant leur mise en application, doivent être soumis à la Cour constitutionnelle qui se prononce sur leur conformité à la Constitution. (Art. 123)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) The High Court—
(c) may decide constitutional matters except those that only the Constitutional Court may decide;
… (Sec. 171)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Constitutional Law Committee shall issue statements on the constitutionality of legislative proposals and other matters brought for its consideration, as well as on their relation to international human rights treaties. (Sec. 74)
- Finnish
Eduskunnan perustuslakivaliokunnan tehtävänä on antaa lausuntonsa sen käsittelyyn tulevien lakiehdotusten ja muiden asioiden perustuslainmukaisuudesta sekä suhteesta kansainvälisiin ihmisoikeussopimuksiin. (74 §)
- Swedish
Riksdagens grundlagsutskott skall ge utlåtanden om grundlagsenligheten i fråga om lagförslag och andra ärenden som föreläggs utskottet samt om deras förhållande till internationella fördrag om mänskliga rättigheter. (74 §)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court, at the request of the President of the Republic, of the President of the National Assembly, of at least fifteen Deputies, of the Prime Minister, of the Prosecutor General of the Republic and, of the Ombudsman, shall consider and declare:
a) The unconstitutionality of any rules or resolutions of a content that is normative and material or specific and concrete;
b) The illegality of rules and resolutions referred to in the subparagraph above. (Art. 280) - PortugueseO Tribunal Constitucional, a pedido do Presidente da República, do Presidente da Assembleia Nacional, de pelo menos quinze Deputados, do Primeiro Ministro, do Procurador-Geral da República e do Provedor de Justiça, aprecia e declara:
a) A inconstitucionalidade de quaisquer normas ou resoluções de conteúdo material normativo ou individual e concreto;
b) A ilegalidade das normas e resoluções referidas na alínea anterior. (Art. 280)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishI. The Pluri-National Constitutional Court (Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional) assures the supremacy of the Constitution, exercises constitutional control, and safeguards respect for and enforcement of constitutional rights and guarantees.
II. As criteria to be applied in its interpretive role, the Pluri-National Constitutional Court shall give preference to the intent of the constituent assembly as demonstrated in its documents, acts and resolutions, as well as the literal tenor of the text. (Art. 196) - SpanishI. El Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional vela por la supremacía de la Constitución, ejerce el control de constitucionalidad, y precautela el respeto y la vigencia de los derechos y las garantías constitucionales.
II. En su función interpretativa, el Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional aplicará como criterio de interpretación, con preferencia, la voluntad del constituyente, de acuerdo con sus documentos, actas y resoluciones, así como el tenor literal del texto. (Art. 196)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Government, not less than 1/5 of all the Members of the Seimas, and courts shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the acts specified in the first paragraph of Article 105.
Not less than 1/5 of all the Members of the Seimas and courts shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the conformity of the acts of the President of the Republic with the Constitution and laws.
Not less than 1/5 of all the Members of the Seimas, courts, as well as the President of the Republic, shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the conformity of the acts of the Government with the Constitution and laws.
Every person shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the acts specified in the first and second paragraphs of Article 105 if a decision adopted on the basis of these acts has violated the constitutional rights or freedoms of the person and the person has exhausted all legal remedies. The procedure for implementing this right shall be established by the Law on the Constitutional Court.
An application by the President of the Republic to the Constitutional Court, or a resolution of the Seimas, asking for an investigation into the conformity of an act with the Constitution shall suspend the validity of the act.
... (Art. 106) - LithuanianTeisę kreiptis į Konstitucinį Teismą dėl 105 straipsnio pirmojoje dalyje nurodytų aktų turi Vyriausybė, ne mažiau kaip 1/5 visų Seimo narių, taip pat teismai.
Dėl Respublikos Prezidento aktų sutikimo su Konstitucija ir įstatymais į Konstitucinį Teismą turi teisę kreiptis ne mažiau kaip 1/5 visų Seimo narių ir teismai.
Dėl Vyriausybės aktų sutikimo su Konstitucija ir įstatymais į Konstitucinį Teismą gali kreiptis ne mažiau kaip 1/5 visų Seimo narių, teismai, taip pat Respublikos Prezidentas.
Kiekvienas asmuo turi teisę kreiptis į Konstitucinį Teismą dėl Konstitucijos 105 straipsnio pirmojoje ir antrojoje dalyse nurodytų aktų, jeigu jų pagrindu priimtas sprendimas pažeidė šio asmens konstitucines teises ar laisves ir šis asmuo išnaudojo visas teisinės gynybos priemones. Šios teisės įgyvendinimo tvarką nustato Konstitucinio Teismo įstatymas.
Respublikos Prezidento teikimas Konstituciniam Teismui ar Seimo nutarimas ištirti, ar aktas sutinka su Konstitucija, sustabdo šio akto galiojimą.
... (106 straipsnis)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Council sees to respect for the constitutional principles. It controls the constitutionality of the laws.
It guarantees the fundamental rights of the human person and the public freedoms.
It is the regulatory organ of the functioning of the institutions and of the activity of the public powers. (Art. 75) - Arabicيحرص المجلس الدستوري على احترام المبادئ الدستورية.
يراقب دستورية القوانين، ويضمن حقوق الإنسان الأساسية والحريات العامة،
وهو الهيئة المنظمة لعمل المؤسسات ولنشاط السلطات العامة. (المادة 75) - FrenchLe Conseil constitutionnel veille au respect des principes constitutionnels. Il contrôle la constitutionnalité des lois.
Il garantit les droits fondamentaux de la personne humaine et les libertés publiques.
Il est l'organe régulateur du fonctionnement des institutions et de l'activité des pouvoirs publics. (Art. 75)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishAny person [particulier] can, either directly, or by the procedure of the plea [exception] of unconstitutionality invoked before a jurisdiction in a matter that concerns him, refer the Constitutional Court to [a matter] concerning the constitutionality of the laws and of the treaties.
In the case of [a] plea of unconstitutionality, the referred jurisdiction postpones [its] decision and grants [impartit] the petitioner a time period of one (1) month from the notification of the decision to refer [the matter] to the Constitutional Court. (Art. 180) - FrenchTout particulier peut, soit directement, soit par la procédure de l’exception d’inconstitutionnalité invoquée devant une juridiction dans une affaire qui le concerne, saisir la Cour constitutionnelle sur la constitutionnalité des lois et des traités.
En cas d’exception d’inconstitutionnalité, la juridiction saisie surseoit à statuer et impartit au requérant un délai d’un (1) mois à partir de la signification de sa décision pour saisir la Cour constitutionnelle. (Art. 180)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court shall be responsible for knowing in sole instance:
1. Direct actions of unconstitutionality against the laws, decrees, rules, resolutions and ordinances at the instance of the President of the Republic, of one third of the members of the Senate or of the Chamber of Deputies and any person with legitimate and juridically protected interest.
2. The preventative control of international treaties before their ratification by the legislative organ.
3. Conflicts of responsibility between the public powers at the instance of one of their heads.
4. Any other matter that the law provides. (Art. 185) - SpanishEl Tribunal Constitucional será competente para conocer en única instancia:
1) Las acciones directas de inconstitucionalidad contra las leyes, decretos, reglamentos, resoluciones y ordenanzas, a instancia del Presidente de la República, de una tercera parte de los miembros del Senado o de la Cámara de Diputados y de cualquier persona con interés legítimo y jurídicamente protegido;
2) El control preventivo de los tratados internacionales antes de su ratificación por el órgano legislativo;
3) Los conflictos de competencia entre los poderes públicos, a instancia de uno de sus titulares;
4) Cualquier otra materia que disponga la ley. (Art. 185)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court shall repeal or invalidate a law if it determines that the law does not conform to the Constitution. The Constitutional Court shall repeal or invalidate a collective agreement, other regulation or enactment, statute or programme of a political party or association, if it determines that it does not conform to the Constitution or law. The decisions of the Constitutional Court are final and executive. (Art. 112)
- MacedonianУставниот суд ќе укине или поништи закон ако утврди дека не е во согласност со Уставот. Уставниот суд ќе укине или поништи друг пропис или општ акт, колективен договор, статут или програма на политичка партија или здружение, ако утврди дека тие не се во согласност со Уставот или со закон. Одлуките на Уставниот суд се конечни и извршни. (Член 112)