The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe President of the Republic, the two political party groups having the largest number of members in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, and at least one-fifth of the total number of members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey shall have the right to apply for annulment action directly to the Constitutional Court, based on the assertion of the unconstitutionality, in form and in substance, of laws, of presidential decrees, of Rules of Procedure of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey or of certain articles or provisions thereof. (Art. 150)
- TurkishKanunların, Cumhurbaşkanlığı kararnamelerinin, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi İçtüzüğünün veya bunların belirli madde ve hükümlerinin şekil ve esas bakımından Anayasaya aykırılığı iddiasıyla Anayasa Mahkemesinde doğrudan doğruya iptal davası açabilme hakkı, Cumhurbaşkanına, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisinde en fazla üyeye sahip iki siyasi parti grubuna ve üye tamsayısının en az beşte biri tutarındaki üyelere aittir. (Madde 150)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. Anyone who considers that a provision of the Constitution has been infringed in relation to him may, without prejudice to any other legal remedy available to him, apply to the Supreme Court for redress.
2. The Supreme Court has jurisdiction to determine the matter and to make such order as it considers appropriate to enforce the provisions of the Constitution.
3. When a question concerning the interpretation of the Constitution arises before a subordinate court, and the court considers that the question concerns a fundamental point of law, the court shall submit the question to the Supreme Court for its determination. (Art. 53) - French1) Quiconque estime qu'une disposition de la Constitution a été violée à son encontre peut, sans préjudice des autres recours légaux ouverts, saisir la Cour Suprême pour dénoncer cette violation et obtenir réparation.
2) La Cour Suprême a compétence pour déterminer si une disposition de la Constitution a été violée et pour faire une déclaration en conséquence.
3) Lorsqu'une question relative à l'interprétation de la Constitution est soulevée devant une juridiction inférieure et que celle-ci considère que la question a trait à un point de droit fondamental, cette juridiction doit, à titre préjudiciel, soumettre cette question à la Cour Suprême. (Art. 53)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
(1) An appeal shall lie from final decisions of the Court of Appeal to the Caribbean Court of Justice as of right in the following cases –
(c) in any civil or criminal proceedings which involve a question as to the interpretation of this Constitution;
(e) in any proceedings that are concerned with the exercise of the jurisdiction conferred upon the High Court relating to redress for the contravention of the provisions of this Constitution for the protection of fundamental rights;
… (Sec. 104)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. Appeals of unconstitutionality against laws or statutory rules may be lodged by one fifth of the General Council, the Head of Government and three Local Councils. One fifth of the General Council may lodge an appeal of unconstitutionality against the Rules of Procedure of the Chamber. The appeal shall be lodged within the thirty days following the publication of the rule.
… (Art. 99) - Catalan1. Poden interposar recurs d'inconstitucionalitat contra les lleis i els decrets legislatius una cinquena part dels membres del Consell General, el cap de Govern i tres Comuns. Una cinquena part dels membres del Consell General pot interposar recurs d'inconstitucionalitat contra el reglament de la cambra. El termini d'interposició de la demanda és de trenta dies des de la data de publicació de la norma.
… (Art. 99)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. The President of the Republic, one fifth of the Members in full exercise of their office and the Attorney-General may request the Constitutional Court to rule on unconstitutionality by omission.
… (Art. 232) - Portuguese1. Podem requerer ao Tribunal Constitucional a declaração de inconstitucionalidade por omissão o Presidente da República, um quinto dos Deputados em efectividade de funções e o Procurador-Geral da República.
… (Art. 232)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
It is equally competent to decide on the cases provided for in Articles 50, 52, 57, 77, 86, 100, 102, 104 and 147. (Art. 118)
- French
Elle est également compétente pour statuer sur les cas prévus aux articles 50, 52, 57, 77, 86, 100, 102, 104, et 147. (Art. 118)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) Subject to the provisions of section 40(7) of this Constitution, an appeal shall lie from decisions of the High Court to the Court of Appeal as of right in the following cases:
(a) final decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings on questions as to the interpretation of this Constitution;
(b) final decisions given in exercise of the jurisdiction conferred on the High Court by section 16 of this Constitution (which relates to the enforcement of the fundamental rights and freedoms).
(2) An Appeal shall lie from final decisions of the Public Service Board of Appeal to the Court of Appeal.
(3) The Chief Justice may make rules with respect to the practice and procedure of the Court of Appeal in relation to appeals from the Public Service Board of Appeal to the Court of Appeal. (Sec. 105)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishIf the Chancellor of Justice finds that a legislative instrument passed by the legislative or executive branch of government or by a local authority is in conflict with the Constitution or a law, he or she makes a proposal to the body which passed the instrument to bring it into conformity with the Constitution or the law within twenty days. If the instrument is not brought into conformity with the Constitution or the law within twenty days, the Chancellor of Justice refers the matter to the Supreme Court who may declare the instrument invalid. (Sec. 142)
- EstonianKui õiguskantsler leiab, et seadusandliku või täidesaatva riigivõimu või kohaliku omavalitsuse õigustloov akt on põhiseaduse või seadusega vastuolus, teeb ta akti vastuvõtnud organile ettepaneku viia see kahekümne päeva jooksul põhiseaduse või seadusega kooskõlla.
Kui akt ei ole kahekümne päeva jooksul põhiseaduse või seadusega kooskõlla viidud, teeb õiguskantsler Riigikohtule ettepaneku tunnistada see akt kehtetuks. (§ 142)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. The President of the Republic shall have the power:
p) To request, from the Constitutional Court, the preventive review of the constitutionality or legality of the proposals for a referendum at the national level;
q) To request, from the Constitutional Court, the preventive evaluation of the constitutionality of International Treaties;
r) To request, from the Constitutional Court, the review of the constitutionality of legal rules;
… (Art. 135) - Portuguese1. Compete ao Presidente da República:
p) Requerer ao Tribunal Constitucional a fiscalização preventiva da constitucionalidade ou da legalidade das propostas de referendo a nível nacional;
q) Requerer ao Tribunal Constitucional a apreciação preventiva da constitucionalidade dos Tratados Internacionais;
r) Requerer ao Tribunal Constitucional a fiscalização da constitucionalidade das normas jurídicas;
… (Art. 135)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Constitutional Court decides obligatorily on:
– the treaties and international agreements before their entry into force, concerning their conformity with the Constitution, after the adoption by the Parliament of the law of authorization;
– the constitutionality of the organic laws and of the laws before their promulgation, of the ordinances as well as the regulatory acts [that] supposedly infringe the fundamental rights of the human person and the public freedoms, after their publication;
– the regulations of the National Assembly and of the Senate, the regulations of procedure of the Constitutional Court and the regulations of the Economic, Social and environmental Council, before their implementation, concerning their conformity with the Constitution;
– the regulations of the independent administrative authorities determined by the law, before their implementation, concerning their conformity with the Constitution;
– the conflicts of attribution between the institutions of the State;
– the regularity of the presidential [and] parliamentary elections, and of the operations of the referendum of which it proclaims the results.
The Constitutional Court is referred to [the matter] in case of dispute concerning the validity of an election, by any elector, any candidate, any political party or delegate of the Government under the conditions provided for by the organic law on the Constitutional Court. (Art. 84) - French
La Cour Constitutionnelle statue obligatoirement sur :
-les traités et accords internationaux avant leur entrée en vigueur, quant à leur conformité à la Constitution, après adoption par le Parlement de la loi d'autorisation ;
-la constitutionnalité des lois organiques et des lois avant leur promulgation, des ordonnances ainsi que des actes réglementaires censés porter atteinte aux droits fondamentaux de la personne humaine et aux libertés publiques, après leur publication ;
-les règlements de l'Assemblée Nationale et du Sénat, le règlement de procédure de la Cour Constitutionnelle et le règlement du Conseil Economique, Social et Environnemental, avant leur mise en application, quant à leur conformité à la Constitution ;
-les règlements des autorités administratives indépendantes déterminées par la loi, avant leur mise en application, quant à leur conformité à la Constitution ;
-les conflits d'attribution entre les institutions de l'Etat ;
-la régularité des élections présidentielles, parlementaires et des opérations de référendum dont elle proclame les résultats.
La Cour Constitutionnelle est saisie, en cas de contestation sur la validité d'une élection, par tout électeur, tout candidat, tout parti politique ou délégué du Gouvernement dans les conditions prévues par la loi organique sur la Cour Constitutionnelle. (Art. 84)