The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Obligations of the State
Russian Federation
- EnglishWe, the multinational people of the Russian Federation,
establishing human rights and freedoms, civil peace and accord, … (Preamble) - RussianМы, многонациональный народ Российской Федерации,
утверждая права и свободы человека, гражданский мир и согласие, … (Преамбула)
Obligations of the State
- English
Paragraph 4. No proposal of amendment shall be considered which is aimed at abolishing:
IV – individual rights and guarantees.
… (Art. 60) - Portuguese
§ 4º Não será objeto de deliberação a proposta de emenda tendente a abolir:
IV - os direitos e garantias individuais.
… (Art. 60)
Obligations of the State
asserting human rights and liberties; … (Preamble) - RussianМЫ, НАРОД ТАДЖИКИСТАНА, ...
признавая незыблемыми свободу и права человека, ... (Preamble) - TajikМо, халқи Тоҷикистон, ...
намуда, озодӣ ва ҳуқуқи шахсро муқаддас шумурда, ... (Preamble)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishNo draft revision may affect:
e. The Rights, liberties and guarantees of citizens;
… (Art. 130) - PortugueseNenhum projecto de revisão poderá afectar:
e) Direitos, liberdades e garantias dos cidadãos;
... (Art. 130)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishGuarantees for inalienable human and minority rights in the Constitution have the purpose of preserving human dignity and exercising full freedom and equality of each individual in a just, open, and democratic society based on the principle of the rule of law. (Art. 19)
- Serbian CyrillicЈемства неотуђивих људских и мањинских права у Уставу служе очувању људског достојанства и остварењу пуне слободе и једнакости сваког појединца у праведном, отвореном и демократском друштву, заснованом на начелу владавине права. (Члан 19)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishHuman dignity is the supreme value that underpins the recognition and exercise of the rights and duties enshrined in the Constitution, treaties, and laws. (Art. 40)
- SpanishLa dignidad humana es el valor supremo que sustenta el reconocimiento y ejercicio de los derechos y deberes consagrados en la Constitución, los tratados y las leyes. (Art. 40)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe provision of Article 1 regarding the form of the State being a Republic, the characteristics of the Republic in Article 2, and the provisions of Article 3 shall not be amended, nor shall their amendment be proposed. (Art. 4)
- TurkishAnayasanın 1 inci maddesindeki Devletin şeklinin Cumhuriyet olduğu hakkındaki hüküm ile, 2 nci maddesindeki Cumhuriyetin nitelikleri ve 3 üncü maddesi hükümleri değiştirilemez ve değiştirilmesi teklif edilemez. (Madde 4)
Obligations of the State
- English1. Save in so far as it may be authorized to do so by this Constitution, the National Assembly or any subordinate legislative authority shall not make any law, and the executive and the agencies of Government shall not take any action, which abolishes or abridges the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter, and any law or action in contravention thereof shall, to the extent of the contravention, be invalid.
… (Sec. 46)
Obligations of the State
- English1 Fundamental rights must be upheld throughout the legal system.
2 Whoever acts on behalf of the state is bound by fundamental rights and is under a duty to contribute to their implementation.
3 The authorities shall ensure that fundamental rights, where appropriate, apply to relationships among private persons. (Art. 35) - French1 Les droits fondamentaux doivent être réalisés dans l’ensemble de l’ordre juridique.
2 Quiconque assume une tâche de l’Etat est tenu de respecter les droits fondamentaux et de contribuer à leur réalisation.
3 Les autorités veillent à ce que les droits fondamentaux, dans la mesure où ils s’y prêtent, soient aussi réalisés dans les relations qui lient les particuliers entre eux. (Art. 35) - German1 Die Grundrechte müssen in der ganzen Rechtsordnung zur Geltung kommen.
2 Wer staatliche Aufgaben wahrnimmt, ist an die Grundrechte gebunden und verpflichtet, zu ihrer Verwirklichung beizutragen.
3 Die Behörden sorgen dafür, dass die Grundrechte, soweit sie sich dazu eignen, auch unter Privaten wirksam werden. (Art. 35) - Italian1 I diritti fondamentali devono improntare l’intero ordinamento giuridico.
2 Chi svolge un compito statale deve rispettare i diritti fondamentali e contribuire ad attuarli.
3 Le autorità provvedono affinché i diritti fondamentali, per quanto vi si prestino, siano realizzati anche nelle relazioni tra private. (Art. 35)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishLaws shall be organic and regular.
The following shall be organic laws:
2. Those governing the exercise of constitutional rights and guarantees.
… (Art. 133) - SpanishLas leyes serán orgánicas y ordinarias.
Serán leyes orgánicas:
2. Las que regulen el ejercicio de los derechos y garantías constitucionales.
… (Art. 133)