The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Judicial Protection
- English
Judicial protection of the rights and legal interests of citizens and organisations is guaranteed against decisions and actions of administrative authorities and bearers of public authority. (Art. 120) - Slovene
Proti odločitvam in dejanjem upravnih organov in nosilcev javnih pooblastil je zagotovljeno sodno varstvo pravic in zakonitih interesov državljanov in organizacij. (120. Člen)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishA person’s reliance on a Convention right does not restrict—
(a) any other right or freedom conferred on him by or under any law having effect in any part of the United Kingdom; or
(b) his right to make any claim or bring any proceedings which he could make or bring apart from sections 7 to 9. (Human Rights Act 1998, Sec. 11)
Judicial Protection
- English
1. Freedom, property, and the rights recognized by the Constitution and by law may not be infringed without due process.
2. Everyone, for the protection of his/her constitutional and legal rights, freedoms, and interests, or in the case of an accusation raised against him/her, has the right to a fair and public trial within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial court established by law. (Art. 42) - Albanian
1. Liria, prona dhe të drejtat e njohura me Kushtetutë dhe me ligj nuk mund të cenohen pa një proces të rregullt ligjor.
2. Kushdo, për mbrojtjen e të drejtave, të lirive dhe të interesave të tij kushtetues dhe ligjorë, ose në rastin e akuzave të ngritura kundër tij, ka të drejtën e një gjykimi të drejtë dhe publik brenda një afati të arsyeshëm nga një gjykatë e pavarur dhe e paanshme e caktuar me ligj. (Neni 42)
Judicial Protection
- English(1) The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction:
d) over constitutional complaints against final decisions or other encroachments by public authorities infringing constitutionally guaranteed fundamental rights and basic freedoms;
… (1993 Constitution, Art. 87) - Czech(1) Ústavní soud rozhoduje
d) o ústavní stížnosti proti pravomocnému rozhodnutí a jinému zásahu orgánů veřejné moci do ústavně zaručených základních práv a svobod,
… (Ústava 1993, Čl. 87)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishThe Constitution shall be an integral and directly applicable act.
Everyone may defend his rights by invoking the Constitution. (Art. 6) - LithuanianKonstitucija yra vientisas ir tiesiogiai taikomas aktas.
Kiekvienas savo teises gali ginti remdamasis Konstitucija. (6 straipsnis)
Judicial Protection
- English1. Everyone is guaranteed access to the law and the courts in order to defend those of his rights and interests that are protected by law, and justice may not be denied to anyone due to lack of sufficient financial means.
5. For the purpose of defending the personal rights, freedoms and guarantees and in such a way as to secure effective and timely judicial protection against threats thereto or breaches thereof, the law shall ensure citizens judicial proceedings that are characterised by their swiftness and by the attachment of priority to them. (Art. 20) - Portuguese1. A todos é assegurado o acesso ao direito e aos tribunais para defesa dos seus direitos e interesses legalmente protegidos, não podendo a justiça ser denegada por insuficiência de meios económicos.
5. Para defesa dos direitos, liberdades e garantias pessoais, a lei assegura aos cidadãos procedimentos judiciais caracterizados pela celeridade e prioridade, de modo a obter tutela efectiva e em tempo útil contra ameaças ou violações desses direitos. (Art. 20)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishEveryone shall have the right to judicial protection when any of their human or minority rights guaranteed by the Constitution have been violated or denied, they shall also have the right to elimination of consequences arising from the violation.
The citizens shall have the right to address international institutions in order to protect their freedoms and rights guaranteed by the Constitution. (Art. 22) - Serbian CyrillicСвако има право на судску заштиту ако му је повређено или ускраћено неко људско или мањинско право зајемчено Уставом, као и право на уклањање последица које су повредом настале.
Грађани имају право да се обрате међународним институцијама ради заштите својих слобода и права зајемчених Уставом. (Члан 22)
Judicial Protection
- English(1) The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction over the whole Spanish territory and is entitled to hear:
b) Individual appeals for protection (recursos de amparo) against violation of the rights and liberties contained in section 53(2) of the Constitution, in the circumstances and manner to be laid down by law.
… (Sec. 161) - Spanish1. El Tribunal Constitucional tiene jurisdicción en todo el territorio español y es competente para conocer:
b) Del recurso de amparo por violación de los derechos y libertades referidos en el artículo 53.2, de esta Constitución, en los casos y formas que la ley establezca.
… (Art. 161)
Judicial Protection
- English
(1) The Constitutional Court pronounces judgement on the unconstitutionality
1. of laws
c) on application by a person who alleges to have infringement of his rights directly by unconstitutionality, if the ordinance has become effective without a judicial decision having been rendered or a ruling having been rendered has become effective for this person;
d) on application by a person who, as a party in a legal matter that has been decided by a court of justice of first instance, alleges infringement of his rights because of the application of an unconstitutional law, on the occasion of an appeal filed against that decision;
… (Art. 140) - German
(1) Der Verfassungsgerichtshof erkennt über Verfassungswidrigkeit
1. von Gesetzen
c) auf Antrag einer Person, die unmittelbar durch diese Verfassungswidrigkeit in ihren Rechten verletzt zu sein behauptet, wenn das Gesetz ohne Fällung einer gerichtlichen Entscheidung oder ohne Erlassung eines Bescheides für diese Person wirksam geworden ist;
d) auf Antrag einer Person, die als Partei einer von einem ordentlichen Gericht in erster Instanz entschiedenen Rechtssache wegen Anwendung eines verfassungswidrigen Gesetzes in ihren Rechten verletzt zu sein behauptet, aus Anlass eines gegen diese Entscheidung erhobenen Rechtsmittels;
… (Art. 140)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishEveryone has the right to have his or her case dealt with appropriately and without undue delay by a legally competent court of law or other authority, as well as to have a decision pertaining to his or her rights or obligations reviewed by a court of law or other independent organ for the administration of justice.
… (Sec. 21) - FinnishJokaisella on oikeus saada asiansa käsitellyksi asianmukaisesti ja ilman aiheetonta viivytystä lain mukaan toimivaltaisessa tuomioistuimessa tai muussa viranomaisessa sekä oikeus saada oikeuksiaan ja velvollisuuksiaan koskeva päätös tuomioistuimen tai muun riippumattoman lainkäyttöelimen käsiteltäväksi.
… (21 §) - SwedishVar och en har rätt att på behörigt sätt och utan ogrundat dröjsmål få sin sak behandlad av en domstol eller någon annan myndighet som är behörig enligt lag samt att få ett beslut som gäller hans eller hennes rättigheter och skyldigheter behandlat vid domstol eller något annat oavhängigt rättskipningsorgan.
… (21 §)