The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Judicial Protection
- English
Everyone shall have the right in accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Belarus to appeal to international organizations to defend their rights and liberties, provided all available domestic means of legal defence have been exhausted. (Art. 61)
- Belarusian
Кожны мае права ў адпаведнасці з міжнароднымі дагаворамі Рэспублікі Беларусь звяртацца ў міжнародныя арганізацыі з мэтай абароны сваіх правоў і свабод, калі вычарпаны ўсе наяўныя ўнутрыдзяржаўныя сродкі прававой абароны. (Артыкул 61)
- Russian
Каждый вправе в соответствии с международными договорами Республики Беларусь обращаться в международные организации с целью защиты своих прав и свобод, если исчерпаны все имеющиеся внутригосударственные средства правовой защиты. (Статья 61)
Judicial Protection
- English…
(3) The following basic rights shall bind the legislature, the executive and the judiciary as directly applicable law. (Art. 1) - German…
(3) Die nachfolgenden Grundrechte binden Gesetzgebung, vollziehende Gewalt und Rechtsprechung als unmittelbar geltendes Recht. (Art. 1)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishEveryone shall have the right of recourse to international institutions for the protection of own rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. (Art. 56)
- MontenegrinSvako ima pravo obraćanja međunarodnim organizacijama radi zaštite svojih prava i sloboda zajemčenih Ustavom. (Član 56)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishA constitutional appeal may be lodged against individual general acts or actions performed by state bodies or organizations exercising delegated public powers which violate or deny human or minority rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, if other legal remedies for their protection have already been applied or not specified. (Art. 170)
- Serbian CyrillicУставна жалба се може изјавити против појединачних аката или радњи државних органа или организација којима су поверена јавна овлашћења, а којима се повређују или ускраћују људска или мањинска права и слободе зајемчене Уставом, ако су исцрпљена или нису предвиђена друга правна средства за њихову заштиту. (Члан 170)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishHuman and citizens' rights and freedoms are protected by the court.
Everyone is guaranteed the right to challenge in court the decisions, actions or omission of bodies of state power, bodies of local self-government, officials and officers.
Everyone has the right to appeal for the protection of his or her rights to the Authorised Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to lodge a constitutional complaint to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on grounds defined in this Constitution and under the procedure prescribed by law.
After exhausting all domestic legal remedies, everyone has the right to appeal for the protection of his or her rights and freedoms to the relevant international judicial institutions or to the relevant bodies of international organisations of which Ukraine is a member or participant.
Everyone has the right to protect his or her rights and freedoms from violations and illegal encroachments by any means not prohibited by law. (Art. 55) - UkrainianПрава і свободи людини і громадянина захищаються судом.
Кожному гарантується право на оскарження в суді рішень, дій чи бездіяльності органів державної влади, органів місцевого самоврядування, посадових і службових осіб.
Кожен має право звертатися за захистом своїх прав до Уповноваженого Верховної Ради України з прав людини.
Кожному гарантується право звернутись із конституційною скаргою до Конституційного Суду України з підстав, установлених цією Конституцією, та у порядку, визначеному законом.
Кожен має право після використання всіх національних засобів юридичного захисту звертатися за захистом своїх прав і свобод до відповідних міжнародних судових установ чи до відповідних органів міжнародних організацій, членом або учасником яких є Україна.
Кожен має право будь-якими не забороненими законом засобами захищати свої права і свободи від порушень і протиправних посягань. (Стаття 55)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishIndividual acts of state administration and bodies vested with public authority shall be grounded in law.
Judicial review of individual acts made by administrative authorities and other bodies vested with public authority shall be guaranteed. (Art. 19) - CroatianPojedinačni akti državne uprave i tijela koja imaju javne ovlasti moraju biti utemeljeni na zakonu.
Zajamčuje se sudska kontrola zakonitosti pojedinačnih akata upravnih vlasti i tijela koja imaju javne ovlasti. (Članak 19)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishEveryone has the right to defend his or her rights and lawful interests in a fair court.
Everyone, where his or her rights are violated without basis, has a right to commensurate compensation.
… (Art. 92) - LatvianIkviens var aizstāvēt savas tiesības un likumiskās intereses taisnīgā tiesā.
Nepamatota tiesību aizskāruma gadījumā ikvienam ir tiesības uz atbilstīgu atlīdzinājumu.
… (Art. 92)
Judicial Protection
- English1. In accordance with principles specified by statute, everyone whose constitutional freedoms or rights have been infringed, shall have the right to appeal to the Constitutional Tribunal for its judgment on the conformity to the Constitution of a statute or another normative act upon which basis a court or organ of public administration has made a final decision on his freedoms or rights or on his obligations specified in the Constitution.
2. The provisions of para. 1 above shall not relate to the rights specified in Article 56. (Art. 79) - Polish1. Każdy, czyje konstytucyjne wolności lub prawa zostały naruszone, ma prawo, na zasadach określonych w ustawie, wnieść skargę do Trybunału Konstytucyjnego w sprawie zgodności z Konstytucją ustawy lub innego aktu normatywnego, na podstawie którego sąd lub organ administracji publicznej orzekł ostatecznie o jego wolnościach lub prawach albo o jego obowiązkach określonych w Konstytucji.
2. Przepis ust. 1 nie dotyczy praw określonych w art. 56. (Art. 79)
Judicial Protection
- English
Judicial protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the right to obtain redress for the violation of such rights and freedoms, shall be guaranteed.
… (Art. 15) - Slovene
Zagotovljeni sta sodno varstvo človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin ter pravica do odprave posledice njihove kršitve.
... (15. Člen)
Judicial Protection
- English(1) In relation to any act (or proposed act) of a public authority which the court finds is (or would be) unlawful, it may grant such relief or remedy, or make such order, within its powers as it considers just and appropriate.
(2) But damages may be awarded only by a court which has power to award damages, or to order the payment of compensation, in civil proceedings.
(3) No award of damages is to be made unless, taking account of all the circumstances of the case, including—
(a) any other relief or remedy granted, or order made, in relation to the act in question (by that or any other court), and
(b) the consequences of any decision (of that or any other court) in respect of that act, the court is satisfied that the award is necessary to afford just satisfaction to the person in whose favour it is made.
(4) In determining—
(a) whether to award damages, or
(b) the amount of an award, the court must take into account the principles applied by the European Court of Human Rights in relation to the award of compensation under Article 41 of the Convention.
… (Human Rights Act 1998, Sec. 8)