The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Ombudsman shall be a commissioner of the Croatian Parliament responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, laws and international legal instruments on human rights and freedoms ratified by the Republic of Croatia.
Everyone may lodge a complaint to the Ombudsman if he/she deems that his/her constitutional or legal rights have been threatened or violated as a result of any illegal or irregular act by state bodies, local and regional self-government bodies and bodies vested with public authority.
The Croatian Parliament shall elect the Ombudsman for a term of eight years. The Ombudsman shall be autonomous and independent in his/her work.
Conditions for the election and dismissal of the Ombudsman and his/her deputies, his/her remit, and the method of his/her work shall be regulated by law. By law, the Ombudsman may also be vested with certain powers with regard to legal and natural persons in order to protect fundamental constitutional rights.
The Ombudsman and other commissioners of the Croatian Parliament responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms shall enjoy the same immunity as Members of the Croatian Parliament. (Art. 93) - CroatianPučki je pravobranitelj opunomoćenik Hrvatskoga sabora za promicanje i zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda utvrđenih Ustavom, zakonima i međunarodnim pravnim aktima o ljudskim pravima i slobodama koje je prihvatila Republika Hrvatska.
Svatko može podnijeti pritužbu pučkom pravobranitelju ako smatra da su, uslijed nezakonitog ili nepravilnog rada državnih tijela, tijela lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave i tijela s javnim ovlastima, ugrožena ili povrijeđena njegova ustavna ili zakonska prava.
Pučkog pravobranitelja bira Hrvatski sabor na vrijeme od osam godina. Pučki pravobranitelj samostalan je i neovisan u svom radu.
Uvjeti za izbor i razrješenje pučkog pravobranitelja i njegovih zamjenika, djelokrug i način rada uređuju se zakonom. Zakonom se, radi zaštite temeljnih ustavnih prava, pučkom pravobranitelju mogu povjeriti i određene ovlasti u odnosu na pravne i fizičke osobe.
Pučki pravobranitelj i ostali opunomoćenici Hrvatskoga sabora za promicanje i zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda imaju imunitet kao i zastupnici u Hrvatskom saboru. (Članak 93)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
(1) The Public Protector of Rights is an independent body of the Slovak Republic which, within the scope and as laid down by law, protects basic rights and freedoms of natural and legal persons in proceedings before public administration bodies and other bodies of public authority, if their conduct, decision-making, or inaction, is in conflict with the legal order. In cases laid down by law, the Public Protector of Rights may participate in holding the persons working in the public administration bodies accountable, if those persons violated a basic human right or freedom of natural or legal persons. All bodies of public authority shall give the Public Protector of Rights necessary assistance.
(2) The Public Protector of Rights may file a motion with the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic to initiate a proceeding pursuant to Article 125, if a generally binding regulation is violating a basic human right or freedom granted to a natural or legal person.
(3) The Public Defender of Rights shall be elected by the National Council of the Slovak Republic from among candidates proposed by at least 15 Members of Parliament for a term of five years. As Public Defender of Rights may be elected any citizen of the Slovak Republic, who is eligible for election as a Member of Parliament and has attained the age of 35 by the date of election. A Public Defender of Rights cannot be a member of a political party or a political movement. The Public Defender of Rights shall remain in office after the expiry of the term of office until the new Public Defender of Rights is sworn in.
… (Art. 151a) - Slovak
(1) Verejný ochranca práv je nezávislý orgán Slovenskej republiky, ktorý v rozsahu a spôsobom ustanoveným zákonom chráni základné práva a slobody fyzických osôb a právnických osôb v konaní pred orgánmi verejnej správy a ďalšími orgánmi verejnej moci, ak je ich konanie, rozhodovanie alebo nečinnosť v rozpore s právnym poriadkom. V zákonom ustanovených prípadoch sa verejný ochranca práv môţe podieľať na uplatnení zodpovednosti osôb pôsobiacich v orgánoch verejnej moci, ak tieto osoby porušili základné právo alebo slobodu fyzických osôb a právnických osôb. Všetky orgány verejnej moci poskytnú verejnému ochrancovi práv potrebnú súčinnosť.
(2) Verejný ochranca práv môţe predloţiť Ústavnému súdu Slovenskej republiky návrh na začatie konania podľa čl. 125, ak všeobecne záväzný právny predpis porušuje základné právo alebo slobodu priznanú fyzickej osobe alebo právnickej osobe.
(3) Verejného ochrancu práv volí Národná rada Slovenskej republiky na obdobie piatich rokov z kandidátov, ktorých jej navrhne najmenej 15 poslancov Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky. Za verejného ochrancu práv možno zvoliť občana Slovenskej republiky, ktorý je voliteľný za poslanca Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky a v deň voľby dosiahol vek 35 rokov. Verejný ochranca práv nemôže byť členom politickej strany ani politického hnutia. Verejný ochranca práv ostáva vo funkcii aj po uplynutí funkčného obdobia do zloženia sľubu novým verejným ochrancom práv.
… (Čl. 151a)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
(1) The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights shall perform fundamental rights protection activities; his or her procedures may be initiated by anyone.
(2) The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights shall investigate any violations related to fundamental rights that come to his or her knowledge, or have such violations investigated, and shall initiate general or specific measures to remedy them.
(3) The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and his or her deputies shall be elected for six years with the votes of two thirds of the Members of the National Assembly.
… (The State, Art. 30) - Hungarian
(1) Az alapvető jogok biztosa alapjogvédelmi tevékenységet lát el, eljárását bárki kezdeményezheti.
(2) Az alapvető jogok biztosa az alapvető jogokkal kapcsolatban tudomására jutott visszásságokat kivizsgálja vagy kivizsgáltatja, orvoslásuk érdekében általános vagy egyedi intézkedéseket kezdeményez.
(3) Az alapvető jogok biztosát és helyetteseit az Országgyűlés az országgyűlési képviselők kétharmadának szavazatával hat évre választja.
... (Az Állam, 30. cikk)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Authorised Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine exercises parliamentary control over the observance of constitutional human and citizens' rights and freedoms. (Art. 101)
- UkrainianПарламентський контроль за додержанням конституційних прав і свобод людини і громадянина здійснює Уповноважений Верховної Ради України з прав людини. (Стаття 101)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
(1) Everyone can lodge complaint with the ombudsman board (Commission for Complaints from the Public) against alleged maladministration by the Federation, including its activity as a holder of private rights, mainly for alleged violation of human rights, provided that they are affected by such maladministration and in so far as they do not or no longer have recourse to legal remedy. All such complaints must be investigated by the ombudsman board. The complainant shall be informed of the investigation's outcome and what action, if necessary, has been taken.
(2) The ombudsman board is ex officio entitled to investigate its suspicions of maladministration by the Federation including its activity as a holder of private rights, mainly of violations of human rights it assumes.
(3) For the protection and the advancement of human rights it is incumbent on the Ombudsman Board and the commissions appointed by it (Art 148h para 3) in the area of the administration of the Federation including its activity as holder of private rights
1. to visit and inspect the location of deprivation of liberty,
2. to watch and check in advisory manner the conduct of the organs authorized to exert direct administrative power and compulsion as well as
3. to check respectively visit certain institutions and programs for handicapped persons
… (Art. 148a) - German
(1) Jedermann kann sich bei der Volksanwaltschaft wegen behaupteter Missstände in der Verwaltung des Bundes einschließlich dessen Tätigkeit als Träger von Privatrechten, insbesondere wegen einer behaupteten Verletzung in Menschenrechten, beschweren, sofern er von diesen Missständen betroffen ist und soweit ihm ein Rechtsmittel nicht oder nicht mehr zur Verfügung steht. Jede solche Beschwerde ist von der Volksanwaltschaft zu prüfen. Dem Beschwerdeführer sind das Ergebnis der Prüfung sowie die allenfalls getroffenen Veranlassungen mitzuteilen.
(2) Die Volksanwaltschaft ist berechtigt, von ihr vermutete Missstände in der Verwaltung des Bundes einschließlich dessen Tätigkeit als Träger von Privatrechten, insbesondere von ihr vermutete Verletzungen in Menschenrechten, von Amts wegen zu prüfen.
(3) Zum Schutz und zur Förderung der Menschenrechte obliegt es der Volksanwaltschaft und den von ihr eingesetzten Kommissionen (Art. 148h Abs. 3), im Bereich der Verwaltung des Bundes einschließlich dessen Tätigkeit als Träger von Privatrechten
1. den Ort einer Freiheitsentziehung zu besuchen und zu überprüfen,
2. das Verhalten der zur Ausübung unmittelbarer verwaltungsbehördlicher Befehls- und Zwangsgewalt ermächtigten Organe zu beobachten und begleitend zu überprüfen sowie
3. für Menschen mit Behinderungen bestimmte Einrichtungen und Programme zu überprüfen beziehungsweise zu besuchen.
… (Art. 148a)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English1. The Commissioner for Citizens' Rights shall safeguard the freedoms and rights of persons and citizens specified in the Constitution and other normative acts.
2. The scope and mode of work of the Commissioner for Citizens' Rights shall be specified by statute. (Art. 208) - Polish1. Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich stoi na straży wolności i praw człowieka i obywatela określonych w Konstytucji oraz w innych aktach normatywnych.
2. Zakres i sposób działania Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich określa ustawa. (Art. 208)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English…
(3) The Ombudsman may approach the Constitutional Court with a request for declaring as unconstitutional a law which infringes human rights and freedoms.
… (Art. 150) - Bulgarian…
(3) Омбудсманът може да сезира Конституционния съд с искане за установяване на противоконституционност на закон, с който се нарушават права и свободи на гражданите.
… (Чл. 150)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Civic Defender shall be independent state body who shall protect citizens' rights and monitor the work of public administration bodies, body in charge of legal protection of proprietary rights and interests of the Republic of Serbia, as well as other bodies and organizations, companies and institutions to which public powers have been delegated.
The Civic Defender shall not be authorized to monitor the work of the National Assembly, President of the Republic, Government, Constitutional Court, courts and Public Prosecutor's Offices.
The Civic Defender shall be elected and dismissed by the National Assembly, in accordance with the Constitution and Law.
… (Art. 138) - Serbian CyrillicЗаштитник грађана је независан државни орган који штити права грађана и контролише рад органа државне управе, органа надлежног за правну заштиту имовинских права и интереса Републике Србије, као и других органа и организација, предузећа и установа којима су поверена јавна овлашћења.
Заштитник грађана није овлашћен да контролише рад Народне скупштине, председника Републике, Владе, Уставног суда, судова и јавних тужилаштава.
Заштитника грађана бира и разрешава Народна скупштина, у складу са Уставом и законом.
... (Члан 138)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Defender of Rights shall ensure the due respect of rights and freedoms by state administrations, territorial communities, public legal entities, as well as by all bodies carrying out a public service mission or by those that the Institutional Act decides fall within his remit.
Referral may be made to the Defender of Rights, in the manner determined by an Institutional Act, by every person who considers his rights to have been infringed by the operation of a public service or of a body mentioned in the first paragraph. He may act without referral.
The Defender of Rights shall be appointed by the President of the Republic for a six-year, non-renewable term,
… (1958 Constitution, Art. 71-1) - FrenchLe Défenseur des droits veille au respect des droits et libertés par les administrations de l'État, les collectivités territoriales, les établissements publics, ainsi que par tout organisme investi d'une mission de service public, ou à l'égard duquel la loi organique lui attribue des compétences.
Il peut être saisi, dans les conditions prévues par la loi organique, par toute personne s'estimant lésée par le fonctionnement d'un service public ou d'un organisme visé au premier alinéa. Il peut se saisir d'office.
Le Défenseur des droits est nommé par le Président de la République pour un mandat de six ans non renouvelable,
… (Constitution 1958, Art. 71-1)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe powers of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine include:
17) appointing to office and dismissing from office the Authorised Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine;
… (Art. 85) - UkrainianДо повноважень Верховної Ради України належить:
17) призначення на посаду та звільнення з посади Уповноваженого Верховної Ради України з прав людини;
… (Стаття 85)