The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Political Parties
Korea, Republic of
- English1. The establishment of political parties shall be free, and the plural party system shall be guaranteed.
2. Political parties shall be democratic in their objectives, organization and activities, and shall have the necessary organizational arrangements for the people to participate in the formation of the political will.
3. Political parties shall enjoy the protection of the State and may be provided with operational funds by the State as prescribed by law.
4. If the purposes or activities of a political party are contrary to the democratic basic order, the Government may bring action against it in the Constitution Court for its dissolution, and, the political party shall be dissolved in accordance with the decision of the Constitution Court. (Art. 8) - Korean①정당의 설립은 자유이며, 복수정당제는 보장된다.
②정당은 그 목적·조직과 활동이 민주적이어야 하며, 국민의 정치적 의사형성에 참여하는데 필요한 조직을 가져야 한다.
③정당은 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국가는 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 정당운영에 필요한 자금을 보조할 수 있다.
④정당의 목적이나 활동이 민주적 기본질서에 위배될 때에는 정부는 헌법재판소에 그 해산을 제소할 수 있고, 정당은 헌법재판소의 심판에 의하여 해산된다. (제8조)
Political Parties
Syrian Arab Republic
- English1. The political system of the state shall be based on the principle of political pluralism, and exercising power democratically through the ballot box;
2. Licensed political parties and constituencies shall contribute to the national political life, and shall respect the principles of national sovereignty and democracy;
3. The law shall regulate the provisions and procedures related to the formation of political parties;
4. Carrying out any political activity or forming any political parties or groupings on the basis of religious, sectarian, tribal, regional, class-based, professional, or on discrimination based on gender, origin, race or color may not be undertaken;
5. Public office or public money may not be exploited for a political, electoral or party interest. (Art. 8) - Arabic1. يقوم النظام السياسي للدّولة على مبدأ التعددية السياسية، وتتم ممارسة السلطة ديمقراطياً عبر الاقتراع.
2. تسهم الأحزاب السياسية المرخصة والتجمعات الانتخابية في الحياة السياسية الوطنية، وعليها احترام مبادئ السيادة الوطنية والديمقراطية.
3. ينظم القانون الأحكام والإجراءات الخاصة بتكوين الأحزاب السياسية.
4. لا يجوز مباشرة أي نشاط سياسي أو قيام أحزاب أو تجمعات سياسية على أساس ديني أو طائفي أو قبلي أو مناطقي أو فئوي أو مهني، أو بناءً على التفرقة بسبب الجنس أو الأصل أو العرق أو اللون.
5. لا يجوز تسخير الوظيفة العامّة أو المال العام لمصلحة سياسية أو حزبية أو انتخابية. (المادّة 8)
Political Parties
- EnglishThe political system of the Republic of Yemen is based on political and partisan pluralism in order to achieve a peaceful transformation of power. The Law stipulates rules and procedures required for the formation of political organizations and parties, and the exercise of political activity. Misuse of Governmental posts and public funds for the special interest of a specific party or Political organization is not permitted. (Art. 5)
- Arabicيقوم النظام السياسي للجمهورية على التعددية السياسية والحزبية وذلك بهدف تداول السلطة سلمياً، وينظم القانون الأحكام والإجراءات الخاصة بتكوين التنظيمات والأحزاب السياسية وممارسة النشاط السياسي ولا يجوز تسخير الوظيفة العامة أو المال العام لمصلحة خاصة بحزب أو تنظيم سياسي معين. (المادّة 5)
Political Parties
- EnglishThe Union shall enact necessary law to systematically form political parties for flourishing of a genuine, disciplined multi-party democratic system. (Sec. 39)
- Burmeseနိုင်ငံတော်သည် စစ်မှန်၍ စည်းကမ်းပြည့်ဝသော ပါတီစုံဒီမိုကရေစီစနစ် ထွန်းကားရေး အတွက် နိုင်ငံရေးပါတီများကို စနစ်တကျဖွဲ့စည်းနိုင်ရန် လိုအပ်သည့်ဥပဒေ ပြဌာန်း ဆောင်ရွက်ရမည်။ (ပုဒ်မ-၃၉)
Political Parties
- EnglishThere shall be the following organic acts:
4. Organic Act on Political Parties;
… (Sec. 130) - Thaiให้มีพระราชบัญญัติประกอบรัฐธรรมนูญดังต่อไปนี้
(๔) พระราชบัญญัติประกอบรัฐธรรมนูญว่าด้วยพรรคการเมือง
… (มาตรา ๑๓๐)
Political Parties
- English1. Ideological pluralism and the multipartisan system shall be guaranteed in the Republic of Armenia.
2. Parties shall be formed and operate freely. Equal legal opportunities for activities of the parties shall be guaranteed by law.
3. Parties shall promote the formulation and expression of the people’s political will.
4. The structure and activities of parties may not contravene the democratic principles. (Art. 8) - Armenian1. Հայաստանի Հանրապետությունում երաշխավորվում են գաղափարախոսական բազմակարծությունը և բազմակուսակցական համակարգը:
2. Կուսակցությունները կազմավորվում և գործում են ազատորեն: Կուսակցությունների համար օրենքով երաշխավորվում են գործունեության հավասար իրավական հնարավորություններ:
3. Կուսակցությունները նպաստում են ժողովրդի քաղաքական կամքի ձևավորմանն ու արտահայտմանը:
4. Կուսակցությունների կառուցվածքը և գործունեությունը չեն կարող հակասել ժողովրդավարական սկզբունքներին: (Հոդված 8)
Political Parties
- English…
(2) Every citizen shall have the following freedoms:
(c) freedom to form political parties,
Provided that,
(3) Nothing in sub-clause (c) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an Act to impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity, nationality and independence of Nepal, constitute an espionage against the nation or divulge national secrecy or on any act of rendering assistance to any foreign state, organization or representative in a manner to undermine the security of Nepal or on an act of sedition or on any act which may undermine the harmonious relations between the Federal Units or on any act of incitement to caste-based or communal hatred or on any act which may undermine the harmonious relations between various castes, tribes, religions and communities, or on any act of acquisition of, or restriction on, membership of any political party on the basis solely of tribe, language, religion, community or sex or on any act of formation of a political party with discrimination between citizens or on incitement to violent acts or on any act which may be contrary to public morality.
… (Art. 17) - Nepali…
(२) प्रत्येक नागरिकलाई देहायको स्वतन्त्रता हुनेछ ः–
(ग) राजनीतिक दल खोल्ने स्वतन्त्रता,
(३) खण्ड (ग) को कुनै कुराले नेपालको सार्वभौमसत्ता, भौगोलिक अखण्डता, राष्ट्रियता र स्वाधीनतामा खलल पर्ने, राष्ट्रको विरुद्ध जासूसी गर्ने, राष्ट्रिय गोपनीयता भंग गर्ने वा नेपालको सुरक्षामा आँच पु¥याउने गरी कुनै विदेशी राज्य, संगठन वा प्रतिनिधिलाई सहयोग गर्ने वा राज्यद्रोह गर्ने वा संघीय इकाइबीचको सु–सम्बन्धमा खलल पर्ने वा जातीय वा साम्प्रदायिक विद्वेष फैलाउने वा विभिन्न जात, जाति, धर्म र सम्प्रदायबीचको सु–सम्बन्धमा खलल पर्ने वा केवल जाति, भाषा, धर्म, सम्प्रदाय वा लिंगको आधारमा कुनै राजनीतिक दलको सदस्यता प्राप्त गर्ने वा बन्देज लगाउने वा नागरिकहरूबीच विभेद गर्ने गरी राजनीतिक दल गठन गर्ने, हिंसात्मक कार्य गर्न दुरुत्साहन गर्ने वा सार्वजनिक नैतिकताको प्रतिकूल हुने कार्यमा मनासिब प्रतिबन्ध लगाउने गरी ऐन बनाउन रोक लगाएको मानिनेछैन ।
... (धारा १७)
Political Parties
- EnglishCitizens have the right to form political parties and duly join and withdraw from them. One must be over eighteen years of age to become a member of a party.
Political parties are indispensable elements of democratic political life.
Political parties shall be formed without prior permission, and shall pursue their activities in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Constitution and laws.
The statutes and programs, as well as the activities of political parties shall not be contrary to the independence of the State, its indivisible integrity with its territory and nation, human rights, the principles of equality and rule of law, sovereignty of the nation, the principles of the democratic and secular republic; they shall not aim to promote or establish class or group dictatorship or dictatorship of any kind, nor shall they incite citizens to crime. …
The State shall provide the political parties with adequate financial means in an equitable manner. The principles regarding aid to political parties, as well as collection of dues and donations are regulated by law. (Art. 68) - TurkishVatandaşlar, siyasî parti kurma ve usulüne göre partilere girme ve partilerden ayrılma hakkına sahiptir. Parti üyesi olabilmek için onsekiz yaşını doldurmuş olmak gerekir.
Siyasî partiler, demokratik siyasî hayatın vazgeçilmez unsurlarıdır.
Siyasî partiler önceden izin almadan kurulurlar ve Anayasa ve kanun hükümleri içerisinde faaliyetlerini sürdürürler.
Siyasî partilerin tüzük ve programları ile eylemleri, Devletin bağımsızlığına, ülkesi ve milletiyle bölünmez bütünlüğüne, insan haklarına, eşitlik ve hukuk devleti ilkelerine, millet egemenliğine, demokratik ve lâik Cumhuriyet ilkelerine aykırı olamaz; sınıf veya zümre diktatörlüğünü veya herhangi bir tür diktatörlüğü savunmayı ve yerleştirmeyi amaçlayamaz; suç işlenmesini teşvik edemez. …
Siyasî partilere, Devlet, yeterli düzeyde ve hakça malî yardım yapar. Partilere yapılacak yardımın, alacakları üye aidatının ve bağışların tabi olduğu esaslar kanunla düzenlenir. (Madde 68)
Political Parties
Iran, Islamic Republic of
- EnglishParties, societies, political or professional associations, as well as religious societies, whether Islamic or pertaining to one of the recognized religious minorities, are permitted provided they do not violate the principles of independence, freedom, national unity, the criteria of Islam, or the basis of the Islamic Republic. No one may be prevented from participating in the aforementioned groups, or be compelled to participate in them. (Art. 26)
- Persianاحزاب، جمعیتها، انجمنهای سیاسی و صنفی و انجمنهای اسلامی یا اقلیتهای دینی شناخته شده آزادند، مشروط به این که اصول استقلال، آزادی، وحدت ملی، موازین اسلامی و اساس جمهوری اسلامی را نقض نکنند. هیچکس را نمیتوان از شرکت در آنها منع کرد یا به شرکت در یکی از آنها مجبور ساخت. (اصل 26)
Political Parties
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of
- EnglishThe Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall conduct all activities under the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea. (Art. 11)
- Korean조선민주주의인민공화국은 조선로동당의 령도밑에 모든 활동을 진행한다. (제11조)