The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Political Parties
- EnglishThe right to form political parties and their freedom of action are guaranteed. Political parties must respect the principles of national sovereignty and of democracy. (Art. 10)
Political Parties
- EnglishPolitical parties and groups shall contribute to the exercise of suffrage. They shall be formed and carry on their activities freely. They shall respect the principles of national sovereignty and democracy.
They shall contribute to the implementation of the principle set out in the second paragraph of article 1 as provided for by statute.
Statutes shall guarantee the expression of diverse opinions and the equitable participation of political parties and groups in the democratic life of the Nation. (1958 Constitution, Art. 4) - FrenchLes partis et groupements politiques concourent à l'expression du suffrage. Ils se forment et exercent leur activité librement. Ils doivent respecter les principes de la souveraineté nationale et de la démocratie.
Ils contribuent à la mise en œuvre du principe énoncé au second alinéa de l'article 1er dans les conditions déterminées par la loi.
La loi garantit les expressions pluralistes des opinions et la participation équitable des partis et groupements politiques à la vie démocratique de la Nation. (Constitution 1958, Art. 4)
Political Parties
- EnglishThe political parties are juridical persons [personas juridicas] of public law. They must express pluralism and participate in the training of the elective authorities, to the orientation of the national, departmental or municipal policies and to the civic training of the citizens. (Art. 124)
- SpanishLos partidos políticos son personas jurídicas de derecho público. Deben expresar el pluralismo y concurrir a la formación de las autoridades electivas, a la orientación de la política nacional, departamental o municipal y a la formación cívica de los ciudadanos. (Art. 124)
Political Parties
- English(1) Citizens may freely associate into political parties, ...
(2) The political parties or organizations which, by their aims or activity, militate against political pluralism, the principles of a State governed by the rule of law, or against the sovereignty, integrity or independence of Romania shall be unconstitutional.
… (Art. 40) - Romanian(1) Cetăţenii se pot asocia liber în partide politice, …
(2) Partidele sau organizaţiile care, prin scopurile ori prin activitatea lor, militează împotriva pluralismului politic, a principiilor statului de drept ori a suveranităţii, a integrităţii sau a independenţei României sunt neconstituţionale.
… (Art. 40)
Political Parties
- EnglishPolitical parties and groups shall help the electorate in the making of voting decisions. They shall be bound to respect the principles of democracy, national sovereignty and unity. They shall be formed and shall exercise their, activities in accordance with the law. (Art. 3)
- FrenchLes partis et formations politiques concourent à l’expression du suffrage. Ils doivent respecter les principes de la démocratie, de la souveraineté et de l’unité nationales. Ils se forment et exercent leurs activités conformément à la loi. (Art. 3)
Political Parties
- EnglishPolitical pluralism is recognized in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
All Congolese enjoying their civil and political rights have the right of creating a political party or to affiliate themselves to a political party of their choice.
The political parties participate in the expression of suffrage, in the reinforcement of the national conscience and of the civic education. They form and exercise their activities freely with respect for the law, for public order and for morality.
The political parties are held to the respect for the principles of pluralist democracy, of national unity and of national sovereignty.
The political parties may receive from the State public funds designated to finance their electoral campaigns or their activities, under the conditions defined by the law. (Art. 6) - FrenchLe pluralisme politique est reconnu en République Démocratique du Congo.
Tout Congolais jouissant de ses droits civils et politiques a le droit de créer un parti politique ou de s’affilier à un parti de son choix.
Les partis politiques concourent à l’expression du suffrage, au renforcement de la conscience nationale et à l’éducation civique. Ils se forment et exercent librement leurs activités dans le respect de la loi, de l’ordre public et des bonnes moeurs.
Les partis politiques sont tenus au respect des principes de démocratie pluraliste, d’unité et de souveraineté nationales.
Les partis politiques peuvent recevoir de l’Etat des fonds publics destinés à financer leurs campagnes électorales ou leurs activités, dans les conditions définies par la loi. (Art. 6)
Political Parties
- English1. Subject to this Constitution, every person shall have the right—
a. to form, to join, to participate in the activities of, and to recruit members for, a political party;
b. to campaign for a political party or cause;
2. The State shall, provide funds so as to ensure that, during the life of any Parliament, any political party which has secured more than one-tenth of the national vote in elections to that Parliament has sufficient funds to continue to represent its constituency.
… (Sec. 40)
Political Parties
- English
Political organisations are prohibited from basing themselves on race, ethnic group, tribe, lineage, ancestry, region, sex, religion or any other division which may lead to discrimination. (Art. 57)
- Kinyarwanda
Imitwe ya politiki ibujijwe gushingira ku isanomuzi, ku bwoko, ku muryango, ku nzu, ku gisekuru, ku karere, ku gitsina, ku idini, cyangwa ku kindi kintu cyose cyatuma habaho ivangura. (Ingingo ya 57)
- French
Il est interdit aux formations politiques de s’identifier à une race, une ethnie, une tribu, un lignage, une ascendance, une région, un sexe, une religion ou à tout autre élément pouvant servir de base à la discrimination. (Art. 57)
Political Parties
- English1. The establishment of political parties shall be free, and the plural party system shall be guaranteed.
2. Political parties shall be democratic in their objectives, organization and activities, and shall have the necessary organizational arrangements for the people to participate in the formation of the political will.
3. Political parties shall enjoy the protection of the State and may be provided with operational funds by the State as prescribed by law.
4. If the purposes or activities of a political party are contrary to the democratic basic order, the Government may bring action against it in the Constitution Court for its dissolution, and, the political party shall be dissolved in accordance with the decision of the Constitution Court. (Art. 8) - Korean①정당의 설립은 자유이며, 복수정당제는 보장된다.
②정당은 그 목적·조직과 활동이 민주적이어야 하며, 국민의 정치적 의사형성에 참여하는데 필요한 조직을 가져야 한다.
③정당은 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국가는 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 정당운영에 필요한 자금을 보조할 수 있다.
④정당의 목적이나 활동이 민주적 기본질서에 위배될 때에는 정부는 헌법재판소에 그 해산을 제소할 수 있고, 정당은 헌법재판소의 심판에 의하여 해산된다. (제8조)
Political Parties
- EnglishThe political parties and groups of political parties must respect the Constitution.
They may not identify themselves with one region, on ethnicity or one religion. (Art. 7) - FrenchLes partis politiques et les regroupements de partis politiques doivent respecter la Constitution.
Ils ne peuvent s'identifier à une région, à une ethnie ou à une religion. (Art. 7)