The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Political Parties
- EnglishAll citizens are guaranteed the right to establish, organize and develop political parties and movements, and the freedom to affiliate with them or to withdraw.
In no case is it permitted to citizens to belong simultaneously to more than one party or political movements with juridical personality.
The Political Parties and Movements shall be democratically organized and shall hold with high principles of transparency, objectivity, morality, gender equity, and the duty to present and disseminate their political programs.
To make their decisions or the selection of their own candidates or [candidates] by coalition, [they] may hold popular or internal or interparty consultations which [do] or do not coincide with the elections to Public Corporations, in accordance with that provided in their Statutes and in the law.
In the case of the public consultations, the norms concerning campaign financing and publicity and access to the media of communication of the State, that govern for the ordinary elections, will be applied. Anyone who participates in consultations of a political party or movement or in interparty consultations may not enroll for another in the same electoral process. The result of the consultations will be obligatory.
The directors of the Political Parties and Movements should encourage internal processes of democratization and the strengthening of the regime of [party] blocs [bancadas].
The Political Parties and Movements are responsible for any violation or contravention of the norms that serve their organization, operation or financing, as well as when endorsing candidates elected to offices or Public Corporations of popular election, who have been or are convicted during the exercise of the office to which [they were] endorsed, by way of executory sentence in Colombia or abroad for crimes related to communication with illegal armed groups and drugtrafficking activities or of crimes against the mechanisms of democratic participation or [crimes] against humanity.
The Political Parties or Movements will also be responsible for endorsing candidates not elected to offices or Public Corporations of popular election, if they have been or are convicted during the period of public office to which they are candidates, by way of executory sentence in Colombia or abroad for crimes related to communication with illegal armed groups and drug-trafficking activities, committed prior to the issuance of the corresponding endorsement.
… (Art. 107) - SpanishSe garantiza a todos los ciudadanos el derecho a fundar, organizar y desarrollar partidos y movimientos políticos, y la libertad de afiliarse a ellos o de retirarse.
En ningún caso se permitirá a los ciudadanos pertenecer simultáneamente a más de un partido o movimiento político con personería jurídica.
Los Partidos y Movimientos Políticos se organizarán democráticamente y tendrán como principios rectores la transparencia, objetividad, moralidad, la equidad de género, y el deber de presentar y divulgar sus programas políticos.
Para la toma de sus decisiones o la escogencia de sus candidatos propios o por coalición, podrán celebrar consultas populares o internas o interpartidistas que coincidan o no con las elecciones a Corporaciones Públicas, de acuerdo con lo previsto en sus Estatutos y en la ley.
En el caso de las consultas populares se aplicarán las normas sobre financiación y publicidad de campañas y acceso a los medios de comunicación del Estado, que rigen para las elecciones ordinarias. Quien participe en las consultas de un partido o movimiento político o en consultas interpartidistas, no podrá inscribirse por otro en el mismo proceso electoral. El resultado de las consultas será obligatorio.
Los directivos de los Partidos y Movimientos Políticos deberán propiciar procesos de democratización interna y el fortalecimiento del régimen de bancadas.
Los Partidos y Movimientos Políticos deberán responder por toda violación o contravención a las normas que rigen su organización, funcionamiento o financiación, así como también por avalar candidatos elegidos en cargos o Corporaciones Públicas de elección popular, quienes hayan sido o fueren condenados durante el ejercicio del cargo al cual se avaló mediante sentencia ejecutoriada en Colombia o en el exterior por delitos relacionados con la vinculación a grupos armados ilegales y actividades del narcotráfico o de delitos contra los mecanismos de participación democrática o de lesa humanidad.
Los partidos o movimientos políticos también responderán por avalar a candidatos no elegidos para cargos o Corporaciones Públicas de Elección Popular, si estos hubieran sido o fueren condenados durante el período del cargo público al cual se candidatizó, mediante sentencia ejecutoriada en Colombia o en el exterior por delitos relacionados con la vinculación a grupos armados ilegales y actividades del narcotráfico, cometidos con anterioridad a la expedición del aval correspondiente.
… (Art. 107)
Political Parties
- English
Political parties shall express the political will of various sections and groups of the population, and through their democratically elected representatives shall participate in the formation of state authority. Political parties, in accordance with the established procedure, shall submit to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan or to the body authorised by it, public reports on the sources of financing their activity. (Art. 74)
- Uzbek
Siyosiy partiyalar turli ijtimoiy tabaqa va guruhlarning siyosiy irodasini ifodalaydilar va o‘zlarining demokratik yo‘l bilan saylab qo‘yilgan vakillari orqali davlat hokimiyatini tuzishda ishtirok etadilar. Siyosiy partiyalar o‘z faoliyatining moliyalashtirilishi manbalari haqida O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisining Qonunchilik palatasiga yoki u vakolat bergan organga belgilangan tartibda oshkora hisobotlar taqdim etadilar. (74-modda)
Political Parties
- EnglishPolitical parties and groups shall compete with each other in the exercise of suffrage. They may be established and may carry out their activities freely. They must respect the principles of national and democratic sovereignty. The law determines the conditions for their recognition and operation, and the advantages and privileges reserved to them. (Art. 31-1)
- FrenchLes partis et groupements politiques concourent à l'expression du suffrage. Ils se forment et exercent leur activité librement. Ils doivent respecter les principes de la souveraineté nationale et de la démocratie. La loi détermine leurs conditions de reconnaissance et de fonctionnement, les avantages et privilèges qui leur sont réservés. (Art. 31.1)
Political Parties
- English
1. Political parties are created freely. Their organization shall conform with democratic principles.
2. Political parties and other organizations, whose programs and activity are based on totalitarian methods, that incite and support racial, religious, regional or ethnic hatred, that use violence to take power or influence state policies, as well as those with a secret character, are prohibited pursuant to the law.
3. The financial sources of parties as well as their expenses are always made public. (Art. 9) - Albanian
1. Partitë politike krijohen lirisht. Organizimi i tyre duhet të përputhet me parimet demokratike.
2. Partitë politike dhe organizatat e tjera, programet dhe veprimtaria e të cilave mbështeten në metoda totalitariste, që nxitin e përkrahin urrejtjen racore, fetare, krahinore ose etnike, që përdorin dhunën për marrjen e pushtetit ose për të ndikuar në politikën shtetërore, si edhe ato me karakter të fshehtë janë të ndaluara sipas ligjit.
3. Burimet financiare të partive, si dhe shpenzimet e tyre bëhen kurdoherë publike. (Neni 9)
Political Parties
- EnglishPolitical parties may not receive contributions or subsidies from foreign governments, organizations, or institutions. (Art. 50)
- SpanishLos partidos políticos no podrán recibir subvenciones o subsidios de gobiernos, organizaciones o instituciones extranjeras. (Art. 50)
Political Parties
- English…
Citizens may freely establish associations of citizens and political parties, join them or resign from them. The programmes and activities of political parties and other associations of citizens may not be directed at the violent destruction of the constitutional order of the Republic, or at encouragement or incitement to military aggression or ethnic, racial or religious hatred or intolerance.
… (Art. 20) - Macedonian…
Граѓаните можат слободно да основаат здруженија на граѓани и политички партии, да. пристапуваат кон нив и од нив да истапуваат. Програмите и дејствувањето на здруженијата на граѓаните и политичките партии не можат да бидат насочени кон насилно уривање на уставниот поредок на Републиката и кон поттикнување или повикување на воена агресија или разгорување на национална, расна или верска омраза или нетрпеливост.
… (Член 20)
Political Parties
- English1. Ideological pluralism and the multipartisan system shall be guaranteed in the Republic of Armenia.
2. Parties shall be formed and operate freely. Equal legal opportunities for activities of the parties shall be guaranteed by law.
3. Parties shall promote the formulation and expression of the people’s political will.
4. The structure and activities of parties may not contravene the democratic principles. (Art. 8) - Armenian1. Հայաստանի Հանրապետությունում երաշխավորվում են գաղափարախոսական բազմակարծությունը և բազմակուսակցական համակարգը:
2. Կուսակցությունները կազմավորվում և գործում են ազատորեն: Կուսակցությունների համար օրենքով երաշխավորվում են գործունեության հավասար իրավական հնարավորություններ:
3. Կուսակցությունները նպաստում են ժողովրդի քաղաքական կամքի ձևավորմանն ու արտահայտմանը:
4. Կուսակցությունների կառուցվածքը և գործունեությունը չեն կարող հակասել ժողովրդավարական սկզբունքներին: (Հոդված 8)
Political Parties
- English
1. The Party shall be established as set out in the paragraph 10 of the Article Sixteen of the Constitution, and shall formulate and conduct nation-wide policy.
2. The Party shall be formed by associating uniting at least one percent of Mongolian citizens, eligible to vote in the election.
3. Internal organization of the party shall be in compliance with the democratic principles, and its capital and revenue sources and spending shall be transparent to public. The Party's organization, operational procedure, funding, and the terms of state funding support shall be determined by law. (Art. 19-1) - Mongolian
1. Нам Үндсэн хуулийн арван зургадугаар зүйлийн 10-т заасны дагуу байгуулагдаж, улсын хэмжээний бодлого дэвшүүлж ажиллана.
2. Намыг Монгол Улсын сонгуулийн эрх бүхий иргэдийн нэг хувиас доошгүй тооны иргэн эвлэлдэн нэгдэж байгуулна.
3. Намын дотоод зохион байгуулалт ардчилсан зарчимд нийцсэн, хөрөнгө, орлогын эх үүсвэр, зарцуулалт нь нийтэд ил тод байна. Намын зохион байгуулалт, үйл ажиллагааны журам, санхүүжилт, төрөөс санхүүгийн дэмжлэг үзүүлэх нөхцөлийг хуулиар тогтооно. (Арван ес1 дүгээр зүйл)
Political Parties
- English[The following] are of the domain of the law:
The rules concerning the following matters:
– the regime of political parties and associations;
… (Art. 80) - FrenchSont du domaine de la loi:
Les règles relatives aux matières suivantes:
- Le régime des partis politiques et des associations;
… (Art. 80)
Political Parties
- English1. The political parties are political organizations composed of persons who associate freely in order to participate in the political orientation of the State.
2. The political parties of Equatorial Guinea may not have identical denomination to those that pre-existed 12th October 1968, and they must have national character and scope, by which [they] may not be based on tribe, ethnicity, region, district, municipality, province, sex, religion, social condition, or profession or office. A law shall regulate their creation and functioning. (Art. 9) - Spanish1. Los partidos políticos son organizaciones políticas integradas por personas que libremente se asocian para participar en la orientación política del Estado.
2. Los partidos políticos de Guinea Ecuatorial no podrán tener idéntica denominación como aquellos que preexistieron al 12 de Octubre de 1968, y deberán tener carácter y ámbito nacional, por lo que no podrán tener por base la tribu, etnia, región, distrito, municipio, provincia, sexo, religión, condición social ni profesional u oficio. Una ley regulará su creación y funcionamiento. (Art. 9) - French1. Les partis politiques sont des organisations politiques auxquelles adhèrent les personnes qui s'associent librement afin de participer à l'orientation politique de l'État.
2. Les partis politiques de Guinée équatoriale ne pourront recevoir une dénomination similaire à celle qui existait avant le 12 octobre 1968 ; ils auront un caractère et une portée de niveau national, et ne peuvent être fondés sur une appartenance tribale, ethnique, régionale, départementale, municipale, provinciale, sexuelle, religieuse, un statut social ou professionnel ou un métier. Une loi définit leur création et fonctionnement. (Art. 9)