The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Political Parties
- EnglishThe State guarantees the free formation and functioning of the political organizations and they shall only have the limitations determined by this Constitution and the law.
Everything that is related to the exercise of suffrage, the political rights, [the] political organizations, [the] electoral authorities and organs and the electoral process, will be regulated by the constitutional law of the matter.
… (Art. 223) - SpanishEl Estado garantiza la libre formación y funcionamiento de las organizaciones políticas y sólo tendrán las limitaciones que esta Constitución y la ley determinen.
Todo lo relativo al ejercicio del sufragio, los derechos políticos, organizaciones políticas, autoridades y órganos electorales y proceso electoral, será regulado por la ley constitucional de la materia.
… (Art. 223)
Political Parties
- EnglishCitizens shall be guaranteed the right to freely form societies, political parties, and associations provided that the aims and activities thereof are not contrary to the Constitution and laws.
No one may be compelled to belong to any society, political party, or association.
The founding and activities of political parties and other political and public organisations shall be regulated by law. (Art. 35) - LithuanianPiliečiams laiduojama teisė laisvai vienytis į bendrijas, politines partijas ar asociacijas, jei šių tikslai ir veikla nėra priešingi Konstitucijai ir įstatymams.
Niekas negali būti verčiamas priklausyti kokiai nors bendrijai, politinei partijai ar asociacijai.
Politinių partijų, kitų politinių ir visuomeninių organizacijų steigimą ir veiklą reglamentuoja įstatymas. (35 straipsnis)
Political Parties
- English1. The State shall accept the freedom of citizens to create political organizations, subject to the limitations which stem from the law.
2. Political organizations shall respect the national sovereignty and democracy.
3. In exercising their rights the political organizations shall take into account the following:
a. Their goals may not be in violation of or incompatible with the Constitution and the laws;
b. The organization shall be accessible to the Suriname citizen, who fulfills criteria to be defined by law provided that he agrees upon the basic principles of the party.
c. The internal organization must be democratic, which shall be evidenced inter alia by:
- regular committee elections;
- the prerequisite that candidates proposed of the chamber of representatives shall be elected within the party structures;
d. The electorate shall be informed of the political program and the election program of the political organizations;
e. Annual publications of sources of income and accounts shall be made in the Official Journal of the Republic of Suriname and at least one newspaper;
f. Their functioning shall be in accordance with principles of good administration, and with prescribed legal rules for the guaranteeing of openness and transparency;
g. The drafting of a programme, with as sole goal the promotion of the national interest. (Art. 53) - Dutch1. De Staat erkent de bevoegdheid van de burgers om politieke organisaties op te richten, behoudens de beperkingen die uit het recht voortvloeien.
2. Politieke organisaties moeten de nationale souvereiniteit en de democratie respecteren.
3. Bij het uitoefenen van haar bevoegdheden moeten de politieke organisaties het navolgende in acht nemen:
a. de doelstellingen mogen niet strijdig en onverenigbaar zijn met de Grondwet en met de wetten;
b. de organisaties moeten voor elke Surinaamse burger, die voldoet aan de door de wet te stellen criteria, toegankelijk zijn, mits deze de beginselen van de partij onderschrijft;
c. de interne organisatie moet democratisch zijn, hetgeen onder meer tot uitdrukking dient te worden gebracht door:
- regelmatige bestuursverkiezingen;
- het vereiste dat voorgedragen kandidaten voor de volksvertegenwoordigingen binnen de partijstructuren moeten zijn verkozen;
d. de kiezers in staat te stellen kennis te kunnen nemen van het beginselprogramma en het verkiezingsprogramma van de politieke organisaties;
e. jaarlijkse publikaties van inkomstenbronnen en rekeningen in het Advertentieblad van de Republiek Suriname en tenminste een dagblad;
f. het functioneren moet beantwoorden aan de beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur, alsmede aan de gestelde wettelijke regels voor de waarborging van de openbaarheid en inzichtelijkheid;
g. het samenstellen van een programma, met als enig doel de behartiging van het nationaal belang. (Art. 53)
Political Parties
- EnglishThe establishment and activity of political parties and public associations are prohibited if their programme goals or actions are aimed at the liquidation of the independence of Ukraine, the change of the constitutional order by violent means, the violation of the sovereignty and territorial indivisibility of the State, the undermining of its security, the unlawful seizure of state power, the propaganda of war and of violence, the incitement of inter-ethnic, racial, or religious enmity, and the encroachments on human rights and freedoms and the health of the population.
Political parties and public associations shall not have paramilitary formations.
The creation and activity of organisational structures of political parties shall not be permitted within bodies of executive and judicial power and executive bodies of local self-government, in military formations, and also in state enterprises, educational establishments and other state institutions and organisations.
The prohibition of the activity of associations of citizens is exercised only through judicial procedure. (Art. 37) - UkrainianУтворення і діяльність політичних партій та громадських організацій, програмні цілі або дії яких спрямовані на ліквідацію незалежності України, зміну конституційного ладу насильницьким шляхом, порушення суверенітету і територіальної цілісності держави, підрив її безпеки, незаконне захоплення державної влади, пропаганду війни, насильства, на розпалювання міжетнічної, расової, релігійної ворожнечі, посягання на права і свободи людини, здоров'я населення, забороняються.
Політичні партії та громадські організації не можуть мати воєнізованих формувань.
Не допускається створення і діяльність організаційних структур політичних партій в органах виконавчої та судової влади і виконавчих органах місцевого самоврядування, військових формуваннях, а також на державних підприємствах, у навчальних закладах та інших державних установах і організаціях.
Заборона діяльності об'єднань громадян здійснюється лише в судовому порядку. (Стаття 37)
Political Parties
- English1. All citizens shall have the right to form political parties and to participate in them, competing democratically for the formation of the will of the people and the organization of political power, under the terms of the Constitution and of the law.
2. The formation of political parties, as well as the merging and coalition thereof, shall be free, not requiring authorization, under the terms of the Constitution and of the law.
3. Political parties may not use names that, directly or indirectly, identify with any part of the national territory or any church, religion or religious confession or that could evoke the name of a person or of an institution.
4. Political parties may also not use emblems, symbols and abbreviations that may be the same as, or confused with, national or municipal symbols.
5. The formation of parties shall be prohibited for those that:
a) Have a regional or local scope or are in pursuit of programmatic goals of the same scope;
b) Intend to use subversive or violent means to achieve their purposes;
c) Have armed force or a paramilitary nature.
6. Political parties must respect the independence, national unity, territorial integrity of the country, democratic regime, multi-partisanship, rights, freedoms and fundamental guarantees of the human person.
7. Political parties shall be governed by the principles of democratic organization and expression, and with the approval of the respective programs and statutes and the periodic election of holders of posts in national organs of management, shall be held directly by their members or by an assembly representative among them.
8. Political parties may only be dismantled under force by judicial decision based on serious violation of the provisions of the Constitution or of the law.
9. The law shall regulate the formation, organization, merging, coalition and the dismantling of political parties and shall define, inter alia, the regime its funding and accountability, as well as the benefits and facilities to be granted to them by the State and other public authorities. (Art. 57) - Portuguese1. Todos os cidadãos têm o direito de constituir partidos políticos e de neles participar, concorrendo democraticamente para a formação da vontade popular e a organização do poder político, nos termos da Constituição e da lei.
2. É livre, não carecendo de autorização, a criação de partidos políticos, bem como a sua fusão e coligação, nos termos da Constituição e da lei.
3. Os partidos políticos não podem adoptar denominações que, directa ou indirectamente, se identifiquem com qualquer parcela do território nacional ou com igreja, religião ou confissão religiosa ou que possam evocar nome de pessoa ou de instituição.
4. Os partidos políticos não podem, ainda, adoptar emblemas, símbolos e siglas que sejam iguais ou confundíveis com os símbolos nacionais ou municipais.
5. É proibida a constituição de partidos que:
a) Tenham âmbito regional ou local ou se proponham objectivos programáticos do mesmo âmbito;
b) Se proponham utilizar meios subversivos ou violentos na prossecução dos seus fins;
c) Tenham força armada ou natureza para-militar.
6. Os partidos políticos devem respeitar a independência, a unidade nacional, a integridade territorial do país, o regime democrático, o pluri-partidarismo, os direitos, as liberdades e as garantias fundamentais da pessoa humana.
7. Os partidos políticos regem-se por princípios de organização e expressão democráticas, devendo a aprovação dos respectivos programas e estatutos e a eleição periódica dos titulares dos órgãos nacionais de direcção serem feitas directamente pelos seus filiados ou por uma assembleia representativa deles.
8. Os partidos políticos só podem ser compulsivamente extintos por decisão judicial fundamentada em violação grave do disposto na Constituição ou na lei.
9. A lei regula a constituição, a organização, a fusão, a coligação e a extinção dos partidos políticos e define, designadamente, o regime do seu financiamento e prestação de contas, bem como os benefícios e facilidades a conceder-lhes pelo Estado e demais poderes públicos. (Art. 57)
Political Parties
- English
The law determines the fundamental principles:
- of the regime of the political parties and of the status of the political opposition;
… (Art. 101) - French
La loi détermine les principes fondamentaux :
- du régime des partis politiques et du statut de l’opposition politique ;
… (Art. 101)
Political Parties
- English
Any person has the right to freely constitute associations, under reserve of conforming themselves to the law.
This same right is recognized for the creation of political parties. The conditions of their creation are determined by a law on political parties and their financing.
The associations and the political parties that jeopardize the unity of the Nation and the republican principles, and that advocate totalitarianism or segregation of ethnic, tribal or religious character, are prohibited.
The parties and political organizations participate in the expression of the suffrage.
… (Art. 14) - French
Toute personne a le droit de constituer librement des associations sous réserve de se conformer à la loi.
Ce même droit est reconnu pour la création de partis politiques. Les conditions de leur création sont déterminées par une loi sur les partis politiques et leur financement.
Sont interdits les associations et les partis politiques qui mettent en cause l’unité de la Nation et les principes républicains, et qui prônent le totalitarisme ou le ségrégationnisme à caractère ethnique, tribal ou confessionnel.
Les partis et organisations politiques concourent à l’expression du suffrage.
… (Art. 14)
Political Parties
- English
(1) Political organisations must always reflect the unity of Rwandans as well as equality and complementarity of women and men in the recruitment of members, in establishing their leadership organs, and in their functioning and activities.
(2) Political organisations must abide by the Constitution and other laws. They must conform to democratic principles and not compromise national unity, territorial integrity and national security. (Art. 56) - Kinyarwanda
(1) Imitwe ya politiki igomba buri gihe kugaragaramo ubumwe bw’Abanyarwanda hamwe n’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye bw’abagore n’abagabo haba mu gushaka abayoboke, gushyiraho inzego z’ubuyobozi, mu mikorere no mu bikorwa byayo.
(2) Imitwe ya politiki igomba kubahiriza Itegeko Nshinga n’andi mategeko. Igomba gukurikiza amahame ya demokarasi, kandi ntihungabanye ubumwe bw’Abanyarwanda, ubusugire n’umutekano by’Igihugu. (Ingingo ya 56) - French
(1) Les formations politiques doivent toujours refléter l’unité nationale ainsi que l’égalité et la complémentarité entre les femmes et les hommes dans le recrutement des membres, dans la mise en place des organes dirigeants, et dans leur fonctionnement et leurs activités.
(2) Les formations politiques doivent respecter la Constitution et les autres lois. Elles doivent se conformer aux principes démocratiques et éviter de porter atteinte à l’unité nationale, à l’intégrité du territoire et à la sécurité nationale. (Art. 56)
Political Parties
- EnglishThe Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall conduct all activities under the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea. (Art. 11)
- Korean조선민주주의인민공화국은 조선로동당의 령도밑에 모든 활동을 진행한다. (제11조)
Political Parties
- EnglishThe political parties and groups of political parties concur in the formation and the expression of the political will of the people.
They form themselves freely and exercise their activities within respect for the laws and regulations. (Art. 6) - FrenchLes partis politiques et regroupements de partis politiques concourent à la formation et à l'expression de la volonté politique du peuple.
Ils se forment librement et exercent leurs activités dans le respect des lois et règlements. (Art. 6)