The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Political Parties
- EnglishThe political party is an association endowed with moral personality which assembles citizens for the peaceful acquisition and administration [gestion] of power around a project of society dictated by the concern [souci] to realize the general interest. (Art. 57)
- FrenchLe parti politique est une association dotée de la personnalité morale qui rassemble des citoyens pour la conquête et la gestion pacifiques du pouvoir autour d’un projet de société dicté par le souci de réaliser l’intérêt général. (Art. 57)
Political Parties
- EnglishThe political parties participate [concourent] in the political education of the citizens, in the animation of the political life and in the expression of the suffrage. Only [seuls] they present the candidates to the national elections.
They must be implanted on the whole [ensemble] of the national territory. They must not identify themselves to a race, an ethnicity, a religion or a region.
They must equally respect the principles of the national sovereignty and of democracy, the integrity of the territory and the public order.
The rights of the political parties of the opposition to oppose themselves by the legal ways [voies] to the action of the Government and to propose alternative solutions are guaranteed.
An organic law determines the conditions in which the political parties are constituted and exercise their activities. It specifies the conditions in which a party that ignores [méconnaît] the provisions of the preceding paragraphs is no longer considered as legally constituted. (Art. 3) - FrenchLes partis politiques concourent à l'éducation politique des citoyens, à l'animation de la vie politique et à l'expression du suffrage. Ils présentent seuls les candidats aux élections nationales.
Ils doivent être implantés sur l'ensemble du territoire national. Ils ne doivent pas s'identifier à une race, une ethnie, une religion ou une région.
Ils doivent également respecter les principes de la souveraineté nationale et de la démocratie, l'intégrité du territoire et l'ordre public.
Les droits des partis politiques de l'opposition de s'opposer par les voies légales à l'action du Gouvernement et de proposer des solutions alternatives sont garantis.
Une loi organique détermine les conditions dans lesquelles les partis politiques se constituent et exercent leurs activités. Elle précise les conditions dans lesquelles un parti qui méconnaît les dispositions des alinéas précédents n'est plus considéré comme légalement constitué. (Art. 3)
Political Parties
- EnglishPolitical parties shall be prohibited from advocating or resorting to armed violence in order to change the political or social order of the country. (Art. 77)
- PortugueseÉ vedado aos partidos políticos preconizar ou recorrer à violência armada para alterar a ordem política e social do país. (Art. 77)
Political Parties
- English…
4. Political parties shall participate in the formation and exercise of the political will of the people. The activities of political parties shall be based on the principles of freedom, equality, transparency, and intra-party democracy. (Art. 3) - Georgian…
4. პოლიტიკური პარტიები მონაწილეობენ ხალხის პოლიტიკური ნების ჩამოყალიბებასა და განხორციელებაში. პოლიტიკური პარტიების საქმიანობა ეფუძნება მათი თავისუფლების, თანასწორობის, გამჭვირვალობის და შიდაპარტიული დემოკრატიის პრინციპებს. (მუხლი 3)
Political Parties
South Sudan
- English...
2. Formation and registration of political parties, associations and trade unions shall be regulated by law as is necessary in a democratic society.
3. No association shall function as a political party at the National or state level unless it has:
a. its membership open to any South Sudanese irrespective of religion, gender, ethnic origin or place of birth;
b. a programme that does not contradict the provisions of this Constitution;
c. a democratically elected leadership and institutions; and
d. disclosed and transparent sources of funding. (Art. 25)
Political Parties
- EnglishA political party shall, in accord with the law, have the right in the Union to :
(a) organize freely;
(b) participate and compete in the elections. (Sec. 406) - Burmeseနိုင်ငံရေးပါတီတစ်ရပ်သည် နိုင်ငံတော်အတွင်း ဥပဒေနှင့်အညီ -
(က) လွတ်လပ်စွာ စည်းရုံးခွင့်ရှိသည်၊
(ခ) ရွေးကောက်ပွဲများတွင် ပါဝင်ယှဉ်ပြိုင်ခွင့်ရှိသည်။ (ပုဒ်မ-၄၀၆)
Political Parties
- English…
(2) Subject to this Constitution, every Zimbabwean citizen has the right—
(a) to form, to join and to participate in the activities of a political party or organisation of their choice;
(b) to campaign freely and peacefully for a political party or cause;
(4) For the purpose of promoting multi-party democracy, an Act of Parliament must provide for the funding of political parties. (Sec. 67)
Political Parties
- English…
2. Every citizen has the right to establish and to participate in political parties.
3. The establishment and organisation of political parties shall be regulated by law. (Sec. 46) - Tetum…
2. Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu halo no partisipa iha partidu polítiku sira.
3. Konstituisaun no organizasaun ba partidu polítiku sira lei maka regula. (Art. 46) - Portuguese…
2. Todo o cidadão tem o direito de constituir e de participar em partidos políticos.
3. A constituição e a organização dos partidos políticos são reguladas por lei. (Art. 46)
Political Parties
El Salvador
- EnglishThe Government is republican, democratic and representative.
The political system is pluralist and expresses itself through the political parties, which are the only instrument for the exercise of the representation of the People within the Government. The norms, [the] organization and [the] functioning will be subject to the principles of [a] representative democracy.
The existence of a sole official party is incompatible with the democratic system and with the form of government established in this Constitution. (Art. 85) - SpanishEl Gobierno es republicano, democrático y representativo.
El sistema político es pluralista y se expresa por medio de los partidos políticos, que son el único instrumento para el ejercicio de la representación del pueblo dentro del Gobierno. Las normas, organización y funcionamiento se sujetarán a los principios de la democracia representativa.
La existencia de un partido único oficial es incompatible con el sistema democrático y con la forma de gobierno establecidos en esta Constitución. (Art. 85)
Political Parties
Czech Republic
- EnglishThe political system is founded on the free and voluntary formation of and free competition among those political parties which respect the fundamental democratic principles and which renounce force as a means of promoting their interests. (1993 Constitution, Art. 5)
- CzechPolitický systém je založen na svobodném a dobrovolném vzniku a volné soutěži politických stran respektujících základní demokratické principy a odmítajících násilí jako prostředek k prosazování svých zájmů. (Ústava 1993, Čl. 5)