The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English1. The Assembly of the Republic shall be elected through direct, universal, equal and periodic suffrage and by secret and personal ballot.
3. Candidates for election shall be political parties, either individually or in coalitions, and their respective lists may include citizens who are not party members. (Art. 169) - Portuguese1. A Assembleia da República é eleita por sufrágio universal, directo, igual, secreto, pessoal e periódico.
3. Concorrem às eleições os partidos políticos, isoladamente ou em coligação de partidos, e as respectivas listas podem integrar cidadãos não filiados nos partidos. (Art. 169)
- English1. The Assembly of the Republic is the highest legislative body in the Republic of Mozambique.
2. The Assembly of the Republic determines the norms that conduct the functioning of the State and the economic and social life through laws and deliberations of generic character. (Art. 168) - Portuguese1. A Assembleia da República é o mais alto órgão legislativo na República de Moçambique.
2. A Assembleia da República determina as normas que regem o funcionamento do Estado e a vida económica e social através de leis e deliberações de carácter genérico. (Art. 168)
- English1. The Assembly of the Republic is the representative assembly of all Mozambican citizens.
… (Art. 167) - Portuguese1. A Assembleia da República é a assembleia representativa de todos os cidadãos moçambicanos.
… (Art. 167)
- English1. The Assembly of the Republic shall have power to legislate on basic issues of the country’s domestic and foreign policy.
… (Art. 178) - Portuguese1. Compete à Assembleia da República legislar sobre as questões básicas da política interna e externa do país.
… (Art. 178)