The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English1) Parliament shall be the legal organ representing all Liechtenstein citizens and as such shall be called upon to represent and assert the rights and interests of the People in relation to the Government in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and to promote to the extent possible the welfare of the Princely House and of the country while faithfully adhering to the principles laid down in this Constitution.
… (Art. 45) - German1) Der Landtag ist das gesetzmässige Organ der Gesamtheit der Landesangehörigen und als solches berufen, nach den Bestimmungen dieser Verfassung die Rechte und Interessen des Volkes im Verhältnis zur Regierung wahrzunehmen und geltend zu machen und das Wohl des Fürstlichen Hauses und des Landes mit treuer Anhänglichkeit an die in dieser Verfassung niedergelegten Grundsätze möglichst zu fördern.
… (Art. 45)
- EnglishThe Parliament shall consist of the Members of the Parliament elected directly on the basis of the general and equal electoral right and by secret ballot.
The Parliament shall have 81 Members. (Art. 83) - MontenegrinSkupštinu čine poslanici koji se biraju neposredno, na osnovu opšteg i jednakog biračkog prava i tajnim glasanjem.
Skupština ima 81 poslanika. (Član 83)
- EnglishThe Assembly of the Republic is the assembly that represents all Portuguese citizens. (Art. 147)
- PortugueseA Assembleia da República é a assembleia representativa de todos os cidadãos portugueses. (Art. 147)
- EnglishThe National Council is the representative body for social, economic, professional, and local interests. The National Council has forty members. It is composed of:
• four representatives of employers;
• four representatives of employees;
• four representatives of farmers, crafts and trades, and independent professions;
• six representatives of non-commercial fields;
• twenty-two representatives of local interests.
The organisation of the National Council is regulated by law. (Art. 96) - SloveneDržavni svet je zastopstvo nosilcev socialnih, gospodarskih, poklicnih in lokalnih interesov. Državni svet ima 40 članov. Sestavljajo ga:
- štirje predstavniki delodajalcev;
- štirje predstavniki delojemalcev;
- štirje predstavniki kmetov, obrtnikov in samostojnih poklicev;
- šest predstavnikov negospodarskih dejavnosti;
- dvaindvajset predstavnikov lokalnih interesov.
Organizacijo državnega sveta ureja zakon. (96. Člen)
- EnglishThat the United Kingdom of Great Britain be represented by one and the same Parliament to be stiled The Parliament of Great Britain. (Union with Scotland Act 1706, Art. III)
- EnglishThe federal legislative power is exercised jointly by the King, the House of Representatives and the Senate. (Art. 36)
- DutchDe federale wetgevende macht wordt gezamenlijk uitgeoefend door de Koning, de Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers en de Senaat. (Art. 36)
- FrenchLe pouvoir législatif fédéral s’exerce collectivement par le Roi, la Chambre des représentants et le Sénat. (Art. 36)
- GermanDie föderale gesetzgebende Gewalt wird vom König, von der Abgeordnetenkammer und vom Senat gemeinsam ausgeübt. (Art. 36)
- English(1) Any person who is entitled to vote at Folketing elections shall be eligible for membership of the Folketing, unless he has been convicted of an act which in the eyes of the public makes him unworthy to be a Member of the Folketing.
… (Sec. 30) - DanishStk. 1. Valgbar til Folketinget er enhver, som har valgret til dette, medmindre vedkommende er straffet for en handling, der i almindeligt omdømme gør ham uværdig til at være medlem af Folketinget.
… (§ 30)
- English
(1) Every adult Hungarian citizen shall have the right to vote and to be voted for in elections of Members of the National Assembly, of local government representatives and mayors and of Members of the European Parliament.
… (Freedom and Responsibility, Art. XXIII) - Hungarian
(1) Minden nagykorú magyar állampolgárnak joga van ahhoz, hogy az országgyűlési képviselők, a helyi önkormányzati képviselők és polgármesterek, valamint az európai parlamenti képviselők választásán választó és választható legyen.
… (Szabadság és Felelősség, XXIII. cikk)
- English
(1) The chamber is composed of sixty deputies.
(3) The election is direct. It takes place on the basis of the universal suffrage, on a [party] list ballot, following the rules of the proportional representation, in accordance with the principle of the smallest electoral quotient.
The vote is mandatory and secret. Its modalities are determined by the law.
... (Art. 63) - French
(1) La Chambre se compose de soixante députés.
(3) L’élection est directe. Elle a lieu sur la base du suffrage universel, au scrutin de liste, suivant les règles de la représentation proportionnelle, conformément au principe du plus petit quotient électoral.
Le vote est obligatoire et secret. Ses modalités sont déterminées par la loi.
… (Art. 63)
- English
To be eligible for membership of the States General, a person must be a Dutch national, must have attained the age of eighteen years and must not have been disqualified from voting. (Art. 56)
- Dutch
Om lid van de Staten-Generaal te kunnen zijn is vereist dat men Nederlander is, de leeftijd van achttien jaar heeft bereikt en niet is uitgesloten van het kiesrecht. (Art. 56)