The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English
The law establishes the number of members of the National Assembly, the conditions of eligibility, the minimum of votes to obtain by the lists of candidatures at national level [plan] to be eligible to the attribution of seats, the regime of incompatibilities and the conditions within which vacant seats are provided for.
... (Art. 81) - French
La loi fixe le nombre des membres de l’Assemblée nationale, les conditions d’éligibilité, le minimum de suffrages à recueillir par les listes de candidatures au plan national pour être éligibles à l’attribution des sièges, le régime des incompatibilités et les conditions dans lesquelles il est pourvu aux sièges vacants.
... (Art. 81)
- English
1. The Parliament shall consist of two Chambers: the Senate and the Mazhilis, which act on a permanent basis.
2. In the manner prescribed by the constitutional law, the Senate is formed by the deputies for two persons out of each region, city of republican significance and the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ten deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President of the Republic, five of them - at the recommendation of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
3. The Mazhilis consists of ninety-eight deputies elected in the manner prescribed by the constitutional law under a mixed electoral system: according to the system of proportional representation in the territory of a single nationwide constituency, as well as in single-mandate territorial constituencies.
… (Art. 50) - Kazak
1. Мәжілістің тоқсан сегіз депутатын сайлау жалпыға бірдей, тең және төте сайлау құқығы негізінде жасырын дауыс беру арқылы жүзеге асырылады. Мәжілістің тоғыз депутатын Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясы сайлайды. Мәжіліс депутаттарының кезекті сайлауы Парламенттің жұмыс істеп тұрған сайланымы өкілеттігінің мерзімі аяқталардан кемінде екі ай бұрын өткізіледі.
2. Сенат конституциялық заңда белгіленген тәртіппен әр облыстан, республикалық маңызы бар қаладан және Қазақстан Республикасының астанасынан екі адамнан өкілдік ететін депутаттардан құралады. Сенаттың он депутатын, оның ішінде бесеуін Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясының ұсынысы бойынша Республика Президенті тағайындайды.
3. Мəжіліс конституциялық заңда белгіленген тəртіппен аралас сайлау жүйесі бойынша: біртұтас жалпыұлттық сайлау округінің аумағы бойынша пропорционалды өкілдік ету жүйесі бойынша, сондай-ақ бірмандаттық аумақтық сайлау округтері бойынша сайланатын тоқсан сегіз депутаттан тұрады.
… (50-бап)
- English(1) Parliament consists of –
(a) the National Assembly; and
(b) the National Council of Provinces.
(2) The National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces participate in the legislative process in the manner set out in the Constitution.
… (Sec. 42)
- EnglishParliament shall pass statutes. It shall monitor the action of the Government. It shall assess public policies.
It shall comprise the National Assembly and the Senate.
Members of the National Assembly, whose number shall not exceed five hundred and seventy-seven, shall be elected by direct suffrage.
The Senate, whose members shall not exceed three hundred and forty-eight, shall be elected by indirect suffrage. The Senate shall ensure the representation of the territorial communities of the Republic.
… (1958 Constitution, Art. 24) - FrenchLe Parlement vote la loi. Il contrôle l'action du Gouvernement. Il évalue les politiques publiques.
Il comprend l'Assemblée nationale et le Sénat.
Les députés à l'Assemblée nationale, dont le nombre ne peut excéder cinq cent soixante-dix-sept, sont élus au suffrage direct.
Le Sénat, dont le nombre de membres ne peut excéder trois cent quarante-huit, est élu au suffrage indirect. Il assure la représentation des collectivités territoriales de la République.
… (Constitution 1958, Art. 24)
- EnglishThere shall be a Parliament of Guyana, which shall consist of the President and the National Assembly. (Art. 51)
- EnglishCabo Verdean citizen voters shall be eligible except in case of ineligibilities foreseen in the law. (Art. 117)
- PortugueseSão elegíveis os cidadãos cabo-verdianos eleitores ressalvadas as inelegibilidades previstas na lei. (Art. 117)
- EnglishThe legislative authority of the Federation shall be vested in a Parliament, which shall consist of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and two Majlis (Houses of Parliament) to be known as the Dewan Negara (Senate) and the Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives). (Art. 44)
- MalayKuasa perundangan Persekutuan hendaklah terletak hak pada Parlimen yang hendaklah terdiri daripada Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan dua Majlis Parlimen yang dikenali sebagai Dewan Negara dan Dewan Rakyat. (Perkara 44)
- EnglishMembers in the Transitional Legislative Council meet the following conditions:
(1) He is a Sudanese national by birth;
(2) He is not be less than 21 years of age;
(3) He possesses integrity and competence;
(4) He has not been convicted by a final ruling from a competent court of a crime relating to honor, trustworthiness, or financial responsibility;
(5) He must be able to read and write. (Art. 25) - Arabicيشترط في عضو المجلس التشريعي الانتقالي:
1. ان يكون سودانياً بالميلاد.
2. الا يقل عمره عن واحد وعشرين عاماً.
3. ان يكون من ذوي النزاهة والكفاءة.
4. الا يكون قد ادين بحكم نهائي من محكمة مختصة في جريمة تتعلق بالشرف او الامانة او الزمه المالية.
5. ان يكون ملماً بالقراءة والكتابة. (الماده 26)
- English1 Seanad Éireann shall be composed of sixty members, of whom eleven shall be nominated members and forty-nine shall be elected members.
2 A person to be eligible for membership of Seanad Éireann must be eligible to become a member of Dáil Éireann.
3 The nominated members of Seanad Éireann shall be nominated, with their prior consent, by the Taoiseach who is appointed next after the reassembly of Dáil Éireann following the dissolution thereof which occasions the nomination of the said members.
4 1° The elected members of Seanad Éireann shall be elected as follows:—
i Three shall be elected by the National University of Ireland.
ii Three shall be elected by the University of Dublin.
iii Forty-three shall be elected from panels of candidates constituted as hereinafter provided.
2° Provision may be made by law for the election, on a franchise and in the manner to be provided by law, by one or more of the following institutions, namely:
i the universities mentioned in subsection 1° of this section,
ii any other institutions of higher education in the State,
of of so many members of Seanad Éireann as may be fixed by law in substitution for an equal number of the members to be elected pursuant to paragraphs i and ii of the said subsection 1°.
A member or members of Seanad Éireann may be elected under this subsection by institutions grouped together or by a single institution.
5 Every election of the elected members of Seanad Éireann shall be held on the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote, and by secret postal ballot.
6 The members of Seanad Éireann to be elected by the Universities shall be elected on a franchise and in the manner to be provided by law.
7 1° Before each general election of the members of Seanad Éireann to be elected from panels of candidates, five panels of candidates shall be formed in the manner provided by law containing respectively the names of persons having knowledge and practical experience of the following interests and services, namely:–
i National Language and Culture, Literature, Art, Education and such professional interests as may be defined by law for the purpose of this panel;
ii Agriculture and allied interests, and Fisheries;
iii Labour, whether organised or unorganised;
iv Industry and Commerce, including banking, finance, accountancy, engineering and architecture;
v Public Administration and social services, including voluntary social activities.
2° Not more than eleven and, subject to the provisions of Article 19 hereof, not less than five members of Seanad Éireann shall be elected from any one panel.
… (Art. 18) - Irish Gaelic1 Seasca comhalta líon Sheanad Éireann, .i. aon duine dhéag a ainmneofar agus naonúr is daichead a thoghfar.
2 Ionas go mbeadh duine inghlactha ar chomhaltas Sheanad Éireann ní foláir é a bheith inghlactha ar chomhaltas Dháil Éireann.
3 Na comhaltaí a ainmneofar do Sheanad Éireann ainmneofar iad le réamhchead uathu féin ag an Taoiseach a cheapfar ar Dháil Éireann d’ationól i ndiaidh an lánscoir ar Dháil Éireann is siocair leis na comhaltaí sin a ainmniú.
4 1° Na comhaltaí a thoghfar do Sheanad Éireann, is ar an gcuma seo a leanas a thoghfar iad:—
i Toghfaidh Ollscoil na hÉireann triúr.
ii Toghfaidh Ollscoil Bhaile Átha Cliath triúr.
iii Toghfar triúr is daichead as rollaí d’iarrthóirí a chóireofar ar an gcuma a shocraítear anseo inár ndiaidh.
2° Féadfar foráil a dhéanamh le dlí chun go dtoghfar de réir toghchórais, agus ar an modh, a shocrófar le dlí, ag ceann amháin nó níos mó de na forais seo a leanas, eadhon:
i na hOllscoileanna a luaitear i bhfo-alt 1° den alt seo,
ii aon fhorais eile ardoideachais sa Stát,
an líon sin comhaltaí de Sheanad Éireann a shocrófar le dlí in ionad líon comhionann de na comhaltaí a bheas le toghadh de bhun míreanna i agus ii den fho-alt sin 1°.
Féadfar comhalta nó comhaltaí de Sheanad Éireann a thoghadh faoin bhfo-alt seo ag forais a bheas tiomsaithe le chéile nó ag foras aonair.
5 Gach toghchán dá mbeidh ann do na comhaltaí a thoghfar do Sheanad Éireann is de réir na hionadaíochta cionúire a dhéanfar é agus ar mhodh an aonghutha inaistrithe, le rúnbhallóid phoist.
6 Na comhaltaí a thoghfar do Sheanad Éireann ag na hOllscoileanna is de réir toghchórais, agus ar an modh, a shocrófar le dlí a thoghfar iad.
7 1° Roimh gach olltoghchán do na comhaltaí do Sheanad Éireann a thoghfar as rollaí d’iarrthóirí cóireofar ar an gcuma a shocrófar le dlí cúig rolla d’iarrthóirí ar a mbeidh ainmneacha daoine ag a mbeidh eolas agus cleachtadh ar na gnóthaí agus na seirbhísí seo a leanas faoi seach:–
i An Ghaeilge agus an tSaíocht Náisiúnta, Litríocht, Ealaíonacht, Oideachas agus cibé gairmeacha a léireofar le dlí chun críche an rolla seo;
ii Talmhaíocht, maille le gnóthaí a bhaineas léi, agus Iascaireacht;
iii Oibreachas, cibé comheagraithe é nó nach ea;
iv Tionscal is Tráchtáil ar a n-áirítear baincéireacht, airgeadas, cuntasaíocht, innealtóireacht agus foirgníocht;
v Riarachán Poiblí agus seirbhísí comhdhaonnacha, agus obair chomhdhaonnach dheonach a áireamh.
2° Ní cead níos mó ná aon duine dhéag ná, faoi chuimsiú forálacha Airteagail 19 den Bhunreacht seo, níos lú ná cúigear de chomhaltaí Sheanad Éireann a thoghadh as aon rolla áirithe.
… (Airteagal 18)
- EnglishThe House of Representatives shall consist of persons who, being qualified for election as members in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, have been so elected in the manner provided by or under any law for the time being in force in Jamaica and who shall be known as “Members of Parliament”. (Sec. 36)