The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Head of State
- English1. The President shall be elected by universal, equal, direct and secret ballot by the people.
4. Citizens who are eligible for election to the National Assembly, and who have reached the age of forty years or more on the date of the presidential election, shall be eligible to be elected to the presidency.
… (Art. 67) - Korean①대통령은 국민의 보통·평등·직접·비밀선거에 의하여 선출한다.
④대통령으로 선거될 수 있는 자는 국회의원의 피선거권이 있고 선거일 현재 40세에 달하여야 한다.
… (제67조)
Head of State
- English(1) The executive authority of Malta is vested in the President.
… (Art. 78) - Maltese(1) L-awtorità esekuttiva ta’ Malta hija fil-President.
… (Art. 78)
Head of State
- EnglishThe President of the Republic is the Head of State.
He sees to the respect for the Constitution. …
He is the guarantor of the national independence, of the integrity of the territory, [and] of respect for the Agreements and Treaties.
He establishes the grand orientations of the policy of the Nation.
… (Art. 33) - FrenchLe President de la Republique est le chef de l’Etat.
Il veille au respect de la Constitution. …
Il est le garant de l’indépendance nationale, de l’intégrité du territoire et du respect des Accords et Traités.
Il fixe les grandes orientations de la politique de la nation.
… (Art. 33)
Head of State
- EnglishTo be elected President or Vice-President of the Nation it is necessary to have been born in the Argentine territory, or to be the son of a native born citizen if born in a foreign country; and to have the other qualifications required to be elected senator. (Sec. 89)
- SpanishPara ser elegido presidente o vicepresidente de la Nación, se requiere haber nacido en el territorio argentino, o ser hijo de ciudadano nativo, habiendo nacido en país extranjero; y las demás calidades exigidas para ser elegido senador. (Art. 89)
Head of State
- EnglishThe State of Cyprus is an independent and sovereign Republic with a presidential regime, the President being Greek and the Vice President being Turk elected by the Greek and the Turkish Communities of Cyprus respectively as hereinafter in this Constitution provided. (Art. 1)
- GreekΗ Κυπριακή Πολιτεία είναι ανεξάρτητος και κυρίαρχος Δημοκρατία, προεδρικού συστήματος, της οποίας ο Πρόεδρος είναι Έλλην και ο Αντιπρόεδρος Τούρκος, εκλεγόμενοι αντιστοίχως υπό της ελληνικής και της τουρκικής κοινότητος της Κύπρου, ως εν τω παρόντι Συντάγματι ορίζεται. (Αρθρον 1)
- TurkishKıbrıs Devleti, başkanlık rejimine sahip bağımsız ve egemen bir cumhuriyettir; Cumhurbaşkanı Rum ve Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı Türk olup bu Anayasada belirtildiği şekilde Kıbrıs'ın Rum ve Türk Cemaatleri tarafından seçilir. (Madde 1)
Head of State
- English
1. Presidential elections shall be conducted in two stages.
2. Political parties which have obtained seats in the State Great Khural shall nominate individually or collectively one single candidate each for Presidency.
3. At the primary stage of the elections citizens eligible for election shall participate in electing the President on the basis of universal, free and direct suffrage by secret ballot.
4. The State Great Khural shall consider the candidate who has obtained a majority of all votes cast in the first voting as elected the President and shall pass a law recognizing his/her powers.
… (Art. 31) - Mongolian
1. Ерөнхийлөгчийн сонгууль хоёр шаттай байна.
2. Улсын Их Хуралд суудал бүхий нам дангаараа буюу хамтран Ерөнхийлөгчид тус бүр нэг хүний нэр дэвшүүлнэ.
3. Анхан шатны сонгуульд Монгол Улсын сонгуулийн эрх бүхий иргэд нийтээрээ, чөлөөтэй, шууд сонгох эрхтэй оролцож, Ерөнхийлөгчид нэр дэвшигчийн талаар саналаа нууцаар гаргана.
4. Ерөнхийлөгчийн анхан шатны сонгуульд оролцсон нийт сонгогчийн олонхийн санал авсан нэр дэвшигчийг Улсын Их Хурал Ерөнхийлөгчөөр сонгогдсон гэж үзэж бүрэн эрхийг нь хүлээн зөвшөөрсөн хууль гаргана.
… (Гучин нэгдүгээр зүйл)
Head of State
- EnglishA Prince or Princess entitled to succeed to the Crown of Norway may not marry without the consent of the King. Nor may he or she accept any other crown or government without the consent of the King and the Storting. For the consent of the Storting two thirds of the votes are required.
If he or she acts contrary to this rule, they and their descendants forfeit their right to the throne of Norway. (Art. 36) - NorwegianEn til Norges krone arveberettiget prins eller prinsesse må ikke gifte seg uten kongens tillatelse. Heller ikke må han eller hun motta noen annen krone eller regjering uten kongens og Stortingets samtykke. Til Stortingets samtykke fordres to tredjedeler av stemmene.
Handler han eller hun i strid med dette, taper vedkommende så vel som etterkommerne retten til Norges trone. (§ 36)
Head of State
- English
The President of the Republic is elected by majority ballot in two rounds. The election of the President of the Republic is acquired with the absolute majority of the suffrage expressed.
… (Art. 56) - French
Le Président de la République est élu au scrutin majoritaire à deux tours. L'élection du Président de la République est acquise à la majorité absolue des suffrages exprimés.
… (Art. 56)
Head of State
- EnglishThe Provisions of this Act referring to the Governor General extend and apply to the Governor General for the Time being of Canada, or other the Chief Executive Officer or Administrator for the Time being carrying on the Government of Canada on behalf and in the Name of the Queen, by whatever Title he is designated. (Constitution Act 1867, Sec. 10)
- FrenchLes dispositions de la présente loi relatives au gouverneur général s’étendent et s’appliquent au gouverneur général du Canada, ou à tout autre Chef Exécutif ou Administrateur pour le temps d’alors, administrant le gouvernement du Canada au nom de la Reine, quel que soit le titre sous lequel il puisse être désigné. (Loi constitutionnelle de 1867, Sec. 10)
Head of State
- EnglishThe rule of the State is hereditary in the family of Al Thani and in the line of the male descendants of Hamad Bin Khalifa Bin Hamad Bin Abdullah Bin Jassim. The rule shall be inherited by the son named as Heir Apparent by the Emir.
In the case that there is no such son, the prerogatives of rule shall pass to the member of the family named by the Emir as Heir Apparent. In this case, his male descendants shall inherit the rule. The provisions of the rule of the State and accession shall be determined by a special law that shall be issued within a year commencing as from the date of coming into force of this Constitution. This law shall have the power of the Constitution. (Art. 8) - Arabicحكم الدولة وراثيّ في عائلة آل ثاني، و في ذرّية حمد بن خليفة بن حمد بن عبد الله بن جاسم من الذّكور ، و تكون وراثة الحكم إلى الابن الذي يسمّيه الأمير وليّا للعهد.
فإن لم يوجد ابن ينتقل الحكم إلى من يسمّيه الأمير من العائلة وليا للعهد، و في هذه الحالة تكون وراثة الحكم في ذريته من الذكور. و ينظّم سائر الأحكام الخاصة بحكم الدولة ووراثته قانون خاصّ يصدر خلال سنة من تاريخ العمل بهذا الدستور. و تكون له صفة دستورية. ( المادّة 8)