The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Head of State
- EnglishThere shall be a President of the Republic of Botswana who shall be the Head of State. (Sec. 30)
Head of State
- EnglishThe President of the Republic is the Head of the State. He is the guarantor of the national independence and [national] unity, of the territorial integrity, of the respect for the Constitution and of the international treaties and Agreements. … (Art. 58)
- FrenchLe Président de la République est le Chef de l'Etat. Il est garant de l'indépendance et de l'unité nationales, de l'intégrité territoriale, du respect de la Constitution et des traités et accords internationaux. … (Art. 58)
Head of State
- English
The State is headed by a President. (Basic Law: The President of the State (1964), Sec. 1)
- Hebrew
בראש המדינה עומד נשיא. (חוק יסוד: נשיא המדינה (1964), סעיף 1)
Head of State
- EnglishThe Saeima shall elect the President for a term of four years. (Art. 35)
- LatvianValsts Prezidentu ievēlē Saeima uz četriem gadiem. (Art. 35)
Head of State
- English1. The President of the Republic shall guarantee the unity of the Nation and State, the integrity of the territory, national independence and shall oversee and guarantee compliance with the Constitution and international treaties.
… (Art. 125) - Portuguese1. O Presidente da República é o garante da unidade da Nação e do Estado, da integridade do território, da independência nacional e vigia e garante o cumprimento da Constituição e dos tratados internacionais.
… (Art. 125)
Head of State
- English
(1) The President must uphold, defend, obey and respect this Constitution as the supreme law of the nation and must ensure that this Constitution and all the other laws are faithfully observed.
… (Sec. 90)
Head of State
- English
1. The President is the head of state, the highest official and head of the executive power of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. The President ensures the unity of the people and state power.
3. The President is the guarantor of the Constitution and of human and civil rights and freedoms.
… (Art. 66) - Russian
1. Президент является главой государства, высшим должностным лицом и возглавляет исполнительную власть Кыргызской Республики.
2. Президент обеспечивает единство народа и государственной власти.
3. Президент является гарантом Конституции, прав и свобод человека и гражданина.
… (Статья 66) - Kyrgyz
1. Президент – мамлекет башчысы, жогорку кызмат адамы жана Кыргыз Республикасынын аткаруу бийлигин жетектейт.
2. Президент элдин жана мамлекеттик бийликтин биримдигин камсыз кылат.
3. Президент Конституциянын, адамдын жана жарандын укуктарынын жана эркиндиктеринин кепили болуп саналат.
… (66-берене)
Head of State
- EnglishThe succession to the Throne, opened by death or abdication, takes place by the direct and legitimate issue of the reigning prince, by order of primogeniture with priority given to males within the same degree of kinship.
In the absence of direct legitimate issue, the succession passes to the brothers and sisters of the reigning prince and their direct legitimate descendants, by order of primogeniture with priority given to males within the same degree of kinship.
If the heir, who would have acceded by virtue of the preceding paragraphs, is deceased or renounced the Throne before the succession became open, the succession passes to His own direct legitimate descendants, by order of primogeniture with priority given to males within the same degree of kinship.
If the application of the preceding paragraphs does not fill the vacancy of the Throne, the succession passes to a collateral heir appointed by the Crown Council upon same advice of the Regency Council. The powers of the prince are temporarily held by the Regency Council.
The Throne can only pass to a person holding Monegasque citizenship on the day the succession opens.
The procedures of application of this article are set, as needed, by the House Laws of the Sovereign Family, promulgated by Sovereign ordinance. (Art. 10) - FrenchLa succession au Trône, ouverte par suite de décès ou d'abdication, s'opère dans la descendance directe et légitime du Prince régnant, par ordre de primogéniture avec priorité masculine au même degré de parenté.
A défaut de descendance directe et légitime, la succession s'opère au profit des frères et soeurs du Prince régnant et de leurs descendants directs et légitimes, par ordre de primogéniture avec priorité masculine au même degré de parenté.
Si l'héritier qui aurait été appelé à monter sur le Trône en vertu des alinéas précédents est décédé ou a renoncé avant l'ouverture de la succession, la dévolution s'opère au profit de ses propres descendants directs et légitimes, selon l'ordre de primogéniture avec priorité masculine au même degré de parenté.
Si l'application des paragraphes ci-dessus ne permet pas de pourvoir à la vacance du Trône, la succession s'opère au profit d'un collatéral désigné par le Conseil de la Couronne sur avis conforme du Conseil de régence. Les pouvoirs princiers sont provisoirement exercés par le Conseil de régence.
La succession au Trône ne peut s'opérer qu'au profit d'une personne ayant la nationalité monégasque au jour de l'ouverture de la succession.
Les modalités d'application du présent article sont fixées, en tant que de besoin, par les statuts de la Famille Souveraine, pris par Ordonnance Souveraine. (Art. 10)
Head of State
- EnglishThe President of the Republic is elected by universal direct suffrage, by uninominal ballot, by the absolute majority of the suffrage expressed.
… (Art. 67) - FrenchLe Président de la République est élu au suffrage universel direct, au scrutin uninominal, à la majorité absolue des suffrages exprimés.
… (Art. 67)
Head of State
- English
Paragraph 3. The conditions for eligibility, according to the law, are:
I – the Brazilian nationality;
II – the full exercise of the political rights;
III – the electoral enrollment;
IV – the electoral domicile in the electoral district;
V – the membership in a political party;
VI – the minimum age of:
a) thirty-five years for President and Vice-President of the Republic and Senator;
Paragraph 4. The illiterate and those that cannot be registered as voters are not eligible.
... (Art. 14) - Portuguese
São condições de elegibilidade, na forma da lei:
I - a nacionalidade brasileira;
II - o pleno exercício dos direitos políticos;
III - o alistamento eleitoral;
IV - o domicílio eleitoral na circunscrição;
V - a filiação partidária;
VI - a idade mínima de:
a) trinta e cinco anos para Presidente e Vice-Presidente da República e Senador;
§ 4º - São inelegíveis os inalistáveis e os analfabetos.
… (Art. 14)