The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishA candidate for the office of the President shall:
a. be a South Sudanese by birth;
b. be of sound mind;
c. be at least forty years of age;
d. be literate; and
e. not have been convicted of an offence involving honesty or moral turpitude. (Art. 98)
- English
Paragraph 3. The conditions for eligibility, according to the law, are:
I – the Brazilian nationality;
II – the full exercise of the political rights;
III – the electoral enrollment;
IV – the electoral domicile in the electoral district;
V – the membership in a political party;
VI – the minimum age of:
a) thirty-five years for President and Vice-President of the Republic and Senator;
Paragraph 4. The illiterate and those that cannot be registered as voters are not eligible.
... (Art. 14) - Portuguese
§ 3º São condições de elegibilidade, na forma da lei:
I - a nacionalidade brasileira;
II - o pleno exercício dos direitos políticos;
III - o alistamento eleitoral;
IV - o domicílio eleitoral na circunscrição;
V - a filiação partidária;
VI - a idade mínima de:
a) trinta e cinco anos para Presidente e Vice-Presidente da República e Senador;
§ 4º - São inelegíveis os inalistáveis e os analfabetos.
… (Art. 14)
- EnglishThe President of the Republic shall be an Ecuadorian national by birth, at least thirty-five (35) years of age when registering his/her candidacy, in possession of his/her political rights, and not subject to any of the disqualifications or prohibitions provided for by the Constitution. (Art. 142)5
- SpanishLa Presidenta o Presidente de la República debe ser ecuatoriano por nacimiento, haber cumplido treinta y cinco años de edad a la fecha de inscripción de su candidatura, estar en goce de los derechos políticos y no encontrarse incurso en ninguna de las inhabilidades o prohibiciones establecidas en la Constitución. (Art. 142)
- English
The following qualifications [calidades] are required to be the President or Vice President of the Republic:
1) To be a national of Nicaragua. Those who have acquired other nationality must have renounced it at least four years prior to the election being verified.
2) To be in full enjoyment of one's civil and political rights.
3) To have completed twenty-five years of age.
4) To have resided in continuous form in the country [for] the four years preceding the election, save [when] during this time [periodo] fulfilling a diplomatic mission, working in international organs [organismos] or realizing study abroad.
... (Art. 147) - Spanish
Para ser Presidente o Vicepresidente de la República se requiere de las siguientes calidades:
1) Ser nacional de Nicaragua. Quien hubiese adquirido otra nacionalidad deberá haber renunciado a ella al menos cuatro años antes de verificarse la elección.
2) Estar en pleno goce de sus derechos civiles y políticos.
3) Haber cumplido veinticinco años de edad.
4) Haber residido de forma continua en el país los cuatro años anteriores a la elección, salvo que durante dicho período cumpliere misión diplomática, trabajare en organismos internacionales o realizare estudios en el extranjero.
... (Art. 147)
- EnglishA person elected as President shall have the following qualifications:
(a) be a Maldivian citizen born to parents who are Maldivian citizens, and who is not also a citizen of a foreign country;
(b) be a Muslim and a follower of a Sunni school of Islam;
(c) be at least thirty-five years of age;
(d) be of sound mind;
(e) not have an undischarged decreed debt;
(f) not have been convicted of a criminal offence and sentenced to a term of more than twelve months, unless a period of three years has elapsed since his release, or pardon for the offence for which he was sentenced; and
(g) despite the provisions of article (f), not have been convicted of an offence for which a hadd is prescribed in Islam or of fraud, deception or criminal breach of trust. (Art. 109) - Dhivehiރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާކަމުގެ މަޤާމަށް އިންތިހާބްކުރެވޭ މީހެއްގައި އަންނަނިވި ޝަރުތުތައް ފުރިހަމަވާންވާނެއެވެ.
(ހ) ދިވެހި މަންމައަކާއި ދިވެހި ބައްޕައަކަށް އުފަން ދިވެހި ރައްޔިތަކު ކަމުގައިވުން އަދި ބޭރުޤައުމެއްގެ ރައްޔިތަކު ކަމުގައި ނުވުން.
(ށ) މުސްލިމަކު ކަމުގައިވުމާއި، ސުންނަތް ޖަމާއަތުގެ މީހަކު ކަމުގައިވުން.
(ނ) އުމުރުން ތިރީސްފަސް އަހަރުވެފައިވާ މީހަކުކަމުގައިވުން.
(ރ) ބުއްދި ހަމައަށްހުރި މީހަކު ކަމުގައިވުން.
(ބ) އަދާކުރާންޖެހޭ ސާބިތު ދަރަންޏެއް އޮތް މީހަކު ނަމަ، އެ ދަރަނި ހަލާސްނުކޮށް ހުރި މީހަކު ކަމުގައި ނުވުން.
(ޅ) ޖިނާއީ ކުށެއް ކުރިކަން ސާބިތުވެގެން ބާރަ މަސްދުވަހަށްވުރެ ދިގުމުއްދަތެއްގެ ހުކުމެއް ކުރެވިފައިވާ މީހަކު ނަމަ، އެ ހުކުމް ތަންފީޛުކޮށް ނިމުނުތާ ނުވަތަ އެ ހުކުމް ކަނޑައެޅުނު އަދަބު މަޢާފްކުރެވުނުތާ ތިންއަހަރު ވެފައިވާ މީހަކު ކަމިގައިވުން.
(ކ) މި މާއްދާގެ (ޅ) ގައި އެހެން އޮތްމަކުގައިވީ ނަމަވެސް އެ މީހަކީ އިސްލާމްދީނުގައި ހައްދު ކަނޑައެޅިފައިވާ ކުށެއް ނުވަތަ މަކަރާ ހީލަތް، ޓެކުން، ހިޔާނާތުގެ ކުށެއް ކުރިކަން ޝަރީއަތަށް ސާބިތުވެފައިވާ މީހެއްކަމުގައި ނުވުން. (ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީގެ 109 ވަނަ މާއްދާ)
- EnglishIn order to be elected President of the Republic, it is necessary to be Venezuelan by birth, with no other nationality, to be more than 30 years of age, not a member of the clergy and not subject to any conviction by final judgment, as well as meeting fulfill other requirements prescribed in this Constitution. (Art. 227)
- SpanishPara ser elegido Presidente o Presidenta de la República se requiere ser venezolano o venezolana por nacimiento, no poseer otra nacionalidad, ser mayor de treinta años, de estado seglar y no estar sometido o sometida a condena mediante sentencia definitivamente firme y cumplir con los demás requisitos establecidos en esta Constitución. (Art. 227)
- EnglishThe Federal Supreme Council elects from among its members a President and a Vice President. The Vice President exercises all the powers of the President in the event of the President’s absence for any reason. (Art. 51)
- Arabicينتخب المجلس الأعلى للاتحاد ، من بين اعضائه ، رئيسا للاتحاد ونائبا لرئيس الاتحاد ويمارس نائب رئيس الاتحاد جميع اختصاصات الرئيس عند غيابه لأي سبب من الأسباب. (المادّة 51)
- EnglishThe President and Vice President shall be elected in a nationwide election for a term of four years. ... (Art. VIII, Sec. 4)
- English
The Vice President of the Republic must enjoy his civil and political rights and must be thirty-five years of age at least. He must be exclusively of Ivoirian nationality, born to a father or to a mother Ivoirian of origin. (Art. 78)
- French
Le vice-Président de la République doit jouir de ses droits civils et politiques et doit être âgé de trente-cinq ans au moins. Il doit être exclusivement de nationalité ivoirienne, né de père ou de mère ivoirien d'origine. (Art. 78)
- English…
3. No person shall be eligible for election to the office of President unless he is a citizen of Mauritius who is not less than 40 years of age and has resided in Mauritius for a period of not less than 5 years immediately preceding the election.
… (Sec. 28)