The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
South Africa
- English(1) Parties represented in a provincial legislature are entitled to delegates in the province’s delegation in accordance with the formula set out in Part B of Schedule 3.
… (Sec. 61)
- English(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Senate shall consist of thirteen members (in this Constitution referred to as “Senators”) who shall be appointed by the Governor-General in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(4) Of the thirteen Senators-
(a) six shall be appointed by the Governor-General acting in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister;
(b) three shall be appointed by the Governor-General acting in accordance with the advice of the Leader of the Opposition;
(c) one shall be appointed by the Governor-General, acting in accordance with the advice of the Belize Council of Churches and Evangelical Association of Churches;
(d) one shall be appointed by the Governor-General acting in accordance with the advice of the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Belize Business Bureau; and
(e) one shall be appointed by the Governor-General acting in accordance with the advice of the National Trade Union Congress and the Civil Society Steering Committee.
(f) one shall be appointed by the Governor-General, acting in accordance with the advice of the non-governmental organisations.
... (Sec. 61)
- EnglishThe Majlisi Namoyandagon is elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct voting by secret ballot. The Majlisi Namoyandagon acts on an ongoing and professional basis. A person not younger than 30 years of age who has only the citizenship of the Republic of Tajikistan and a higher education may be elected as a deputy of the Majlisi namoyandagon.
Three quarter of the members of Majlisi Milli shall be elected indirectly at the joint meetings of peopleʹs deputies of the Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region and towns and districts thereof, regions and towns and districts thereof, city of Dushanbe and districts thereof, towns and districts in the Republican subordination (jointly) by secret ballot. In Majlisi Milli the Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region, regions, city of Dushanbe, towns and districts in the Republican subordination shall have the equal number of representatives.
The President of the Republic of Tajikistan shall appoint one quarter of the members of the Majlisi Milli.
The Majlisi Milli shall function based on convocations.
A person not younger than 30 years old, having only citizenship of the Republic of Tajikistan, and higher education may be elected a member of the Majlisi milli.
Each former President of the Republic of Tajikistan shall be a life‑term member of Majlisi Milli, unless resigned voluntarily.
A member of the Majlisi Milli and deputy of the Majlisi Namoyandagon, after being elected or appointed at a meeting, the Majlisi Milli and Majlisi Namoyandagon take the oath to the people of Tajikistan.
The number of members of the Majlisi milli and deputies of the Majlisi namoyandagon, the procedure for their election or appointment is determined by constitutional law. (Art. 49) - RussianМаджлиси намояндагон избирается на основе всеобщего, равного и прямого избирательного права при тайном голосовании. Маджлиси намояндагон действует на постоянной и профессиональной основе. Депутатом Маджлиси намояндагон может быть избрано лицо не моложе 30 лет, имеющее только гражданство Республики Таджикистан, и высшее образование.
Три четвертых части членов Маджлиси милли избирается косвенным путем, тайным голосованием на совместных собраниях народных депутатов ГорноБадахшанской автономной области и ее городов и районов, областей и их городов и районов, города Душанбе и его районов, городов и районов республиканского подчинения (совместно). В Маджлиси милли Горно‐Бадахшанская автономная область, области, города Душанбе, города и районы республиканского подчинения имеют равное количество представителей.
Одну четвертую часть членов Маджлиси милли назначает Президент Республики Таджикистан.
Маджлиси милли действует на созывной основе.
Членом Маджлиси милли может быть избрано лицо не моложе 30 лет, имеющее только гражданство Республики Таджикистан, и высшее образование.
Каждый бывший Президент Республики Таджикистан является членом Маджлиси милли пожизненно, если он не откажется от использования этого права.
Член Маджлиси милли и депутат Маджлиси намояндагон после избрания или назначения на заседании Маджлиси милли и Маджлиси намояндагон приносят присягу народу Таджикистана.
Число членов Маджлиси милли и депутатов Маджлиси намояндагон, порядок их избрания или назначения определяется конституционным законом. (Статья 49) - TajikИнтихоботи Маїлиси намояндагон ба таври умумњ, баробар, мустаѕим ва бо овоздиіии пиніонњ сурат мегирад. Маїлиси намояндагон доимоамалкунанда ва касбњ мебошад. Вакили Маїлиси намояндагон шахсе интихоб шуда метавонад, ки таніо шаірвандии Їуміурии Тоїикистонро дошта бошад ва синни ў аз 30 кам набуда, дорои таісилоти олњ бошад.
Аз чор се ҳиссаи аъзои Маҷлиси миллӣ ба таври ғайримустақим дар маҷлисҳои якҷояи вакилони халқи Вилояти Мухтори Кӯҳистони Бадахшон ва шаҳру ноҳияҳои он, вилоятҳо ва шаҳру ноҳияҳои онҳо, шаҳри Душанбе ва ноҳияҳои он, шаҳру ноҳияҳои тобеи ҷумҳурӣ (якҷоя) бо овоздиҳии пинҳонӣ интихоб мегардад. Дар Маҷлиси миллӣ Вилояти Мухтори Кӯҳистони Бадахшон, вилоятҳо, шаҳри Душанбе, шаҳрҳо ва ноҳияҳои тобеи ҷумҳурӣ намояндагони баробар доранд.
Аз чор як ҳиссаи аъзои Маҷлиси миллиро Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон таъин мекунад.
Фаъолияти Маҷлиси миллӣ даъватӣ мебошад.
Узви Маїлиси миллњ шахсе интихоб ё таъин шуда метавонад, ки таніо шаірвандии Їуміурии Тоїикистонро дошта бошад ва синни ў аз 30 кам набуда, дорои таісилоти олњ бошад.
Ҳар Президенти собиқи Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон узви якумраи Маҷлиси миллӣ мебошад, агар ӯ аз истифодаи ин ҳақ даст накашад.
Узви Маїлиси миллњ ва вакили Маїлиси намояндагон баъди интихоб ё таъин шудан дар иїлосияи Маїлиси миллњ ва Маїлиси намояндагон ба халѕи Тоїикистон савганд ёд мекунанд.
Шумораи аъзои Маїлиси миллњ ва вакилони Маїлиси намояндагон, тартиби интихоб ё таъин гардидани оніоро ѕонуни конститутсионњ муайян менамояд. (Моддаи 49)
- EnglishMembers of the House of Elders shall be elected and appointed as follows:
1. From amongst each provincial council members, one individual shall be elected by the respective council for a four year term;
2. From amongst district councils of each province, one individual, elected by the respective councils, for a three year term;
3. The remaining one third of the members shall be appointed by the President, for a five year term, from amongst experts and experienced personalities, including two members from amongst the impaired and handicapped, as well as two from nomads.
The President shall appoint 50 percent of these individuals from amongst women. The individual selected as a member of the House of Elders shall lose membership to the related Council, and, another individual shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the law. (Art. 84) - Dariاعضای مشرانو جرگه به ترتیب ذیل انتخاب و تعیین می شوند:
١- از جمله اعضای شورای هر ولایت، یك نفر به انتخاب شورای مربوط برای مدت چهار سال؛
٢- از جملۀ اعضای شورا های ولسوالی های هر ولایت، یك نفر به انتخاب شوراهای مربوط برای مدت سه سال؛
٣- یك ثلث باقی مانده از جملۀ شخصیت های خبیر و با تجربه به شمول دو نفر از نمایندگان معلولین و معیوبین و دو نفر نمایندگان كوچی ها به تعیین رئیس جمهور برای مدت پنج سال.
رئیس جمهور تعداد پنجاه فیصد از این اشخاص را از بین زنان تعیین می نماید. شخصی كه به حیث عضو مشرانو جرگه انتخاب می شود، عضویت خود را در شورای مربوطه از دست داده، به عوض او شخص دیگری مطابق به احكام قانون تعیین میگردد. (مادۀ ۸۴) - Pashtoد مشرانو جرگې غړي په لاندې ډول انتخاب او ټاكل كېږي:
١- د هرې ولايتي جرگې له غړيو څخه يو تن د مربوطې جرگې په انتخاب، د څلورو كلونو لپاره ؛
٢- د هر ولايت د ولسواليو د جرگو له غړيو څخه يو تن، د مربوطو جرگو په انتخاب، د دريو كلونو لپاره؛
٣- پاتې دريمه برخه غړي د معلولينو او معيوبينو د دوو تنو او كوچيانو د دوو تنو استازيو په گډون د هېواد له خبيرو او تجربه لرونكو كسانو څخه د پنځو كلونو لپاره د جمهور رئيس له خوا ټاكل كېږي.
جمهور رئيس له دې اشخاصو څخه په سلو كي پنځوس ښځې ټاكي. هغه شخص چې د مشرانو جرگې د غړي په توگه انتخابېږي په مربوطه جرگه كې خپل غړيتوب له لاسه وركوي او د ده پر ځاى د قانون له حكمونو سره سم بل شخص ټاكل كېږي. (۸۴ ماده)
Central African Republic
- EnglishThe Legislative Power is exercised by a Parliament that includes two (2) Chambers:
– the National Assembly;
– the Senate.
The Parliament legislates and controls the action of the Government. (Art. 63) - FrenchLe Pouvoir Législatif est exercé par un Parlement qui comprend deux (02) chambres:
- l’Assemblée Nationale;
- le Sénat.
Le Parlement légifère et contrôle l’action du Gouvernement. (Art. 63)
- English(1) The Cortes Generales represent the Spanish people and shall consist of the Congress and the Senate.
(2) The Cortes Generales exercise the legislative power of the State and adopt its Budget, control the action of the Government and have the other competences assigned by the Constitution.
... (Sec. 66) - Spanish1. Las Cortes Generales representan al pueblo español y están formadas por el Congreso de los Diputados y el Senado.
2. Las Cortes Generales ejercen la potestad legislativa del Estado, aprueban sus Presupuestos, controlan la acción del Gobierno y tienen las demás competencias que les atribuya la Constitución.
… (Art. 66)
Tanzania, United Republic of
- English(1) For the purposes of the election of women Members of Parliament mentioned in Article 66(1) (b), political parties which took part in the general election in accordance with the procedure laid down and obtained at least five percentum of the total valid voters for Parliamentary election, shall propose to the Electoral Commission the names of women on the basis of the proportion of votes obtained by each party in the Parliamentary election.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subarticle (1), the following votes shall be counted as valid votes for the unopposed Member of Parliament in the constituent –
(a) where a political party has nominated a Presidential candidate, presidential votes cast in the constituency for a Presidential candidate from that political party; or
(b) where a political party has not nominated a presidential candidate, fifty one percentum of the votes of the total voters registered in the respective constituency.
(3) The names of the persons proposed to the Electoral Commission in accordance with subarticle (1) shall be declared to be the results of the election after the Commission is satisfied that the relevant provisions of the Constitution and of other legislation have been complied with.
(4) The list of names for women candidates submitted to the Electoral Commission by each political party for general election shall be the list to be applied by the Electoral Commission after consultation of the party concerned, for purpose of filling any vacancy of Members of Parliament of this category whenever the vacancy occurs during the life of Parliament. (Art. 78)
- EnglishUntil the Parliament of Canada otherwise provides, all Laws in force in the several Provinces at the Union relative to the following Matters or any of them, namely, — the Qualifications and Disqualifications of Persons to be elected or to sit or vote as Members of the House of Assembly or Legislative Assembly in the several Provinces, the Voters at Elections of such Members, the Oaths to be taken by Voters, the Returning Officers, their Powers and Duties, the Proceedings at Elections, the Periods during which Elections may be continued, the Trial of controverted Elections, and Proceedings incident thereto, the vacating of Seats of Members, and the Execution of new Writs in case of Seats vacated otherwise than by Dissolution, — shall respectively apply to Elections of Members to serve in the House of Commons for the same several Provinces.
… (Constitution Act 1867, Sec. 41) - FrenchJusqu’à ce que le parlement du Canada en ordonne autrement, — toutes les lois en force dans les diverses provinces, à l’époque de l’union, concernant les questions suivantes ou aucune d’elles, savoir : — l’éligibilité ou l’inéligibilité des candidats ou des membres de la chambre d’assemblée ou assemblée législative dans les diverses provinces, — les votants aux élections de ces membres, — les serments exigés des votants, — les officiers-rapporteurs, leurs pouvoirs et leurs devoirs, — le mode de procéder aux élections, — le temps que celles-ci peuvent durer, — la décision des élections contestées et les procédures y incidentes, — les vacations des sièges en parlement et l’exécution de nouveaux brefs dans les cas de vacations occasionnées par d’autres causes que la dissolution, — s’appliqueront respectivement aux élections des membres envoyés à la Chambre des Communes par ces diverses provinces.
… (Loi constitutionnelle de 1867, Sec. 41)
- EnglishThe Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan shall be the representative body, exercising the legislative authority. (Art. 77)
- RussianМеджлис (Парламент) Туркменистана является представительным органом, осуществляющим законодательную власть. (Статья 77)
- TurkmenTürkmenistanyň Mejlisi (Parlamenti) kanun çykaryjy häkimiýeti amala aşyrýan wekilçilikli edaradyr. (77-njy madda)
- English(1) A person shall subject to the provisions of clause (2), be qualified to be elected as, and to be, a member of Parliament if he is a citizen of Bangladesh and has attained the age of twenty five years.
... (Art. 66) - Bengali(১) কোন ব্যক্তি বাংলাদেশের নাগরিক হইলে এবং তাঁহার বয়স পঁচিশ বৎসর পূর্ণ হইলে এই অনুচ্ছেদের (২) দফায় বর্ণিত বিধান-সাপেক্ষে তিনি সংসদের সদস্য নির্বাচিত হইবার এবং সংসদ-সদস্য থাকিবার যোগ্য হইবেন।
... (অনুচ্ছেদ ৬৬)