The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Religious Law
- English
(c) A person appointed to be a Judge of the Supreme Court, shall be at least thirty years of age; possess at least seven years experience as a Judge or practicing lawyer or both as a Judge and a practicing lawyer, and must be educated in Islamic Shari’ah or law.
… (Art. 149) - Dhivehi
(ނ) ސުޕްރީމްކޯޓުގެ ފަނޑިޔާރުކަމަށް އައްޔަންކުރާ ކޮންމެ މީހަކީ އުމުރުން ތިރީސް އަހަރު ވެފައިވުމާއެކު ފަޑިޔާރުކަމުގައި ނުވަތަ ޤާނޫނީ ވަކީލުކަންކުރުމުގައި ނުވަތަ މިދެކަމުގައި މަދުވެގެން ހަތްއަހަރު ދުވަހުގެ ތަޖްރިބާ ލިބިފައިވުމާއެކު އިސްލާމީ ޝަރީއަތް ނުވަތަ ޤާނޫނީ ދާއިރާއިން އިލްމު ލިބިފައިވާ މީހަކުކަމުގައި ވާންވާނެއެވެ.
... (ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީގެ 149 ވަނަ މާއްދާ)
Religious Law
- English
(2) The Republic of Cameroon shall be a decentralized unitary State. It shall be one and indivisible, secular, democratic and dedicated to social service. It shall recognize and protect traditional values that conform to democratic principles, human rights and the law.
… (Art. 1) - French
(2) La République du Cameroun est un Etat unitaire décentralisé. Elle est une et indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale. Elle reconnaît et protège les valeurs traditionnelles conformes aux principes démocratiques, aux droits de l’homme et à la loi.
… (Art. 1)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe Azerbaijan people, continuing the traditions of many centuries of their Statehood, guided by the principles which are reflected in the Constitutional Act on the State Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, wishing to provide welfare for all and everyone, and to establish justice, freedom, security, and being aware of their responsibility before past, present, and future generations, exercise their sovereign right by solemnly declaring the following goals:
- to establish a law-governed, secular state which assures the supremacy of the law as an expression of the will of the people;
… (Preamble) - AzerbaijaniAzərbaycan xalqı özünün çoxəsrlik dövlətçilik ənənələrini davam etdirərək, “Azərbaycan Respublikasının dövlət müstəqilliyi haqqında” Konstitusiya aktında əks olunan prinsipləri əsas götürərək, bütün cəmiyyətin və hər kəsin firavanlığının təmin edilməsini arzulayaraq, ədalətin, azadlığın və təhlükəsizliyin bərqərar edilməsini istəyərək, keçmiş, indiki və gələcək nəsillər qarşısında öz məsuliyyətini anlayaraq, suveren hüququndan istifadə edərək, təntənəli surətdə aşağıdakı niyyətlərini bəyan edir:
- xalqın iradəsinin ifadəsi kimi, qanunların aliliyini təmin edən hüquqi, dünyəvi dövlət qurmaq;
... (Preamble)
Religious Law
- EnglishIslam shall be the State religion of Pakistan. (Art. 2)
- Urduاسلام پاکستان کا مملکتی مذہب ہوگا۔ (آرٹیکل ۲)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe Democratic Republic of the Congo is, within its frontiers of 30 June 1960, a State of Law, independent, sovereign, united and indivisible, social, democratic and secular.
… (Art. 1) - FrenchLa République Démocratique du Congo est, dans ses frontières du 30 juin 1960, un Etat de droit, indépendant, souverain, uni et indivisible, social, démocratique et laïc.
… (Art. 1)
Religious Law
- English...
(3) The Attorney General shall have power exercisable at his discretion to institute, conduct or discontinue any proceedings for an offence other than —
(a) proceedings before a Syariah Court, subject to the provisions of any written law to the contrary;
... (Sec. 81) - Malay…
(3) Peguam Negara hendaklah mempunyai kuasa yang boleh dijalankan mengikut budi bicaranya untuk memulakan, menjalankan atau menghentikan sebarang perbicaraan kerana sesuatu kesalahan selain dari —
(a) perbicaraan di hadapan sesebuah Mahkamah Syariah, tertakluk kepada peruntukan-peruntukan sebarang undang-undang bertulis yang bertentangan;
… (Sec. 81)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic State.
Religion: Islam
Constitution: The Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Sunnah (traditions) … (Basic Law, Art. 1) - Arabicالمملكة العربية السعودية، دولة إسلامية، ذات سيادة تامة، دينها الإسلام، ودستورها كتاب الله تعالى وسنة رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم. ... (النظام الأساسي، المادة 1)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe republican form of the State, the principle of secularity [laïcité], the principle of the uniqueness [unicité] of the State, the principle of the separation and of the equilibrium of the powers, the political and syndical pluralism, [and] the number and the duration of the mandates of the President of the Republic[,] may not be made the object of a revision. (Art. 154)
- FrenchLa forme républicaine de l'État, le principe de la laïcité, le principe de l'unicité de l'État, le principe de la séparation et de l'équilibre des pouvoirs, le pluralisme politique et syndical, le nombre et la durée des mandats du président de la République ne peuvent faire l'objet d'une révision. (Art. 154)
Religious Law
- English… Ideology of any party, social and religious association, movement and a group shall not be recognized as a state ideology. …
Religious organizations shall be separate from the state and shall not interfere in state affairs. ... (Art. 8) - Russian… Идеология ни одной партии, общественного и религиозного объединения, движения или группы не может быть признана как государственная. ...
Религиозные объединения отделены от государства и не могут вмешиваться в государственные дела. ... (Статья 8) - Tajik… Мафкураи ҳеҷ як ҳизб, иттиҳодияи ҷамъиятӣ, динӣ, ҳаракат ва гурӯҳе наметавонад ба ҳайси мафкураи давлатӣ эътироф шавад. ...
Иттиіодияіои динњ аз давлат їудо буда, ба коріои давлатњ мудохила карда наметавонанд. ... (Моддаи 8)
Religious Law
- English…
Strong from its spiritual values and from the radiation of its civilization, it also proclaims, solemnly, its attachment to Islam …
Considering that the liberty, the equality, and the dignity of Man cannot be assured except in a society which consecrates the primacy of law, concerned by creating durable conditions for a harmonious social evolution, respectful of the precepts of Islam, sole source of law
… (Preamble) - Arabic...
كما يعلن اعتبارا منه لقيمه الروحية و إشعاعه الحضاري، تمسكه بالدين الإسلامي الحنيف ...
ونظرا إلي أن الحرية و المساواة و كرامة الإنسان يستحيل ضمانها إلا في ظل مجتمع يكرس سيادة القانون، و حرصا منه على خلق الظروف الثابتة لنمو اجتماعي منسجم ، يحترم أحكام الدين الإسلامي ، المصدر الوحيد للقانون.
... (الدّيباجة) - French…
Fort de ses valeurs spirituelles et du rayonnement de sa civilisation, il proclame en outre, solennellement, son attachement à l’Islam …
Considérant que la liberté, l'égalité et la dignité de l'homme ne peuvent être assurées que dans une société qui consacre la primauté du droit, soucieux de créer les conditions durables d'une évolution sociale harmonieuse, respectueuse des préceptes de l'islam, seule source de droit
… (Préambule)