The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Religious Law
- English
The republican form and the secularity of the State may not be made the object of a revision. (Art. 156) - French
La forme républicaine et la laïcité de l'Etat ne peuvent faire l'objet d'une révision. (Art. 156)
Religious Law
- English1. The Communal Chambers shall, in relation to their respective Community, have competence to exercise within the limits of this Constitution and subject to paragraph 3 of this Article, legislative power solely with regard to the following matters:—
(a) all religious matters;
(d) The composition and instances (βαθμούς δικαιοδοσίας - dereceleri) of courts dealing with civil disputes relating to personal status and to religious matters;
… (Art. 87) - GreekΕκατέρα Κοινοτική Συνέλευσις έχει αρμοδιότητα, εν σχέσει προς την αντίστοιχον κοινότητα, να ασκεί, ενός των ορίων του Συντάγματος και υπό τους περιορισμούς της τρίτης παραγράφου του παρόντος άρθρου, νομοθετικήν εξουσίαν αποκλειστικώς και μόνον επί των κατωτέρω θεμάτων:
(α) επί πάντων των θρησκευτικών θεμάτων,
(δ) επί της συνθέσεως και των βαθμών δικαιοδοσίας των δικαστηρίων, των εκδικαζόντων αστικάς διαφοράς, αναφερομένας εις τον προσωπικόν θεσμόν και εις θρησκευτικά ζητήματα,
… (Αρθρον 87) - Turkish1. Cemaat Meclisleri, kendi Cemaatleri bakımından, bu Anayasanın sınırları içinde ve bu maddenin 3. fıkrası hükümleri saklı kalmak şartıyla, yalnız aşağıdaki konularda yasama gücünü kullanma hakkına sahiptir:
(a) bütün dini konular;
(d) şahsi hâl ve dini konular ile ilgili hukuk davalarına bakacak mahkemelerin yapı ve dereceleri;
... (Madde 87)
Religious Law
- English…
(6) No child shall be recruited or used in army, police or any armed group, or be subjected, in the name of cultural or religious traditions, to abuse, exclusion or physical, mental, sexual or other form of exploitation or improper use by any means or in any manner.
… (Art. 39) - Nepali…
(६) कुनै पनि बालबालिकालाई सेना, प्रहरी वा सशस्त्र समूहमा भर्ना वा प्रयोग गर्न वा सांस्कृतिक वा धार्मिक प्रचलनका नाममा कुनै पनि माध्यम वा प्रकारले दुव्र्यवहार, उपेक्षा वा शारीरिक, मानसिक, यौनजन्य वा अन्य कुनै प्रकारको शोषण गर्न वा अनुचित प्रयोग गर्न पाइने छैन ।
... (धारा ३९)
Religious Law
- EnglishIslam is religion of [the] State.
The State draws on this religion, the Sunni principles and rules of obedience and the Chafi’i rites that govern the belief [culte] and social life. (Art. 97) - Arabicدين الدولة هو الإسلام.
تعتمد الدولة على هذا الدين والمبادئ السنية وقواعد الطاعة ومناسك الشافعي التي تحكم العقيدة والحياة الاجتماعية.ة (المادة 97) - FrenchL’Islam est religion d’État.
L’État puise dans cette religion, les principes et règles d’obédience Sunnites et de rîtes Chafiites qui régissent le culte et la vie sociale. (Art. 97)
Religious Law
- English…
Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice as enunciated by Islam shall be fully observed;
Wherein the Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah;
… (Preamble) - Urdu...
جس میں جمہوریت، آزادی، مساوات، رواداری اور عدل عمرانی کے اصولوں پر جس طرح اسلام نے ان کی تشریح کی ہے پوری طرح عمل کیا جائے گا؛
جس میں مسلمانوں کو انفرادی اور اجتماعی حلقہ ہاۓ عمل میں اس قابل بنایا جائے گا کہ وہ اپنی زندگی کو اسلامی تعلیمات و مقتضیات کے مطابق، جس طرح قرآن پاک اور سنت میں ان کا تعین کیا گیا ہے، ترتیب دے سکیں؛
Religious Law
- English…
5. Pursuant to sub-Article 5 of Article 34 the House of Peoples’ Representatives and State Councils can establish or give official recognition to religious and customary courts. Religious and customary courts that had state recognition and functioned prior to the adoption of the Constitution shall be organized on the basis of recognition accorded to them by this Constitution. (Art. 78) - Amharic…
5. የህዝብ ተወካዬች ምክር ቤትና የክልል ምክር ቤቶች በኣንቀጽ 34 ንኡስ ኣንቀጽ 5 መሰረት የሃማኖትና የባሕል ፍርድ ቤቶችን ሊያቋቁሙ ወይም እውቅና ሊሰጡ ይችላሉ፡፡ ይህ ሕገ መንግሥት ከመጽደቁ በፊት በመንግሥት እውቅና አግኝተው ሲሰራባቸው የነበሩ የሃይማኖቶችና የባሕል ፍርድ ቤቶች በዚህ ሕገ መንግሥት መሰረት እውቅና አግኝተው ይደራጃሉ፡፡ (አንቀጽ 78)
Religious Law
Saudi Arabia
- EnglishCourts shall apply the provisions of Islamic Shari'ah to cases brought before them, according to the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Sunnah as well as other regulations issued by the Head of State in strict conformity with the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Sunnah. (Basic Law, Art. 48)
- Arabicتطبق المحاكم على القضايا المعروضة أمامها أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية، وفقا لما دل عليه الكتاب والسنة وما يصدره ولي الأمر من أنظمة لا تتعارض مع الكتاب والسنة. (النظام الأساسي، المادة 48)
Religious Law
- English(1) There shall be a Chief Kadhi and such number, being not fewer than three, of other Kadhis as may be prescribed under an Act of Parliament.
(2) A person shall not be qualified to be appointed to hold or act in the office of Kadhi unless the person—
(a) professes the Muslim religion; and
(b) possesses such knowledge of the Muslim law applicable to any sects of Muslims as qualifies the person, in the opinion of the Judicial Service Commission, to hold a Kadhi’s court.
(3) Parliament shall establish Kadhis’ courts, each of which shall have the jurisdiction and powers conferred on it by legislation, subject to clause (5).
(4) The Chief Kadhi and the other Kadhis, or the Chief Kadhi and such of the other Kadhis (not being fewer than three in number) as may be prescribed under an Act of Parliament, shall each be empowered to hold a Kadhi’s court having jurisdiction within Kenya.
(5) The jurisdiction of a Kadhis’ court shall be limited to the determination of questions of Muslim law relating to personal status, marriage, divorce or inheritance in proceedings in which all the parties profess the Muslim religion and submit to the jurisdiction of the Kadhi’s courts. (Art. 170) - Swahili(1) Kutakuwa na Kadhi Mkuu na idadi hiyo, hiatakuwa chini ya Makadhi wengine watatu, kama inavyoweza kuamriwa chini ya Sheria ya Bunge.
(2) Mtu hatakuwa na sifa ya kuteuliwa kushikilia au kufanya kazi katika ofisi ya Kadhi isipokuwa mtu huyo—
(a) ni muumini wa dini ya Kiislamu; na
(b) anayo maarifa ya sheria ya Kiislamu inayotumika kwa madhehebu yoyote ya Waislamu yanayompa sifa mtu huyo, kwa maoni ya Tume ya Huduma ya Mahakama, ya kushikilia mahakama ya Kadhi.
(3) Bunge litaunda mahakama za Kadhi, ambazo kila moja itakuwa na mamlaka na madaraka yatakayotolewa na sheria, kwa mujibu wa ibara ya (5).
(4) Kadhi Mkuu na Makadhi wengineo, au Kadhi Mkuu na baadhi ya Makadhi wengine (hawatakuwa chini ya idadi ya watu watatu) kama inavyoweza kuamriwa chini ya Sheria ya Bunge, kila mmoja atawezeshwa kushikilia mahakama ya Kadhi yenye mamlaka ndani ya Kenya.
(5) Mamlaka ya Mahakama ya Kadhi yatakuwa na mipaka itakayoishia katika kuamua shauri la sheria ya Kiisilamu inayohusiana na hadhi binafsi, ndoa, talaka au urithi katika kesi ambazo kwazo pande zote ni waumini wa dini ya Kiislamu na wanaitii mamlaka ya mahakama za Kadhi. (Kifungu cha 170)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe provision of Article 1 regarding the form of the State being a Republic, the characteristics of the Republic in Article 2, and the provisions of Article 3 shall not be amended, nor shall their amendment be proposed. (Art. 4)
- TurkishAnayasanın 1 inci maddesindeki Devletin şeklinin Cumhuriyet olduğu hakkındaki hüküm ile, 2 nci maddesindeki Cumhuriyetin nitelikleri ve 3 üncü maddesi hükümleri değiştirilemez ve değiştirilmesi teklif edilemez. (Madde 4)
Religious Law
- EnglishNo revision may infringe the provisions relative to the Muslim religion, on the monarchic form of the State, on the democratic choice of the Nation or on [those] acquired in matters of [the] freedoms and of fundamental rights inscribed in this Constitution. (Art. 175)
- Arabicلا يمكن أن تتناول المراجعة الأحكام المتعلقة بالدين الإسلامي، وبالنظام الملكي للدولة، وبالاختيار الديمقراطي للأمة، وبالمكتسبات في مجال الحريات والحقوق الأساسية المنصوص عليها في هذا الدستور. (الفصل 175)