The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Electoral Bodies
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishThe following are functions of Electoral Power:
1. To regulate election laws and resolve any doubts and unregulated areas raised by or contained in such laws.
4. To declare elections null and void, either in whole or in part.
5. Organization, administration, direction and vigilance of all acts relating to elections to fill public offices by popular vote, as well as referenda.
Electoral Power organs shall guarantee the equality, reliability, impartiality, transparency and efficiency of electoral processes, as well as implementation of the personalization of suffrage and proportional representation. (Art. 293) - SpanishEl Poder Electoral tiene por funciones:
1. Reglamentar las leyes electorales y resolver las dudas y vacíos que éstas susciten o contengan.
4. Declarar la nulidad total o parcial de las elecciones.
5. La organización, administración, dirección y vigilancia de todos los actos relativos a la elección de los cargos de representación popular de los poderes públicos, así como de los referendos.
Los órganos del Poder Electoral garantizarán la igualdad, confiabilidad, imparcialidad, transparencia y eficiencia de los procesos electorales, así como la aplicación de la personalización del sufragio y la representación proporcional. (Art. 293)
Electoral Bodies
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishElectoral Power is exercised by the National Electoral Council as governing body, and by the latter’s subordinate organs, the National Board of Elections, the Civil Status and Voter Registration Commission and the Commission on Political Participation and Financing, with organization and functioning as established under the pertinent organic law. (Art. 292)
- SpanishEl Poder Electoral se ejerce por el Consejo Nacional Electoral como ente rector y, son organismos subordinados a éste, la Junta Electoral Nacional, la Comisión de Registro Civil y Electoral y la Comisión de Participación Política y Financiamiento, con la organización y el funcionamiento que establezca la ley orgánica respectiva. (Art. 292)
Head of State
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishThe President of the Republic is the Head of State and of the National Executive, in which latter capacity he directs the action of the government. (Art. 226)
- SpanishEl Presidente o Presidenta de la República es el Jefe o Jefa del Estado y del Ejecutivo Nacional, en cuya condición dirige la acción del Gobierno. (Art. 226)
Head of State
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishExecutive Power is exercised by the President of the Republic, the Executive Vice-President, the Cabinet Ministers and other officials as determined by this Constitution and by law. (Art. 225)
- SpanishEl Poder Ejecutivo se ejerce por el Presidente o Presidenta de la República, el Vicepresidente Ejecutivo o Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva, los Ministros o Ministras y demás funcionarios o funcionarias que determinen esta Constitución y la ley. (Art. 225)
Head of State
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishThe following are attributions and duties of the President of the Republic:
1. To comply with and enforce this Constitution and the law.
… (Art. 236) - SpanishSon atribuciones y obligaciones del Presidente o Presidenta de la República:
1. Cumplir y hacer cumplir esta Constitución y la ley.
… (Art. 236)
Head of State
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishThe election of the President of the Republic shall be by universal suffrage by direct and secret ballot, in accordance with law. The candidate who has received a majority of the valid votes cast shall be proclaimed elected. (Art. 228)
- SpanishLa elección del Presidente o Presidenta de la República se hará por votación universal, directa y secreta, en conformidad con la ley. Se proclamará electo o electa el candidato o la candidata que hubiere obtenido la mayoría de votos válidos (Art. 228)
Head of State
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishIn order to be elected President of the Republic, it is necessary to be Venezuelan by birth, with no other nationality, to be more than 30 years of age, not a member of the clergy and not subject to any conviction by final judgment, as well as meeting fulfill other requirements prescribed in this Constitution. (Art. 227)
- SpanishPara ser elegido Presidente o Presidenta de la República se requiere ser venezolano o venezolana por nacimiento, no poseer otra nacionalidad, ser mayor de treinta años, de estado seglar y no estar sometido o sometida a condena mediante sentencia definitivamente firme y cumplir con los demás requisitos establecidos en esta Constitución. (Art. 227)
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishThe following are attributions and duties of the President of the Republic:
3. To appoint and remove the Executive Vice-President and the Cabinet Ministers.
… (Art. 236) - SpanishSon atribuciones y obligaciones del Presidente o Presidenta de la República:
3. Nombrar y remover el Vicepresidente Ejecutivo o Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva, nombrar y remover los Ministros o Ministras.
... (Art. 236)
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishIn order to be elected President of the Republic, it is necessary to be Venezuelan by birth, with no other nationality, to be more than 30 years of age, not a member of the clergy and not subject to any conviction by final judgment, as well as meeting fulfill other requirements prescribed in this Constitution. (Art. 227)
- SpanishPara ser elegido Presidente o Presidenta de la República se requiere ser venezolano o venezolana por nacimiento, no poseer otra nacionalidad, ser mayor de treinta años, de estado seglar y no estar sometido o sometida a condena mediante sentencia definitivamente firme y cumplir con los demás requisitos establecidos en esta Constitución. (Art. 227)
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishExecutive Power is exercised by the President of the Republic, the Executive Vice-President, the Cabinet Ministers and other officials as determined by this Constitution and by law. (Art. 225)
- SpanishEl Poder Ejecutivo se ejerce por el Presidente o Presidenta de la República, el Vicepresidente Ejecutivo o Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva, los Ministros o Ministras y demás funcionarios o funcionarias que determinen esta Constitución y la ley. (Art. 225)