The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Citizenship and Nationality
- EnglishThe requirements for becoming a citizen of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are defined by the Law on Nationality.
… (Art. 62) - Korean조선민주주의인민공화국 공민이 되는 조건은 국적에 관한 법으로 규정한다.
… (제62조)
- EnglishThe State shall provide education to all pupils and students free of charge and grant allowances to students at universities and colleges. (Art. 47)
- Korean국가는 모든 학생들을 무료로 공부시키며 대학생들에게는 장학금을 준다. (제47조)
- English
The State shall train competent scientific and technical experts by enhancing the regular educational system as well as different forms of studying while working, and by improving the content and methods of education, and conditions and environment for education. (Art. 46)
- Korean
국가는 학업을 전문으로 하는 교육체계와 일하면서 배우는 여러가지 형태의 교육체계를 발전시키며 교육내용과 방법, 교육조건과 환경을 부단히 개선하여 유능한 과학기술인재들을 키워낸다. (제46조)
- EnglishThe State shall develop universal compulsory twelve-year education which includes compulsory one-year preschool education at a high level in accordance with the trend of modern science and technology and the practical requirements of socialist construction. (Art. 45)
- Korean국가는 1년동안의 학교전의무교육을 포함한 전반적12년제의무교육을 현대과학기술발전추세와 사회주의건설의 현실적요구에 맞게 높은 수준에서 발전시킨다. (제45조)
- EnglishCitizens have the right to education. This right is ensured by an advanced educational system and by the educational measures enacted by the State for the benefit of the people. (Art. 73)
- Korean공민은 교육을 받을 권리를 가진다. 이 권리는 선진적인 교육제도와 국가의 인민적인 교육시책에 의하여 보장된다. (제73조)
- EnglishThe State shall maintain all children of preschool age in creches and kindergartens at State and public expense. (Art. 49)
- Korean국가는 학령전어린이들을 탁아소와 유치원에서 국가와 사회의 부담으로 키워준다. (제49조)
- EnglishThe State shall strengthen social education and provide the working people with all conditions for study. (Art. 48)
- Korean국가는 사회교육을 강화하며 모든 근로자들이 학습할수 있는 온갖 조건을 보장한다. (제48조)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishCitizens have the right to work.
All able-bodied citizens may choose occupations in accordance with their wishes and skills and are provided with stable jobs and working conditions.
Citizens work according to their abilities and are paid in accordance with the quantity and quality of their work. (Art. 70) - Korean공민은 로동에 대한 권리를 가진다.
로동능력있는 모든 공민은 희망과 재능에 따라 직업을 선택하며 안정된 일자리와 로동조건을 보장받는다.
공민은 능력에 따라 일하며 로동의 량과 질에 따라 분배를 받는다. (제70조)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe working day shall be eight hours.
The length of the working day shall be reduced by the State in arduous trades and other special categories of work.
The State shall guarantee that the working hours are fully utilized through proper organization of labour and enforcement of labour discipline. (Art. 30) - Korean근로자들의 하루로동시간은 8시간이다.
국가는 로동의 힘든 정도와 특수한 조건에 따라 하루로동시간을 이보다 짧게 정한다.
국가는 로동조직을 잘하고 로동규률을 강화하여 로동시간을 완전히 리용하도록 한다. (제30조)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishWork is the noble duty and honour of a citizen.
Citizens shall willingly and conscientiously participate in work and strictly observe labour discipline and working hours. (Art. 83) - Korean로동은 공민의 신성한 의무이며 영예이다.
공민은 로동에 자각적으로 성실히 참가하며 로동규률과 로동시간을 엄격히 지켜야 한다. (제83조)