The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- English…
(3) Access to public, civil, or military positions or dignities may be granted, according to the law, to persons whose citizenship is Romanian and whose domicile is in Romania. The Romanian State shall guarantee equal opportunities for men and women to occupy such positions and dignities.
... (Art. 16) - Romanian…
(3) Funcţiile şi demnităţile publice, civile sau militare, pot fi ocupate, în condiţiile legii, de persoanele care au cetăţenia română şi domiciliul în ţară. Statul român garantează egalitatea de şanse între femei şi bărbaţi pentru ocuparea acestor funcţii şi demnităţi.
… (Art. 16)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- English…
2. In order to ensure the right to work, the state is charged with promoting:
b) Equal opportunities in the choice of profession or type of work, and the conditions needed to avoid the gender-based preclusion or limitation of access to any position, work or professional category;
… (Art. 58) - Portuguese…
2. Para assegurar o direito ao trabalho, incumbe ao Estado promover:
b) A igualdade de oportunidades na escolha da profissão ou género de trabalho e condições para que não seja vedado ou limitado, em função do sexo, o acesso a quaisquer cargos, trabalho ou categorias profissionais;
... (Art. 58)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- EnglishThe law guarantees women equal rights to those of men in all spheres. (1946 Preamble, Sec. 3)
- FrenchLa loi garantit à la femme, dans tous les domaines, des droits égaux à ceux de l'homme. (Préambule 1946, Sec. 3)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- English…
3 Men and women have equal rights. The law shall ensure their equality, both in law and in practice, most particularly in the family, in education, and in the workplace.
… (Art. 8) - French…
3 L’homme et la femme sont égaux en droit. La loi pourvoit à l’égalité de droit et de fait, en particulier dans les domaines de la famille, de la formation et du travail.
… (Art. 8) - German…
3 Mann und Frau sind gleichberechtigt. Das Gesetz sorgt für ihre rechtliche und tatsächliche Gleichstellung, vor allem in Familie, Ausbildung und Arbeit.
… (Art. 8) - Italian…
3 Uomo e donna hanno uguali diritti. La legge ne assicura l’uguaglianza, di diritto e di fatto, in particolare per quanto concerne la famiglia, l’istruzione e il lavoro.
… (Art. 8)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- English
Regional laws shall remove any hindrances to the full equality of men and women in social, cultural and economic life and promote equal access to elected offices for men and women.
… (Art. 117) - Italian
Le leggi regionali rimuovono ogni ostacolo che impedisce la piena parità degli uomini e delle donne nella vita sociale, culturale ed economica e promuovono la parità di accesso tra donne e uomini alle cariche elettive.
… (Art. 117)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- EnglishThe fundamental tasks of the state are:
h) To promote equality between men and women. (Art. 9) - PortugueseSão tarefas fundamentais do Estado:
h) Promover a igualdade entre homens e mulheres. (Art. 9)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- English…
Equality of the sexes is promoted in societal activity and working life, especially in the determination of pay and the other terms of employment, as provided in more detail by an Act. (Sec. 6) - Finnish…
Sukupuolten tasa-arvoa edistetään yhteiskunnallisessa toiminnassa sekä työelämässä, erityisesti palkkauksesta ja muista palvelussuhteen ehdoista määrättäessä, sen mukaan kuin lailla tarkemmin säädetään. (6 §) - Swedish…
Jämställdhet mellan könen i samhällelig verksamhet och i arbetslivet främjas enligt vad som närmare bestäms genom lag, särskilt vad gäller lönesättning och andra anställningsvillkor. (6 §)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- EnglishThe state shall guarantee the equality of women and men and shall develop the policy of equal opportunities. (Art. 18)
- MontenegrinDržava jemči ravnopravnost žene i muškarca i razvija politiku jednakih mogućnosti. (Član 18)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- English…
(2) Men and women shall have equal rights. The state shall promote the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and take steps to eliminate disadvantages that now exist.
… (Art. 3) - German…
(2) Männer und Frauen sind gleichberechtigt. Der Staat fördert die tatsächliche Durchsetzung der Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und Männern und wirkt auf die Beseitigung bestehender Nachteile hin.
… (Art. 3)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- English
Any citizen of either sex is eligible for public and elected offices on equal terms, according to the requirements established by law. To this end, the Republic shall adopt specific measures to promote equal opportunities between women and men.
... (Art. 51) - Italian
Tutti i cittadini dell'uno o dell'altro sesso possono accedere agli uffici pubblici e alle cariche elettive in condizioni di eguaglianza, secondo i requisiti stabiliti dalla legge. A tale fine la Repubblica promuove con appositi provvedimenti le pari opportunità tra donne e uomini.
... (Art. 51)