The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- English
Reaffirming our adherence and our attachment to the Conventions of the United Nations on the Rights of the Child and on the Rights of Women, particularly to the objective of the parity of man-woman representation within the institutions of the country as well as to the international instruments concerning the protection and promotion of human rights;
… (Preamble)3 - French
Réaffirmant notre adhésion et notre attachement à la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme, à la Charte Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples, aux Conventions des Nations Unies sur les Droits de l’Enfant et sur les Droits de la Femme, particulièrement à l’objectif de la parité de représentation homme-femme au sein des institutions du pays ainsi qu’aux instruments internationaux relatifs à la protection et à la promotion des droits humains;
… (Préambule)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- English...
(2) No law enacted by any authority in the United Republic shall make any provision that is discriminatory either of itself or in its effect.
(4) No person shall be discriminated against by any person or any authority acting under any law or in the discharge of the functions or business of any state office.
(5) For the purposes of this Article the expression “discriminate” means to satisfy the needs, rights or other requirements of different persons on the basis of their nationality, tribe, place of origin, political opinion, colour, religion, sex or station in life such that certain categories of people are regarded as weak or inferior and are subjected to restrictions or conditions whereas persons of other categories are treated differently or are accorded opportunities or advantage outside the specified conditions or the prescribed necessary qualifications except that the word “discrimination” shall not be construed in a manner that will prohibit the Government from taking purposeful steps aimed at rectifying disabilities in the society.
… (Art. 13)
Citizenship and Nationality
- EnglishThe following persons shall become citizens on 1st November 1981-
a. every person who, having been born in Antigua, was on 31st October 1981, a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies;
b. every person born outside Antigua if either of his parents or any one of his grandparents was born therein or was registered or naturalized while resident in Antigua;
c. every person who on 31st October 1981 was a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies
i. having become such a citizen under the British Nationality Act 1948 by virtue of his having been naturalized while resident in Antigua as a British subject before the Act came into force; or
ii. having while resident in Antigua become such a citizen by virtue of his having been naturalized or registered under that Act;
d. every person who, having been born outside Antigua was on 31st October 1981 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and if his father or mother becomes, or would but for his or her death or the renunciation of his or her citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies have become, a citizen by virtue of paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of this section;
e. every woman who, having been married to a person who becomes, or but for his death or the renunciation of his citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies, would have become a citizen by virtue of paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of this section, was a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies on 31st October 1981;
f. every person who on 31st October 1981 was under the age of eighteen years and is the child, stepchild, or child adopted in a manner recognized by law, of such a person as is mentioned in any of the preceding paragraphs of this section. (Sec. 112)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English1. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (e) of section 112 and of section 117 of this Constitution, the following persons shall be entitled, upon making application, to be registered on or after 1st November 1981-
a. any person who, on 31st October 1981-
i. was married to a person who becomes a citizen by virtue of section 112 of this Constitution; or
ii. was married to a person who, having died before 1st November 1981, would have but for his or her death, become a citizen by virtue of that section: Provided that such person is not, or was not at the time of the death of the spouse, living apart from the spouse under a decree of a competent court or a deed of separation;
b. any person who-
i. was married to a person who is or becomes a citizen; or
ii. was married to a person who was or, but for his or her death, would have become a citizen:
Provided that no application shall be allowed from such person before the marriage has subsisted for upwards of three years and that such person is not, or was not at the time of the death of the spouse, living apart from the spouse under a decree of a competent court or a deed of separation;
c. i. every person being a Commonwealth citizen who on 31st October 1981 was domiciled in Antigua and had been ordinarily resident therein for a period of not less than seven years preceding that day;
ii. any person who being a Commonwealth citizen is domiciled in Antigua and Barbuda and has for a period of not less than seven years immediately preceding his application been lawfully ordinarily resident in Antigua and Barbuda (whether or not that period commenced before 1st November 1981);
d. any person who, but for having renounced his citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies in order to qualify for the acquisition or retention of the citizenship of another country, would have become a citizen on 1st November 1981;
e. any person who, having been a citizen, had to renounce his citizenship in order to qualify for the acquisition or retention of the citizenship of another country;
f. any person under the age of eighteen years who is the child, stepchild or child adopted in a manner recognised by law of a citizen or is the child, stepchild or child so adopted of a person who is or would but for his death have been entitled to be registered as a citizen under this subsection.
2. An application under this section shall be made in such manner as may be prescribed as respects that application by or under a law enacted by Parliament and, in the case of a person to whom subsection (1) (f) of this section applies, it shall be made on his behalf by his parent or guardian:
Provided that if the person to whom subsection (1) (f) of this section applies is or has been married, the application may be made by that person. (Sec. 114)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English1. Every person who, having been born in the former Colony of the Bahamas Islands, is on 9th July 1973 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies shall become a citizen of the Bahamas on 10th July 1973.
2. Every person who, having been born outside the former Colony of the Bahamas Islands, is on 9th July 1973 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies shall, if his father becomes or would but for his death have become a citizen of The Bahamas in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, become a citizen of The Bahamas on 10th July 1973.
3. Every person who on 9th July 1973 is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies having become such a citizen under the British Nationality Act 1948 by virtue of his having been registered in the former Colony of the Bahamas Islands under that Act shall become a citizen of The Bahamas on 10th July 1973:
Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to any citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies
a. who was not ordinarily resident in that Colony on 31st December 1972, or
b. who became registered in that Colony on or after 1st January 1973, or
c. who on 9th July 1973 possesses the citizenship or nationality of some other country. (Art. 3)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English1. Every person who on 9th July 1973 is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies-
a. having become such a citizen under the British Nationality Act 1948 by virtue of his having been naturalized in the former Colony of the Bahamas Islands before that Act came into force, or
b. having become such a citizen by virtue of his having been naturalized in the former Colony of the Bahamas Islands under that Act, shall become a citizen of The Bahamas on 9th July 1974, unless prior to that date, he has in such manner as may be prescribed declared that he does not desire to become a citizen of The Bahamas:
Provided that this section shall not apply to a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies who on 9th July 1973 possesses the citizenship or nationality of some other country. (Art. 4)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English(1) Every person who, having been born in Barbados, is on 29th November, 1966 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies shall become a citizen of Barbados on 30th November, 1966.
(2) Every person who, having been born outside Barbados, is on 29th November, 1966 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies shall, if his father becomes or would but for his death have become a citizen of Barbados in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1), become a citizen of Barbados on 30th November, 1966.
(3) Any person who on 29th November 1966 is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies,
(a) having become such a citizen under the British Nationality Act 1948 by virtue of his having been naturalised in Barbados as a British subject before that Act came into force; or
(b) having become such a citizen by virtue of his having been naturalised or registered in Barbados under that Act, shall become a citizen of Barbados on 30th November 1966. (Sec. 2)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English(1) Every person born in Belize, immediately before Independence Day, shall become a citizen of Belize on Independence Day.
(2) Every person who, immediately before Independence Day, is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies-
(a) having become such a citizen under the British Nationality Act 1948 by virtue of his having been naturalised in Belize as a British subject before that Act came into force; or
(b) having while resident in Belize become such a citizen by virtue of his having been naturalised or registered under that Act, shall become a citizen of Belize on Independence Day.
(3) Every person born outside Belize, before Independence Day, shall become a citizen of Belize on Independence Day if his father or mother becomes, or would but for his death or the renunciation of his citizenship have become, a citizen of Belize by virtue of subsection (1) or (2) of this section.
(4) Every person born outside Belize before Independence Day shall become a citizen of Belize on Independence Day if one of his grandparents becomes, or would but for his death or renunciation of his citizenship have become, a citizen of Belize by virtue of subsection (1) or (2) of this section.
(5) Every woman shall become a citizen of Belize on Independence Day if immediately before Independence Day, she is married to a person who becomes or, but for his death or the renunciation of his citizenship, would have become a citizen of Belize by virtue of subsection(1), (2), (3) or (4) of this section.
… (Sec. 23)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English
The Federative Republic of Brazil, formed by the indissoluble union of the states and municipalities and of the Federal District, is a legal democratic state and is founded on:
II – citizenship;
… (Art. 1) - Portuguese
A República Federativa do Brasil, formada pela união indissolúvel dos Estados e Municípios e do Distrito Federal, constitui-se em Estado Democrático de Direito e tem como fundamentos:
II - a cidadania
… (Art. 1)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English1. The following provisions shall have effect until a law of citizenship is made incorporating such provisions—
a. any matter relating to citizenship shall be governed by the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty of Establishment;
b. any person born in Cyprus, on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, shall become on the date of his birth a citizen of the Republic if on that date his father has become a citizen of the Republic or would but for his death have become such a citizen under the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty of Establishment.
2. For the purposes of this Article "Treaty of Establishment" means the Treaty concerning the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus between the Republic, the Kingdom of Greece, the Republic of Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (Art. 198) - Greek1. Αι επόμεναι διατάξεις ισχύουσι, μέχρις ου ψηφισθή νόμος περί ιθαγενείας περιλαμβάνων τας διατάξεις ταύτας:
(α) παν θέμα αναφερόμενον εις την ιθαγένειαν διέπεται υπό των διατάξεων του παραρτήματος Δ της συνθήκης εγκαθιδρύσεως, και
(β) ο γεννώμενος εν Κύπρω κατά την ημερομηνίαν ενάρξεως της ισχύος του Συντάγματος ή μετ’ αυτήν αποκτά δια της γεννήσεως την ιθαγένειαν της Δημοκρατίας, εάν ο πατήρ αυτού είχεν αποκτήσει την ιθαγένειαν της Δημοκρατίας, κατά την ημερομηνίαν ταύτην ή θα απέκτα τοιαύτην ιθαγένειαν δυνάμει των διατάξεων του παραρτήματος Δ της συνθήκης εγκαθιδρύσεως, εάν δεν είχεν αποθάνει.
2. Εν τω παρόντι άρθρω «συνθήκη εγκαθιδρύσεως» σημαίνει την συνθήκην μεταξύ της Δημοκρατίας της Κύπρου, του Βασιλείου της Ελλάδος, της Δημοκρατίας της Τουρκίας και του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου της Μεγάλης Βρεταννίας και Βορείου Ιρλανδίας, την αναφερομένην εις την εγκαθίδρυσιν της Δημοκρατίας της Κύπρου. (Αρθρον 198) - Turkish1. Aşağıdaki hükümler, bu hükümleri içine alan bir vatandaşlık kanunu yapılıncaya kadar, yürürlükte olur:-
a. vatandaşlığa dair herhangi bir konu, Kuruluş Anlaşmasının ‘D’ Ekinin hükümlerine tabi olur;
b. bu Anayasanın yürürlüğe girdiği tarihte veya ondan sonra Kıbrıs’ta doğan herhangi bir şahıs, doğumu tarihinde babası Cumhuriyetin bir vatandaşı ise veya ölmemiş olsa idi Kuruluş Anlaşmasının ‘D’ Eki hükümleri gereğince Cumhuriyetin bir vatandaşı olacak idi ise, doğumu tarihinde Cumhuriyetin bir vatandaşı olur.
2. Bu Madde çerçevesinde "Kuruluş Anlaşması ", Cumhuriyet ile Yunanistan Krallığı, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Büyük Britanya ve Kuzey İrlanda Birleşik Krallığı arasındaki Kıbrıs Cumhuriyetinin Kuruluşuna dair Anlaşmayı ifade eder. (Madde 198)