The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Supreme Court of Justice will ...
... take cognizance of and will resolve the recourses of unconstitutionality, the conflicts of competences and constitutionality between the Powers of the State and the conflicts of constitutionality, between the central government and the municipal governments and [the governments] of the Autonomous Regions of the Caribbean Coast.
... (Art. 163) - Spanish
La Corte Suprema de Justicia ...
... conocerá y resolverá los recursos por inconstitucionalidad, los conflictos de competencias y constitucionalidad entre Poderes del Estado y los conflictos de constitucionalidad, entre el gobierno central y los gobiernos municipales y de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe.
... (Art. 163)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. Anyone who considers that a provision of the Constitution has been infringed in relation to him may, without prejudice to any other legal remedy available to him, apply to the Supreme Court for redress.
2. The Supreme Court has jurisdiction to determine the matter and to make such order as it considers appropriate to enforce the provisions of the Constitution.
3. When a question concerning the interpretation of the Constitution arises before a subordinate court, and the court considers that the question concerns a fundamental point of law, the court shall submit the question to the Supreme Court for its determination. (Art. 53) - French1) Quiconque estime qu'une disposition de la Constitution a été violée à son encontre peut, sans préjudice des autres recours légaux ouverts, saisir la Cour Suprême pour dénoncer cette violation et obtenir réparation.
2) La Cour Suprême a compétence pour déterminer si une disposition de la Constitution a été violée et pour faire une déclaration en conséquence.
3) Lorsqu'une question relative à l'interprétation de la Constitution est soulevée devant une juridiction inférieure et que celle-ci considère que la question a trait à un point de droit fondamental, cette juridiction doit, à titre préjudiciel, soumettre cette question à la Cour Suprême. (Art. 53)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. Where any question as to the interpretation of this Constitution arises in any court of law established for Mauritius (other than the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court or a court martial) and the court is of opinion that the question involves a substantial question of law, the court shall refer the question to the Supreme Court.
… (Sec. 84)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. Appeals of unconstitutionality against laws or statutory rules may be lodged by one fifth of the General Council, the Head of Government and three Local Councils. One fifth of the General Council may lodge an appeal of unconstitutionality against the Rules of Procedure of the Chamber. The appeal shall be lodged within the thirty days following the publication of the rule.
… (Art. 99) - Catalan1. Poden interposar recurs d'inconstitucionalitat contra les lleis i els decrets legislatius una cinquena part dels membres del Consell General, el cap de Govern i tres Comuns. Una cinquena part dels membres del Consell General pot interposar recurs d'inconstitucionalitat contra el reglament de la cambra. El termini d'interposició de la demanda és de trenta dies des de la data de publicació de la norma.
… (Art. 99)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishSubject to section 36, an appeal shall lie from decisions of the High Court to the Court of Appeal as of right in the following cases:
(a) final decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings that involve a question as to the interpretation of this Constitution;
(b) final decisions given in exercise of the jurisdiction conferred on the High Court by section 18 (which relates to the enforcement of the fundamental rights and freedoms);
… (Sec. 98)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. The President of the Republic, one fifth of the Members in full exercise of their office and the Attorney-General may request the Constitutional Court to rule on unconstitutionality by omission.
… (Art. 232) - Portuguese1. Podem requerer ao Tribunal Constitucional a declaração de inconstitucionalidade por omissão o Presidente da República, um quinto dos Deputados em efectividade de funções e o Procurador-Geral da República.
… (Art. 232)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishAny person party [partie] to a process may raise the unconstitutionality of a law before any jurisdiction, by way of pleadings [exception]. This [jurisdiction] must postpone [surseoir] [its] decision until the decision of the Constitutional Court, which must intervene within a time period of thirty (30) days.
… (Art. 132) - FrenchToute personne partie à un procès peut soulever l'inconstitutionnalité d'une loi devant toute juridiction, par voie d'exception. Celle-ci doit surseoir à statuer jusqu'à la décision de la Cour constitutionnelle, qui doit intervenir dans un délai de trente (30) jours.
... (Art. 132)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction:
a) to annul statutes or individual provisions thereof if they are in conflicts with the constitutional order;
b) to annul other legal enactments or individual provisions thereof if they are in conflict with the constitutional order or a statute;
c) over constitutional complaints by the representative body of a self-governing region against an unlawful encroachment by the state;
d) over constitutional complaints against final decisions or other encroachments by public authorities infringing constitutionally guaranteed fundamental rights and basic freedoms;
e) over remedial actions from decisions concerning the certification of the election of a deputy or senator;
f) to resolve doubts concerning a deputy or senator’s loss of eligibility to hold office or the incompatibility under Article 25 of some other position or activity with holding the office of deputy or senator;
g) over a constitutional charge brought by the Senate against the president of the republic pursuant to Article 65, paragraph 2;
h) to decide on a petition by the president of the republic seeking the revocation of a joint resolution of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate pursuant to Article 66;
i) to decide on the measures necessary to implement a decision of an international tribunal which is binding on the Czech Republic, in the event that it cannot be otherwise implemented;
j) to determine whether a decision to dissolve a political party or other decision relating to the activities of a political party is in conformity with constitutional acts or other laws;
k) to decide jurisdictional disputes between state bodies and bodies of self-governing regions, unless that power is given by statute to another body.
(2) Prior to the ratification of a treaty under Article 10a or Article 49, the Constitutional Court shall further have jurisdiction to decide concerning the treaty’s conformity with the constitutional order. A treaty may not be ratified prior to the Constitutional Court giving judgment.
(3) A statute may provide that, in place of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Administrative Court shall have jurisdiction:
a) to annul legal enactments other than statutes or individual provisions thereof if they are inconsistent with a statute;
b) to decide jurisdictional disputes between state bodies and bodies of self-governing regions, unless that power is given by statute to another body. (1993 Constitution, Art. 87) - Czech(1) Ústavní soud rozhoduje
a) o zrušení zákonů nebo jejich jednotlivých ustanovení, jsou-li v rozporu s ústavním pořádkem,
b) o zrušení jiných právních předpisů nebo jejich jednotlivých ustanovení, jsou-li v rozporu s ústavním pořádkem nebo zákonem,
c) o ústavní stížnosti orgánů územní samosprávy proti nezákonnému zásahu státu,
d) o ústavní stížnosti proti pravomocnému rozhodnutí a jinému zásahu orgánů veřejné moci do ústavně zaručených základních práv a svobod,
e) o opravném prostředku proti rozhodnutí ve věci ověření volby poslance nebo senátora,
f) v pochybnostech o ztrátě volitelnosti a o neslučitelnosti výkonu funkcí poslance nebo senátora podle čl. 25,
g) o ústavní žalobě Senátu proti prezidentu republiky podle čl. 65 odst. 2,
h) o návrhu prezidenta republiky na zrušení usnesení Poslanecké sněmovny a Senátu podle čl. 66,
i) o opatřeních nezbytných k provedení rozhodnutí mezinárodního soudu, které je pro Českou republiku závazné, pokud je nelze provést jinak,
j) o tom, zda rozhodnutí o rozpuštění politické strany nebo jiné rozhodnutí týkající se činnosti politické strany je ve shodě s ústavními nebo jinými zákony,
k) spory o rozsah kompetencí státních orgánů a orgánů územní samosprávy, nepřísluší-li podle zákona jinému orgánu.
(2) Ústavní soud dále rozhoduje o souladu mezinárodní smlouvy podle čl. 10a a čl. 49 s ústavním pořádkem, a to před její ratifikací. Do rozhodnutí Ústavního soudu nemůže být smlouva ratifikována.
(3) Zákon může stanovit, že namísto Ústavního soudu rozhoduje Nejvyšší správní soud
a) o zrušení právních předpisů nebo jejich jednotlivých ustanovení, jsou-li v rozporu se zákonem,
b) spory o rozsah kompetencí státních orgánů a orgánů územní samosprávy, nepřísluší-li podle zákona jinému orgánu. (Ústava 1993, Čl. 87)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe declaration of the unconstitutionality of a law and the inapplicability of the provisions affected thereby, may be requested by any person who considers that his direct, personal, and legitimate interest is injured:
1. By means of lawsuit, which must be filed before the Supreme Court of Justice;
2. By plea of exception, which may be made in any judicial proceeding.
A judge or court which hears any judicial proceeding, or the Contentious-Administrative Tribunal, as the case may be, may also request the declaration of unconstitutionality of a law and its inapplicability, before rendering a decision.
In this case and in that provided in subparagraph 2 above, the proceedings shall be suspended and the case referred to the Supreme Court of Justice. (Art. 258) - SpanishLa declaración de inconstitucionalidad de una ley y la inaplicabilidad de las disposiciones afectadas por aquélla, podrán solicitarse por todo aquel que se considere lesionado en su interés directo, personal y legítimo:
1º) Por vía de acción, que deberá entablar ante la Suprema Corte de Justicia.
2º) Por vía de excepción, que podrá oponer en cualquier procedimiento judicial.
El Juez o Tribunal que entendiere en cualquier procedimiento judicial, o el Tribunal de lo Contencioso Administrativo, en su caso, también podrá solicitar de oficio la declaración de inconstitucionalidad de una ley y su inaplicabilidad, antes de dictar resolución.
En este caso y en el previsto por el numeral 2º), se suspenderán los procedimientos, elevándose las actuaciones a la Suprema Corte de Justicia. (Art. 258)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court is the jurisdiction of the State in constitutional matters.
It is the judge of the constitutionality of the laws and interprets the Constitution. (Art. 231) - KirundiSentare yuhabiriza lbwirizwa shingiro niyo Sentare y’igihugu iraba ivyerekeye Ibwirizwa Shingiro.
Ni yo igenzura y’uko amabwirizwa ashingwa adaciye kubiri n’Ibwirizwa Shingiro ikongera igatanga insiguro yaryo iyo bikenewe. (Ingingo ya 231) - FrenchLa Cour Constitutionnelle est la juridiction de l’Etat en matière constitutionnelle.
Elle est juge de la constitutionnalité des lois et interprète la Constitution. (Art. 231)