The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English
(1) The chamber is composed of sixty deputies.
(3) The election is direct. It takes place on the basis of the universal suffrage, on a [party] list ballot, following the rules of the proportional representation, in accordance with the principle of the smallest electoral quotient.
The vote is mandatory and secret. Its modalities are determined by the law.
... (Art. 63) - French
(1) La Chambre se compose de soixante députés.
(3) L’élection est directe. Elle a lieu sur la base du suffrage universel, au scrutin de liste, suivant les règles de la représentation proportionnelle, conformément au principe du plus petit quotient électoral.
Le vote est obligatoire et secret. Ses modalités sont déterminées par la loi.
… (Art. 63)
- English
1. In addition to the conditions of voting by Articles 1 and 2 of this Act, the prerequisites to be eligible are:
- Be 21 years of age by election day;
- Be domiciled in the Republic;
… (Electoral Law 1996, Art. 18)5 - Italian
1. Oltre alle condizioni per essere elettori, contemplate dagli articoli 1 e 2 della presente legge, sono requisiti indispensabili per essere eleggibili:
- aver compiuto 21 anni di età entro il giorno delle elezioni;
- avere domicilio sul territorio della Repubblica;
… (Legge Elettorale 1996, Art. 18)
- English1 1° The National Parliament shall be called and known, and is in this Constitution generally referred to, as the Oireachtas.
2° The Oireachtas shall consist of the President and two Houses, viz.: a House of Representatives to be called Dáil Éireann and a Senate to be called Seanad Éireann.
2 1° The sole and exclusive power of making laws for the State is hereby vested in the Oireachtas: no other legislative authority has power to make laws for the State.
… (Art. 15) - Irish Gaelic1 1° An tOireachtas is ainm don Pharlaimint Náisiúnta, agus sin é a bheirtear uirthi de ghnáth sa Bhunreacht seo.
2° An tUachtarán agus dhá Theach atá san Oireachtas: Teach Ionadóirí ar a dtugtar Dáil Éireann, agus Seanad ar a dtugtar Seanad Éireann.
2 1° Bheirtear don Oireachtas amháin leis seo an t-aon chumhacht chun dlíthe a dhéanamh don Stát; níl cumhacht ag údarás reachtaíochta ar bith eile chun dlíthe a dhéanamh don Stát.
… (Airteagal 15)
- English(1) Eligible for election to the National Assembly shall be any Bulgarian citizen who does not hold another citizenship, is above the age of 21, is not under a judicial interdiction, and is not serving a prison sentence.
… (Art. 65) - Bulgarian(1) За народен представител може да бъде избиран български гражданин, който нямɚ друго гражданство, навършил е 21 години, не е поставен под запрещение и не изтърпява наказаниɟ лишаване от свобода.
… (Чл. 65)
- English(1) The Congress shall consist of a minimum of three hundred and a maximum of four hundred Members, elected by universal, free, equal, direct and secret suffrage, under the terms to be laid down by the law.
(3) The election in each constituency shall be conducted on the basis of proportional representation.
(5) All Spaniards entitled to the full exercise of their political rights shall be electors and may be elected.
... (Sec. 68) - Spanish1. El Congreso se compone de un mínimo de 300 y un máximo de 400 Diputados, elegidos por sufragio universal,libre, igual, directo y secreto, en los términos que establezca la ley.
3. La elección se verificará en cada circunscripción atendiendo a criterios de representación proporcional.
5. Son electores y elegibles todos los españoles que estén en pleno uso de sus derechos políticos.
… (Art. 68)
- English1. To be elected as Member of Parliament, one must be a Greek citizen, have the legal capacity to vote and have attained the age of twenty-five years on the day of the election.
… (Art. 55) - Greek1. Για να εκλεγεί κανείς βουλευτής απαιτείται να είναι Έλληνας πολίτης, να έχει τη νόμιμη ικανότητα να εκλέγει και να έχει συμπληρώσει το εικοστό πέμπτο έτος της ηλικίας του κατά την ημέρα της εκλογής.
… ('Αρθρο 55)
- English
Any citizen of the Republic of Lithuania who is not bound by an oath or a pledge to a foreign state, and who, on the election day, is not younger than 21 years of age and permanently resides in Lithuania, may stand for election as a Member of the Seimas.
... (Art. 56) - Lithuanian
Seimo nariu gali būti renkamas Lietuvos Respublikos pilietis, kuris nesusijęs priesaika ar pasižadėjimu užsienio valstybei ir rinkimų dieną yra ne jaunesnis kaip 21 metų bei nuolat gyvena Lietuvoje.
... (56 straipsnis)
- English
To be eligible for membership of the States General, a person must be a Dutch national, must have attained the age of eighteen years and must not have been disqualified from voting. (Art. 56)
- Dutch
Om lid van de Staten-Generaal te kunnen zijn is vereist dat men Nederlander is, de leeftijd van achttien jaar heeft bereikt en niet is uitgesloten van het kiesrecht. (Art. 56)
- EnglishThe Croatian Parliament shall have no fewer than 100 and no more than 160 Members elected on the basis of direct, universal and equal suffrage by secret ballot. (Art. 71)
- CroatianHrvatski sabor ima najmanje 100, a najviše 160 zastupnika koji se, na temelju općeg i jednakoga biračkog prava, biraju neposredno tajnim glasovanjem. (Članak 71)
- EnglishThe members of the House of Representatives are elected directly by citizens who are at least eighteen years of age and who do not fall within the categories of exclusion stipulated by the law.
Each elector has the right to only one vote. (Art. 61) - DutchDe leden van de Kamer van volksvertegen woordigers worden rechtstreeks gekozen door de burgers die volle achttien jaar oud zijn en die niet verkeren in een der gevallen van uitsluiting bij de wet bepaald.
Ieder kiezer heeft recht op slechts één stem. (Art. 61) - FrenchLes membres de la Chambre des représentants sont élus directement par les citoyens âgés de dix-huit ans accomplis et ne se trouvant pas dans l’un des cas d’exclusion prévus par la loi.
Chaque électeur n’a droit qu’à un vote. (Art. 61) - GermanDie Mitglieder der Abgeordnetenkammer werden unmittelbar von den Bürgern gewählt, die das achtzehnte Lebensjahr vollendet haben und sich nicht in einem der durch Gesetz bestimmten Ausschließungsfälle befinden.
Jeder Wähler hat ein Recht auf nur eine Stimme. (Art. 61)