The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- English1. Everyone shall be equal before the law and court.
2. No one shall be subject to any discrimination for reasons of origin, social, property status, occupation, sex, race, nationality, language, attitude towards religion, convictions, place of residence or any other circumstances. (Art. 14) - Kazak1. Заң мен сот алдында жұрттың бәрi тең.
2. Тегiне, әлеуметтiк, лауазымдық және мүлiктiк жағдайына, жынысына, нәсiлiне, ұлтына, тiлiне, дiнге көзқарасына, нанымына, тұрғылықты жерiне байланысты немесе кез келген өзге жағдаяттар бойынша ешкiмдi ешқандай кемсiтуге болмайды. (14-бап)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- English1. Men and women shall have equal rights in family, political, social and economic life in the Republic of Poland.
2. Men and women shall have equal rights, in particular, regarding education, employment and promotion, and shall have the right to equal compensation for work of similar value, to social security as well as to hold offices, perform functions as well as to receive public honours and decorations. (Art. 33) - Polish1. Kobieta i mężczyzna w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej mają równe prawa w życiu rodzinnym, politycznym, społecznym i gospodarczym.
2. Kobieta i mężczyzna mają w szczególności równe prawo do kształcenia, zatrudnienia i awansów, do jednakowego wynagradzania za pracę jednakowej wartości, do zabezpieczenia społecznego oraz do zajmowania stanowisk, pełnienia funkcji oraz uzyskiwania godności publicznych i odznaczeń. (Art. 33)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- English1. Subject to subsections (4), (5) and (7), no law shall make any provision that is discriminatory either of itself or in its effect.
2. Subject to subsections (6), (7) and (8), no person shall be treated in a discriminatory manner by any person acting in the performance of any public function conferred by any law or otherwise in the performance of the functions of any public office or any public authority.
3. In this section, 'discriminatory' means affording different treatment to different persons attributable wholly or mainly to their respective descriptions by race, caste, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex whereby persons of one such description are subjected to disabilities or restrictions to which persons of another such description are not made subject or are accorded privileges or advantages that are not accorded to persons of another such description.
4. Subsection (1) shall not apply to any law so far as that law makes provision –
aa. for a minimum number of candidates for election to local authorities to be of a particular sex, with a view to ensuring adequate representation of each sex on a local authority;
ab. for a minimum number of candidates for election to the Rodrigues Regional Assembly to be of a particular sex, with a view to ensuring adequate representation of each sex in the Rodrigues Regional Assembly;
c. for the application, in the case of persons of any such description as is mentioned in subsection (3) (or of persons connected with such persons), of the law with respect to adoption, marriage, divorce, burial, devolution of property on death or other like matters that is the personal law applicable to persons of that description.
5. Nothing contained in any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of subsection (1) to the extent that it makes provision with respect to standards or qualifications (not being standards or qualifications specifically relating to race, caste, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex) to be required of any person who is appointed to any office in the public service, any office in a disciplined force, any office in the service of a local authority or any office in a body corporate established directly by any law for public purposes.
6. Subsection (2) shall not apply to anything which is expressly or by necessary implication authorised to be done by any such provision of law as is referred to in subsection (4) or (5).
7. Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question makes provision whereby persons of any such description as is mentioned in subsection (3) may be subjected to any restriction on the rights and freedoms guaranteed by sections 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, being such a restriction as is authorised by section 9(2), 11(5), 12(2), 13(2), 14(2) or 15(3), as the case may be.
8. Subsection (2) shall not affect any discretion relating to the institution, conduct or discontinuance of civil or criminal proceedings in any court that is vested in any person by or under this Constitution or any other law. (Sec. 16)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishThe Haitian people proclaim this Constitution:
To fortify the national unity, eliminating all discrimination between the populations, of the towns and of the countryside, by the acceptance of the community of languages and of culture and by the recognition of the right to progress, to information, to education, to health, to work and to leisure for all citizens [masculine] and citizens [feminine].
To establish a governmental regime based on the fundamental liberties and the respect for human rights, the social peace, economic equity, the equity of gender, the concerted [action] and the participation of all the population in the grand decisions engaging the national life, by an effective decentralization.
To assure to women a representation in the instances of power and of decision which must conform to the equality of the sexes and to equity of gender. (Preamble) - FrenchLe Peuple Haïtien proclame la présente Constitution:
Pour fortifier l'unité nationale, en éliminant toutes discrimations entre les populations des villes et des campagnes, par l'acceptation de la communauté de langues et de culture et par la reconnaissance du droit au progrès, à l'information, à l'éducation, à la santé, au travail et au loisir pour tous les citoyens et citoyennes.
Pour instaurer un régime gouvernamental basé sur les libertés fondamentales et le respect des droits humains, la paix sociale, l’equité économique, l’équité de genre, la concertation et la participation de toute la population aux grandes décisions engageant la vie nationale, par une décentralisation effective.
Pour assurer aux femmes une représentation dans les instances de pouvoir et de décision qui soit conforme à l’égalité des sexes et à l’équité de genre. (Préambule)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- English(a) The enumeration of rights and freedoms in this Chapter are guaranteed equally to female and male persons.
… (Art. 62) - Dhivehi(ހ) މި ބާބުގައި ބަޔާންކުރެވިގައިވާ އެންމެހައި ޙައްޤުތަކާއި މިނިވަންކަން އަންހެނުނުންނަށާއި ފިރިހެނުނުންށް ހަމަހަމަކަމާއެކު ލިބިގެންވެއެވެ.
... (ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީގެ 62 ވަނަ މާއްދާ)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishWomen in the People's Republic of China enjoy equal rights with men in all spheres of life, political, economic, cultural and social, and family life.
… (Art. 48) - Chinese中华人民共和国妇女在政治的、经济的、文化的、社会的和家庭的生活等各方面享有同男子平等的权利。
… (第四十八条)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- English(1) The State shall have exclusive competence over the following matters:
1) Regulation of basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of their rights and in the fulfilment of their constitutional duties.
... (Sec. 149) - Spanish1. El Estado tiene competencia exclusiva sobre las siguientes materias:
1ª. La regulación de las condiciones básicas que garanticen la igualdad de todos los españoles en el ejercicio de los derechos y en el cumplimiento de los deberes constitucionales.
… (Art. 149)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- English(1) A citizen of Nigeria of a particular community, ethnic group, place of origin, sex, religion or political opinion shall not, by reason only that he is such a person: –
(a) be subjected either expressly by, or in the practical application of, any law in force in Nigeria or any executive or administrative action of the government, to disabilities or restrictions to which citizens of Nigeria of other communities, ethnic groups, places of origin, sex, religions or political opinions are not made subject; or
(b) be accorded either expressly by, or in the practical application of, any law in force in Nigeria or any such executive or administrative action, any privilege or advantage that is not accorded to citizens of Nigeria of other communities, ethnic groups, places of origin, sex, religions or political opinions.
(2) No citizen of Nigeria shall be subjected to any disability or deprivation merely by reason of the circumstances of his birth.
(3) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section shall invalidate any law by reason only that the law imposes restrictions with respect to the appointment of any person to any office under the State or as a member of the armed forces of the Federation or member of the Nigeria Police Forces or to an office in the service of a body, corporate established directly by any law in force in Nigeria. (Sec. 42)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishWHEREAS the People of Saint Lucia-
(b) believe that all persons have been endowed equally by God with inalienable rights and dignity;
… (Preamble)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- English
All citizens are equal before the law. They have equal public rights and duties, and there shall be no discrimination between them on grounds of sex, origin, colour, language, religion, sect, domicile, or social status. (Art. 21)
- Arabic
المواطنون جميعهم سواسية أمام القانون، وهم متساوون في الحقوق والواجبات العامة، ولا تمييز بينهم في ذلك بسبب الجنس أو الأصل أو اللون أو اللغة أو الدين أو المذهب أو الموطن أو المركز الاجتماعي. (المادّة ٢١)