The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Women’s Rights
- EnglishThrough the creation of Islamic social infrastructures, all the human recources that hitherto served the multifaceted foreign exploitation shall regain their true identity and human rights. As a part of this natural recovery, it is only natural that women should benefit from a particularly large augmentation of their rights, because of the greater oppression that they suffered under the taghuti regime.
The family is the fundamental unit of society and the main centre for the growth and excellence of human being. Compatibility with respect to belief and ideal, which provides the primary basis for man's development and growth, is the main consideration in the establishment of a family. It is the duty of the Islamic government to provide the necessary facilities for the attainment of this goal. This view of the family unit delivers woman from being regarded as an object or as an instrument in the service of promoting consumerism and exploitation. Not only does woman recover thereby her momentous and precious function of motherhood, rearing of ideologically committed human beings, she also assumes a pioneering social role and becomes the fellow struggler of man in all vital areas of life, thus, she is given greater responsibility and in Islamic view, she is accorded higher value and dignity. (Woman in the Constitution, Preamble) - Persianدر ایجاد بنیادهای اجتماعی اسلامی، نیروهای انسانی که تاکنون درخدمت استثمار همهجانبه خارجی بودند هویت اصلی و حقوق انسانی خود را باز مییابند و در این بازیابی طبیعی است که زنان به دلیل ستم بیشتری که تاکنون از نظام طاغوتی متحمل شدهاند استیفای حقوق آنان بیشتر خواهد بود.
خانواده واحد بنیادین جامعه و کانون اصلی رشد و تعالی انساناست و توافق عقیدتی و آرمانی در تشکیل خانواده که زمینهساز اصلی حرکت تکاملی و رشدیابنده انسان است اصل اساسی بوده وفراهمکردن امکانات جهت نیل به این مقصود از وظایف حکومتاسلامی است. زن در چنین برداشتی از واحد خانواده، از حالت (شیء بودن) و یا (ابزار کاربودن) در خدمت اشاعه مصرفزدگی واستثمار، خارج شده و ضمن بازیافتن وظیفه خطیر و پر ارج مادری در پرورش انسانهای مکتبی پیشاهنگ خود همرزم مردان در میدانهای فعال حیات میباشد و در نتیجه پذیرای مسوولیتیخطیرتر و در دیدگاه اسلامی برخوردار از ارزش و کرامتی والاتر خواهد بود. (زن در قانون اساسی، مقدمه)
Women’s Rights
- English1. Every citizen enjoys the following rights and freedoms:
c) To equality before the law. The woman, whatever her civil status may be, has equal rights and opportunities as the man in all the orders of public, private, and family life, [and] in civil, political, economic, social, and cultural [life].
2. Concerning the basis of the principle of equality of the woman before the law, the public powers shall adopt legal initiatives and mechanisms to favor the adequate representation and participation of the woman in the provision of the offices [cargos] and other functions in all the institutions of the State.
… (Art. 13) - Spanish1. Todo ciudadano goza de los siguientes derechos y libertades:
c) A la igualdad ante la ley. La mujer, cualquiera que sea su estado civil, tiene iguales derechos y oportunidades que el hombre en todos los órdenes de la vida pública, privada y familiar, en lo civil, político, económico, social y cultural.
2. Sobre la base del principio de la igualdad de la mujer ante la ley, los poderes públicos adoptarán iniciativas legales y mecanismos para favorecer la adecuada representación y participación de la Mujer en el desempeño de los cargos y demás funciones en todas las Instituciones del Estado.
… (Art. 13) - French1. Tout citoyen jouit des droits et libertés qui suivent:
c) L'égalité devant la loi. La femme, quel que soit son état civil, a les mêmes droits et possibilités que l'homme dans tous les domaines de la vie publique, privée et familiale, que ce soit sur le plan civil, politique, économique, social ou culturel.
2. Conformément au principe d'égalité des femmes devant la loi, les pouvoirs publics prendront des initiatives en vue de l'adoption de lois et de mécanismes favorisant la représentation et participation adéquates des femmes dans l'exercice des charges et autres fonctions à l'intérieur de l'ensemble des institutions de l'État.
… (Art. 13)
Women’s Rights
- EnglishWomen and men have equal rights and opportunities. Women may not be subjected to any class of discrimination. During pregnancy and after delivery, women shall enjoy the special assistance and protection of the State and shall receive from it food subsidies if they are unemployed or without support [desamparada].The State shall support in a special way the female head of household. (Art. 43)
- SpanishLa mujer y el hombre tienen iguales derechos y oportunidades. La mujer no podrá ser sometida a ninguna clase de discriminación. Durante el embarazo y después del parto gozará de especial asistencia y protección del Estado, y recibirá de éste subsidio alimentario si entonces estuviere desempleada o desamparada. El Estado apoyará de manera especial a la mujer cabeza de familia. (Art. 43)
Women’s Rights
- EnglishThe Government of Nepal shall make appraisal and review of the implementation of special rights of the women and Dalit community and impacts thereof, on the basis of human development index, concurrently with a national census to be held in every ten years. (Art. 281)
- Nepaliनेपाल सरकारले प्रत्येक दश वर्षमा हुने राष्ट्रिय जनगणनासँगै महिला तथा दलित समुदायको विशेष अधिकारको व्यवस्थाको कार्यान्वयन र त्यसको प्रभाव सम्बन्धमा मानव विकास सूचकांकको आधारमा समीक्षा तथा पुनरावलोकन गर्नेछ । (धारा २८१)
Women’s Rights
- English1. Women have the right to full and equal protection by the law, and have the right not to be discriminated against on the basis of their gender or marital status which includes the right—
a. to be accorded the same rights as men in civil law, including equal capacity—
i. to enter into contracts;
ii. to acquire and maintain rights in property, independently or in association with others, regardless of their marital status;
iii. to acquire and retain custody, guardianship and care of children and to have an equal right in the making of decisions that affect their upbringing; and
iv. to acquire and retain citizenship and nationality.
b. on the dissolution of marriage, howsoever entered into—
i. to a fair disposition of property that is held jointly with a husband; and
ii. to fair maintenance, taking into consideration all the circumstances and, in particular, the means of the former husband and the needs of any children.
2. Any law that discriminates against women on the basis of gender or marital status shall be invalid and legislation shall be passed to eliminate customs and practices that discriminate against women, particularly practices such as—
a. sexual abuse, harassment and violence;
b. discrimination in work, business and public affairs; and
c. deprivation of property, including property obtained by inheritance. (Sec. 24)
Women’s Rights
- EnglishWomen in the People's Republic of China enjoy equal rights with men in all spheres of life, political, economic, cultural and social, and family life.
The state protects the rights and interests of women, applies the principle of equal pay for equal work for men and women alike and trains and selects cadres from among women. (Art. 48) - Chinese中华人民共和国妇女在政治的、经济的、文化的、社会的和家庭的生活等各方面享有同男子平等的权利。
Women’s Rights
- English
Women and men shall be ensured equal opportunities in education and training, in employment and promotion, in social, political, cultural and other spheres of activity, as well as the creation of conditions for the protection of their work and health. (Art. 32) - Belarusian
Жанчынам і мужчынам забяспечваецца прадастаўленне роўных магчымасцей у атрыманні адукацыі і прафесійнай падрыхтоўцы, у працы і вылучэнні па службе (рабоце), у грамадска-палітычнай, культурнай і іншых сферах дзейнасці, а таксама стварэнне ўмоў для аховы іх працы і здароўя. (Артыкул 32) - Russian
Женщинам и мужчинам обеспечивается предоставление равных возможностей в получении образования и профессиональной подготовке, в труде и продвижении по службе (работе), в общественно-политической, культурной и других сферах деятельности, а также создание условий для охраны их труда и здоровья. (Статья 32)
Women’s Rights
- English(1) The state shall protect women’s rights as set forth in international and regional agreements ratified by Sudan.
(2) The state shall guarantee to both men and women the equal right to enjoy all civil, political, social, cultural, and economic rights, including the right to equal pay for equal work, and other professional benefits.
(3) The state shall guarantee women’s rights in all fields through positive discrimination.
(4) The state shall work to combat harmful customs and traditions that reduce the dignity and status of women.
(5) The state shall provide free healthcare for motherhood, childhood and pregnant women. (Art. 48) - Arabic1. تحمي الدولة حقوق المرأة كما وردت في الإتفاقيات الدولية والإقليمية التي صادق عليها السودان.
2. تكفل الدولة للرجال و النساء الحق المتساوي في التمتع بكل الحقوق المدنية والسياسية والإجتماعية والثقافية والإقتصادية بما فيها الحق في الأجر المتساوي للعمل المتساوي والمزايا الوظيفية الاخري.
3. تضمن الدولة حقوق المرأة في جميع المجالات وتعززها من خلال التمييز الإيجابي.
4. تعمل الدولة علي محاربة العاذات والتقاليد الضارة التي تقلل من كرامة المرأة ووضعيتها.
5. توفر الدولة الرعاية الصحية المجانية للامومه والطفوله وللحوامل. (الماده 49)
Women’s Rights
- EnglishThe State shall ensure the achievement of equality between women and men in all civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
The State shall take the necessary measures to ensure the appropriate representation of women in the houses of representatives, as specified by Law. The State shall also guarantee women’s right of holding public and senior management offices in the State and their appointment in judicial bodies and authorities without discrimination.
The State shall protect women against all forms of violence and ensure enabling women to strike a balance between family duties and work requirements.
The State shall provide care to and protection of motherhood and childhood, female heads of families, and elderly and neediest women. (Art. 11) - Arabicتكفل الدّولة تحقيق المساواة بين المرأة والرّجل فى جميع الحقوق المدنيّة والسياسيّة والاقتصاديّة والاجتماعية والثقافيّة وفقا لأحكام الدستور.
وتعمل الدولة على اتخاذ التدابير الكفيلة بضمان تمثيل المرأة تمثيلاً مناسبا فى المجالس النيابية، على النحو الذي يحدده القانون،كما تكفل للمرأة حقها فى تولى الوظائف العامة ووظائف الإدارة العليا فى الدولة والتعيين فى الجهات والهيئات القضائية، دون تمييز ضدها.
وتلتزم الدولة بحماية المرأة ضد كل أشكال العنف، وتكفل تمكين المرأة من التوفيق بين واجبات الأسرة ومتطلبات العمل.
كما تلتزم بتوفير الرعاية والحماية للأمومة والطفولة والمرأة المعيلة والمسنة والنساء الأشد احتياجا. (المادّة 11)
Women’s Rights
- English(1) Every woman has full and equal dignity of the person with men and this includes equal opportunities in political, economic and social activities.
(2) Women have the same rights as men regarding the custody and guardianship of children, but an Act of Parliament may regulate how those rights are to be exercised.
(3) All laws, customs, traditions and cultural practices that infringe the rights of women conferred by this Constitution are void to the extent of the infringement. (Sec. 80)