Political Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia 2009
  • English
    I. The Executive Organ consists of the President of the State, the Vice President of the State, and the Ministers of State.
    … (Art. 165)
  • Spanish
    I. El Órgano Ejecutivo está compuesto por la Presidenta o el Presidente del Estado, la Vicepresidenta o el Vicepresidente del Estado, y las Ministras y los Ministros de Estado.
    … (Art. 165)
  • English
    The attributes of the President of the State, in addition to those established by this Constitution and the law, are the following:

    22. To designate the Ministers of State, respecting the Pluri-National character of the country and gender equity in the composition of the ministerial cabinet.
    … (Art. 172)
  • Spanish
    Son atribuciones de la Presidenta o del Presidente del Estado, además de las que establece esta Constitución y la ley:

    22. Designar a las Ministras y a los Ministros de Estado, respetando el carácter plurinacional y la equidad de género en la composición del gabinete ministerial.
    … (Art. 172)
  • English
    To be designated a Minister, a person must meet the following requisites: satisfy the general requirements for entering public service, be twenty five years of age on the day of his or her nomination, not be a member of the Pluri-National Legislative Assembly, nor a director, shareholder or owner of financial entities or enterprises that have a contractual relationship or conflicts of interest with the State; not be the spouse or natural parent or related in the second degree to the acting President or Vice President of the State. (Art. 176)
  • Spanish
    Para ser designada o designado Ministra o Ministro de Estado se requiere cumplir con las condiciones generales de acceso al servicio público; tener cumplidos veinticinco años al día del nombramiento; no formar parte de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional; no ser directivo, accionista ni socio de entidades financieras o empresas que mantengan relación contractual o que enfrenten intereses opuestos con el Estado; no ser cónyuge ni pariente consanguíneo o afín dentro del segundo grado de quienes se hallaren en ejercicio de la Presidencia o la Vicepresidencia del Estado. (Art. 176)

Political Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia 2009 (English). According to Art. 5(I): "The official languages of the State are Spanish and all the languages of the rural native indigenous nations and peoples, ..."

Links to all sites last visited 6 February 2024
There are discrepancies between the English and Spanish texts.