Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama 1972, as amended to 2004
Status of International Law
  • English
    The Republic of Panama abides by the rules of International Law. (Art. 4)
  • Spanish
    La República de Panamá acata las normas del Derecho Internacional. (Art. 4)
Status of International Law
  • English
    The Office of the Ombudsman monitors the protection of the fundamental rights and guarantees recognized in this Constitution as well as of those which are provided for by international human rights conventions and the law through the non-judicial control of the facts, acts and omissions of public servants and providers of public services and makes sure that they are observed.
    … (Art. 129)
  • Spanish
    La Defensoría del Pueblo velará por la protección de los derechos y las garantías fundamentales consagradas en esta Constitución, así como los previstos en los convenios internacionales de derechos humanos y la Ley, mediante el control no jurisdiccional de los hechos, actos u omisiones de los servidores públicos y de quienes presten servicios públicos, y actuará para que ellos se respeten.
    … (Art. 129)
Links to all sites last visited 28 February 2024
Chapter 3 on Work.
Chapter 8 on Agrarian System.
Chapter 8 on Agrarian System.