Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama 1972, as amended to 2004
Obligations of the State
  • English
    The authorities of the Republic are established for the purpose … of ensuring the effectiveness of individual and social rights and duties, and of observing and enforcing the Constitution and the Law.
    The rights and guarantees recognized by this Constitution must be considered as minimum standards which do not exclude others which are related to fundamental rights and the dignity of the individual. (Art. 17)
  • Spanish
    Las autoridades de la República están instituidas para … asegurar la efectividad de los derechos y deberes individuales y sociales, y cumplir y hacer cumplir la Constitución y la Ley.
    Los derechos y garantías que consagra esta Constitución, deben considerarse como mínimos y no excluyentes de otros que incidan sobre los derechos fundamentales y la dignidad de la persona. (Art. 17)
Links to all sites last visited 28 February 2024
Chapter 3 on Work.
Chapter 8 on Agrarian System.
Chapter 8 on Agrarian System.