Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1972, as amended to 2023
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    The working day shall be eight hours.
    The length of the working day shall be reduced by the State in arduous trades and other special categories of work.
    The State shall guarantee that the working hours are fully utilized through proper organization of labour and enforcement of labour discipline. (Art. 30)
  • Korean
    근로자들의 하루로동시간은 8시간이다.
    국가는 로동의 힘든 정도와 특수한 조건에 따라 하루로동시간을 이보다 짧게 정한다.
    국가는 로동조직을 잘하고 로동규률을 강화하여 로동시간을 완전히 리용하도록 한다. (제30조)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Citizens have the right to work.
    All able-bodied citizens may choose occupations in accordance with their wishes and skills and are provided with stable jobs and working conditions.
    Citizens work according to their abilities and are paid in accordance with the quantity and quality of their work. (Art. 70)
  • Korean
    공민은 로동에 대한 권리를 가진다.
    로동능력있는 모든 공민은 희망과 재능에 따라 직업을 선택하며 안정된 일자리와 로동조건을 보장받는다.
    공민은 능력에 따라 일하며 로동의 량과 질에 따라 분배를 받는다. (제70조)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Citizens have the right to relaxation. This right is ensured by the establishment of working hours, and the provision of holidays, paid leave, accommodation at health resorts and holiday homes at State expense and by a growing network of cultural facilities. (Art. 71)
  • Korean
    공민은 휴식에 대한 권리를 가진다. 이 권리는 로동시간제, 공휴일제, 유급휴가제, 국가비용에 의한 정휴양제, 계속 늘어나는 여러가지 문화시설들에 의하여 보장된다. (제71조)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English

    The State shall afford special protection to mothers and children by providing maternity leave, reduced working hours for mothers with several children, a wide network of maternity hospitals, crèches and kindergartens, and other measures.
    … (Art. 77)
  • Korean

    국가는 산전산후휴가의 보장, 여러 어린이를 가진 어머니를 위한 로동시간의 단축, 산원, 탁아소와 유치원망의 확장 그밖의 시책을 통하여 어머니와 어린이를 특별히 보호한다.
    … (제77조)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Work is the noble duty and honour of a citizen.
    Citizens shall willingly and conscientiously participate in work and strictly observe labour discipline and working hours. (Art. 83)
  • Korean
    로동은 공민의 신성한 의무이며 영예이다.
    공민은 로동에 자각적으로 성실히 참가하며 로동규률과 로동시간을 엄격히 지켜야 한다. (제83조)

Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1972, as amended to 2019 (English). Consolidated version as amended to 2023 is not publicly available, concerns a provision (art. 58) that is not of direct relevance to the database.

Links to all sites last visited 8 March 2024