Constitution of the State of Kuwait 1962
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The family is the foundation of society; its mainstays are religion, morals and the love of country. The Law shall preserve its entity, shall strengthen its bonds and shall, under its aegis, protect mothers and infants. (Art. 9)
  • Arabic
    الأسرة أساس المجتمع، قوامها الدين والأخلاق وحب الوطن، يحفظ القانون كيانها، ويقوي أواصرها، ويحمي في ظلها الأمومة والطفولة. (المادّة 9)

Constitution of the State of Kuwait 1962 (English). According to Art. 3: “The official language of the State is Arabic.”

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