Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 2002
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    Women and men shall have the same rights and duties in all areas of family, political, economic, social and cultural life. (Sec. 17)
  • Tetum
    Feto no mane iha direitu no obrigasaun hanesan iha moris família, kulturál, sosiál, ekonómiku no polítiku nia laran. (Art. 17)
  • Portuguese
    A mulher e o homem têm os mesmos direitos e obrigações em todos os domínios da vida familiar, cultural, social, económica e política. (Art. 17)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    1. Every citizen has the right to participate in the political life and in the public affairs of the country, either directly or through democratically elected representatives.
    … (Sec. 46)
  • Tetum
    1. Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu partisipa, hosi nia rasik eh liu hosi reprezentante ne’ebé hili tiha ona tuir demokrasia, ba vida polítika no ba asuntu públiku nian iha rai laran.
    … (Art. 46)
  • Portuguese
    1. Todo o cidadão tem o direito de participar, por si ou através de representantes democraticamente eleitos, na vida política e nos assuntos públicos do país.
    … (Art. 46)

Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 2002 (English). According to Sec. 13(1): "Tetum and Portuguese shall be the official languages in the Democratic Republic of East Timor.” There are discrepancies in the English, Portuguese and Tetum texts.

Links to all sites last visited 8 February 2024