Constitution of the Principality of Andorra 1993
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    1. The civil status of persons and forms of marriage shall be regulated by law. The civil effects of Canon Law marriage shall be recognised.
    2. The public authorities shall promote a policy of protection of the family, which is the basic foundation of society.
    3. Both spouses have the same rights and duties. All children are equal before the law, regardless of their parentage. (Art. 13)
  • Catalan
    1. La llei regularà la condició civil de les persones i les formes de matrimoni. Es reconeixen els efectes civils del matrimoni canònic.
    2. Els poders públics promouran una política de protecció de la família, element bàsic de la societat.
    3. Els cònjuges tenen els mateixos drets i obligacions. Els fills són iguals davant de la llei, amb independència de la seva filiació. (Art. 13)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    All shall be protected by law against unlawful interference in their family and private life. (Art. 14)
  • Catalan
    … Tothom té dret a ésser protegit per les lleis contra les intromissions il.legítimes en la seva vida privada I familiar. (Art. 14)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    3. Parents have the right to decide the type of education for their children. They also have the right to moral or religious instruction for their children in accordance with their own convictions. (Art. 20)
  • Catalan

    3. Els pares tenen dret a escollir el tipus d'educació que hagin de rebre els seus fills. Igualment, tenen dret a una educació moral o religiosa per a llurs fills d'acord amb les conviccions pròpies. (Art. 20)

Constitution of the Principality of Andorra 1993 (English). According to Art. 2(1): "Catalan is the official language of the State.”

Links to all sites last visited 6 February 2024
3, 4

3 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.

4 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.

5, 6
5 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
6 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
7, 8
7 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
8 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
9, 10
9 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
10 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
11, 12
11 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
12 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
13, 14
13 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
14 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.