Constitution of the Republic of Latvia 1922, as amended to 2018
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    Citizens of Latvia who enjoy full rights of citizenship and, who on election day have attained eighteen years of age shall be entitled to vote. (Art. 8)
  • Latvian
    Tiesības vēlēt ir pilntiesīgiem Latvijas pilsoņiem, kuri vēlēšanu dienā ir sasnieguši astoņpadsmit gadu vecumu. (Art. 8)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    All citizens of Latvia who have the right to vote in elections of the Saeima may participate in national referendums. (Art. 80)
  • Latvian
    Tautas nobalsošanā var piedalīties visi Latvijas pilsoņi, kuriem ir balsstiesība Saeimas vēlēšanās. (Art. 80)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    Every citizen of Latvia has the right, as provided for by law, to participate in the work of the State and of local government, and to hold a position in the civil service.
    Every citizen of the European Union who permanently resides in Latvia has the right, as provided by law, to participate in the work of local governments.
    ... (Art. 101)
  • Latvian
    Ikvienam Latvijas pilsonim ir tiesības likumā paredzētajā veidā piedalīties valsts un pašvaldību darbībā, kā arī pildīt valsts dienestu.
    Ikvienam Eiropas Savienības pilsonim, kas pastāvīgi uzturas Latvijā, ir tiesības likumā paredzētajā veidā piedalīties pašvaldību darbībā.
    ... (Art. 101)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    Everyone has the right to form and join associations, political parties and other public organisations. (Art. 102)
  • Latvian
    Ikvienam ir tiesības apvienoties biedrībās, politiskās partijās un citās sabiedriskās organizācijās. (Art. 102)

Constitution of Latvia 1922, as amended to 2018 (English). According to Art. 4: “The Latvian language is the official language in the Republic of Latvia. ...”

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