Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia 1991, as amended to 2019
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    In the Republic of North Macedonia laws shall be in accordance with the Constitution and all other regulations in accordance with the Constitution and law. Everyone is obliged to respect the Constitution and the laws. (Art. 51)
  • Macedonian
    Во Република Северна Македонија законите мораат да бидат во согласност со Уставот, а сите други прописи со Уставот и со закон. Секој е должен да ги почитува Уставот и законите. (Член 51)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    The Constitutional Court shall repeal or invalidate a law if it determines that the law does not conform to the Constitution. The Constitutional Court shall repeal or invalidate a collective agreement, other regulation or enactment, statute or programme of a political party or association, if it determines that the same does not conform to the Constitution or law. The decisions of the Constitutional Court are final and executive. (Art. 112)
  • Macedonian
    Уставниот суд ќе укине или поништи закон ако утврди дека не е во согласност со Уставот. Уставниот суд ќе укине или поништи друг пропис или општ акт, колективен договор, статут или програма на политичка партија или здружение, ако утврди дека тие не се во согласност со Уставот или со закон. Одлуките на Уставниот суд се конечни и извршни. (Член 112)

Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia 1991, as amended to 2019 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019). According to Art. 7 (as replaced by Amendment V): “The Macedonian language, written using its Cyrillic alphabet, is the official language throughout the Republic of North Macedonia and in the international relations of the Republic of North Macedonia.” The country's name has been changed from “Macedonia” to “North Macedonia” in accordance with Amendment XXXIII.


Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia 1991, as amended to 2019 (Macedonian), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019).

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
Art. 4 as amended by Amendment XXXII and XXXIII.
Preamble as amended by Amendment IV and XXXIV.
Preamble as amended by Amendment IV and XXXIV.
Art. 77 as amended by Amendment XI.
Art. 48 as amended by Amendment VIII.
Art. 78 as amended by Amendment XII.
Art. 8 as amended by Amendment VI.
Art. 98 as amended by Amendment XXV.
Art. 106 as amended by Amendment XXX.
Art. 19 as amended by Amendment VII.