Constitution of Sweden 1974, as amended to 2018
Indigenous Peoples
  • English

    The opportunities of the Sami people and ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities to preserve and develop a cultural and social life of their own shall be promoted. (Instrument of Government, Chapter 1, Art. 2)
  • Swedish

    Samiska folkets och etniska, språkliga och religiösa minoriteters möjligheter att behålla och utveckla ett eget kultur- och samfundsliv ska främjas. (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 1 kap, 2§)
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
Reference to Chapter 2, Article 22, para. 1 "A draft law under Article 20 shall be held in abeyance, unless rejected by the Riksdag, for a minimum of twelve months from the date on which the first Riksdag committee report on the proposal was submitted to the Chamber, if so moved by at least ten members. The Riksdag may, however, adopt the proposal directly if it has the support of at least five sixths of those voting. ..."
Freedom of the Press Act, Chap. 7, Art. 7 as amended by 2018 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019.
Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, Chapter 3, Art. 2 as amended by 2018 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019.