The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Citizenship and Nationality
- EnglishIt is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland.
… (Art. 2) - Irish GaelicTá gach duine a shaolaítear in oileán na hÉireann, ar a n-áirítear a oileáin agus a fharraigí, i dteideal, agus tá de cheart oidhreachta aige nó aici, a bheith páirteach i náisiún na hÉireann. Tá an teideal sin freisin ag na daoine go léir atá cáilithe ar shlí eile de réir dlí chun bheith ina saoránaigh d’Éirinn.
… (Airteagal 2)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English(1) Spanish nationality shall be acquired, retained and lost in accordance with the provisions of the law.
(2) No person of Spanish birth may be deprived of his or her nationality.
(3) The State may negotiate dual nationality treaties with Latin-American countries or with those which have had or which have special links with Spain. In these countries Spaniards may become naturalized without losing their nationality of origin, even if those countries do not grant a reciprocal right to their own citizens. (Sec. 11) - Spanish1. La nacionalidad española se adquiere, se conserva y se pierde de acuerdo con lo establecido por la ley.
2. Ningún español de origen podrá ser privado de su nacionalidad.
3. El Estado podrá concertar tratados de doble nacionalidad con los países iberoamericanos o con aquellos que hayan tenido o tengan una particular vinculación con España. En estos mismos países, aun cuando no reconozcan a sus ciudadanos un derecho recíproco, podrán naturalizarse los españoles sin perder su nacionalidad de origen. (Art. 11)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English
(1) The child of a Hungarian citizen shall be a Hungarian citizen by birth. A cardinal Act may specify other instances of the origin or acquisition of Hungarian citizenship.
(3) No one shall be deprived of Hungarian citizenship established by birth or acquired in a lawful manner.
(4) The detailed rules for citizenship shall be laid down in a cardinal Act. (Foundation, Art. G) - Hungarian
(1) Születésével a magyar állampolgár gyermeke magyar állampolgár. Sarkalatos törvény a magyar állam polgárság keletkezésének vagy megszerzésének más eseteit is meghatározhatja.
(3) Senkit nem lehet születéssel keletkezett vagy jogszerűen szerzett magyar állampolgárságától megfosztani.
(4) Az állampolgárságra vonatkozó részletes szabályokat sarkalatos törvény határozza meg. (Alapvetés, G) cikk)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English1. Everyone shall have the right to determine and declare his (her) nationality. Nobody shall be forced to determine and declare his (her) nationality.
… (Art. 26) - Russian1. Каждый вправе определять и указывать свою национальную принадлежность. Никто не может быть принужден к определению и указанию своей национальной принадлежности.
… (Статья 26)
Citizenship and Nationality
- EnglishNaturalisation is granted by the federal legislative power. (Art. 9)
- DutchNaturalisatie wordt verleend door de federale wetgevende macht. (Art. 9)
- FrenchLa naturalisation est accordée par le pouvoir législatif fédéral. (Art. 9)
- GermanDie Einbürgerung wird von der föderalen gesetzgebenden Gewalt verliehen. (Art. 9)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English
(1) In the following matters legislation is the business of the Federation, execution that of the provinces:
1. nationality;
… (Art. 11) - German
(1) Bundessache ist die Gesetzgebung, Landessache die Vollziehung in folgenden Angelegenheiten:
1. Staatsbürgerschaft;
… (Art. 11)
Citizenship and Nationality
- EnglishNo one may be deprived of Icelandic citizenship. Loss of citizenship may, however, be provided for by law, in the event a person accepts citizenship in another State. An alien can only be granted Icelandic citizenship according to law.
… (Art. 66) - IcelandicEngan má svipta íslenskum ríkisborgararétti. Með lögum má þó ákveða að maður missi þann rétt ef hann öðlast með samþykki sínu ríkisfang í öðru ríki. Útlendingi verðuraðeins veittur íslenskur ríkisborgararéttur samkvæmt lögum.
… (66. gr.)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English
(1) If, on an application for naturalisation as a British citizen made by a person of full age and capacity, the Secretary of State is satisfied that the applicant fulfils the requirements of Schedule 1 for naturalisation as such a citizen under this subsection, he may, if he thinks fit, grant to him a certificate of naturalisation as such a citizen.
(2) If, on an application for naturalisation as a British citizen made by a person of full age and capacity who on the date of the application is married to a British citizen, or is the civil partner of a British citizen the Secretary of State is satisfied that the applicant fulfils the requirements of Schedule 1 for naturalisation as such a citizen under this subsection, he may, if he thinks fit, grant to him a certificate of naturalisation as such a citizen.
(3) This section is subject to sections 31, 32 and 36 of the Illegal Migration Act 2023 (restriction of eligibility for citizenship etc). (British Nationality Act 1981, Sec. 6)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English1. Everyone is accorded the rights to personal identity, to the development of personality, to civil capacity, to citizenship,
4. Deprivation of citizenship and restrictions on civil capacity may only occur in the cases and under the terms that are provided for by law, and may not be based on political motives. (Art. 26) - Portuguese1. A todos são reconhecidos os direitos à identidade pessoal, ao desenvolvimento da personalidade, à capacidade civil, à cidadania,
4. A privação da cidadania e as restrições à capacidade civil só podem efectuar-se nos casos e termos previstos na lei, não podendo ter como fundamento motivos políticos. (Art. 26)
Citizenship and Nationality
- EnglishEvery child of whose parents one is a citizen of Estonia is entitled to Estonian citizenship by birth.
Everyone who has forfeited his or her Estonian citizenship as a minor is entitled to its restoration.
No one may be deprived of an Estonian citizenship acquired by birth.
No one may be deprived of Estonian citizenship because of his or her beliefs.
The conditions and procedure for the acquisition, forfeiture and restoration of Estonian citizenship are provided in the Citizenship Act. (Sec. 8) - EstonianIgal lapsel, kelle vanematest üks on Eesti kodanik, on õigus Eesti kodakondsusele sünnilt.
Igaühel, kes on alaealisena kaotanud Eesti kodakondsuse, on õigus selle taastamisele.
Kelleltki ei tohi võtta sünniga omandatud Eesti kodakondsust.
Kelleltki ei tohi veendumuste pärast võtta Eesti kodakondsust.
Eesti kodakondsuse saamise, kaotamise ja taastamise tingimused ning korra sätestab kodakondsuse seadus. (§ 8)