- English
The law shall provide measures for encouraging the equal opportunity of men and women in standing for election to state authorities and local community authorities. (Art. 43) - Slovene
Zakon določi ukrepe za spodbujanje enakih možnosti moških in žensk pri kandidiranju na volitvah v državne organe in organe lokalnih skupnosti. (43. Člen)
- EnglishSlovene citizenship shall be regulated by law. (Art. 12)
- SloveneDržavljanstvo Slovenije ureja zakon. (12. Člen)
- EnglishIf a court deciding some matter deems a law which it should apply to be unconstitutional, it must stay the proceedings and initiate proceedings before the Constitutional Court. The proceedings in the court may be continued after the Constitutional Court has issued its decision. (Art. 156)
- SloveneČe sodišče pri odločanju meni, da je zakon, ki bi ga moralo uporabiti, protiustaven, mora postopek prekiniti in začeti postopek pred ustavnim sodiščem. Postopek pred sodiščem se nadaljuje po odločitvi ustavnega sodišča. (156. Člen)
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court decides:
- on the conformity of laws with the Constitution;
- on the conformity of laws and other regulations with ratified treaties and with the general principles of international law;
- on the conformity of regulations with the Constitution and with laws;
- on the conformity of local community regulations with the Constitution and with laws;
- on the conformity of general acts issued for the exercise of public authority with the Constitution, laws, and regulations;
- on constitutional complaints stemming from the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms by individual acts;
- on jurisdictional disputes between the state and local communities and among local communities themselves;
- on jurisdictional disputes between courts and other state authorities;
- on jurisdictional disputes between the National Assembly, the President of the Republic, and the Government;
- on the unconstitutionality of the acts and activities of political parties; and
- on other matters vested in the Constitutional Court by this Constitution or laws.
In the process of ratifying a treaty, the Constitutional Court, on the proposal of the President of the Republic, the Government, or a third of the deputies of the National Assembly, issues an opinion on the conformity of such treaty with the Constitution. The National Assembly is bound by the opinion of the Constitutional Court.
Unless otherwise provided by law, the Constitutional Court decides on a constitutional complaint only if legal remedies have been exhausted. The Constitutional Court decides whether to accept a constitutional complaint for adjudication on the basis of criteria and procedures provided by law. (Art. 160) - SloveneUstavno sodišče odloča:
- o skladnosti zakonov z ustavo;
- o skladnosti zakonov in drugih predpisov z ratificiranimi mednarodnimi pogodbami in s splošnimi načeli mednarodnega prava;
- o skladnosti podzakonskih predpisov z ustavo in zakoni;
- o skladnosti predpisov lokalnih skupnosti z ustavo in z zakoni;
- o skladnosti splošnih aktov, izdanih za izvrševanje javnih pooblastil, z ustavo, zakoni in podzakonskimi predpisi;
- o ustavnih pritožbah zaradi kršitev človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin s posamičnimi akti;
- o sporih glede pristojnosti med državo in lokalnimi skupnostmi, in med samimi lokalnimi skupnostmi;
- o sporih glede pristojnosti med sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi;
- o sporih o pristojnostih med državnim zborom, predsednikom republike in vlado;
- o protiustavnosti aktov in delovanja političnih strank;
- in o drugih zadevah, ki so mu naložene s to ustavo ali z zakoni.
Na predlog predsednika republike, vlade ali tretjine poslancev državnega zbora izreka ustavno sodišče v postopku ratifikacije mednarodne pogodbe mnenje o njeni skladnosti z ustavo. Državni zbor je vezan na mnenje ustavnega sodišča.
Če zakon ne določa drugače, odloča ustavno sodišče o ustavni pritožbi le, če je bilo izčrpano pravno varstvo. O tem, ali ustavno sodišče ustavno pritožbo sprejme v obravnavo, odloči na podlagi meril in postopka, določenih z zakonom. (160. Člen)
- EnglishProceedings before the Constitutional Court shall be regulated by law.
The law determines who may require the initiation of proceedings before the Constitutional Court. Anyone who demonstrates legal interest may request the initiation of proceedings before the Constitutional Court.
… (Art. 162) - SlovenePostopek pred ustavnim sodiščem ureja zakon.
Predlagatelje zahteve za začetek postopka pred ustavnim sodiščem določa zakon. Vsakdo lahko da pobudo za začetek postopka, če izkaže svoj pravni interes.
… (162. Člen)
- EnglishParents have the right and duty to maintain, educate, and raise their children. This right and duty may be revoked or restricted only for such reasons as are provided by law in order to protect the child's interests.
... (Art. 54) - SloveneStarši imajo pravico in dolžnost vzdrževati, izobraževati in vzgajati svoje otroke. Ta pravica in dolžnost se staršem lahko odvzame ali omeji samo iz razlogov, ki jih zaradi varovanja otrokovih koristi določa zakon.
... (54. Člen)
- EnglishFreedom of education shall be guaranteed.
Primary education is compulsory and shall be financed from public funds.
The state shall create the opportunities for citizens to obtain a proper education. (Art. 57) - SloveneIzobraževanje je svobodno.
Osnovnošolsko izobraževanje je obvezno in se financira iz javnih sredstev.
Država ustvarja možnosti, da si državljani lahko pridobijo ustrezno izobrazbo. (57. Člen)
- EnglishFreedom of work shall be guaranteed.
Everyone shall choose his employment freely.
Everyone shall have access under equal conditions to any position of employment.
Forced labour shall be prohibited. (Art. 49) - SloveneZagotovljena je svoboda dela.
Vsakdo prosto izbira zaposlitev.
Vsakomur je pod enakimi pogoji dostopno vsako delovno mesto.
Prisilno delo je prepovedano. (49. Člen)
- EnglishThe state shall create opportunities for employment and work, and shall ensure the protection of both by law. (Art. 66)
- SloveneDržava ustvarja možnosti za zaposlovanje in za delo ter zagotavlja njuno zakonsko varstvo. (66. Člen)
- EnglishIn Slovenia everyone shall be guaranteed equal human rights and fundamental freedoms irrespective of national origin, race, sex, language, religion, political or other conviction, material standing, birth, education, social status, disability or any other personal circumstance.
All are equal before the law. (Art. 14) - SloveneV Sloveniji so vsakomur zagotovljene enake človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine, ne glede na narodnost, raso spol, jezik, vero, politično ali drugo prepričanje, gmotno stanje, rojstvo, izobrazbo, družbeni položaj, invalidnost ali katerokoli drugo osebno okoliščino.
Vsi so pred zakonom enaki. (14. Člen)
- EnglishEveryone shall be guaranteed equal protection of rights in any proceeding before a court and before other state authorities, local community authorities and bearers of public authority that decide on his rights, duties or legal interests. (Art. 22)
- SloveneVsakomur je zagotovljeno enako varstvo njegovih pravic v postopku pred sodiščem in pred drugimi državnimi organi, organi lokalnih skupnosti in nosilci javnih pooblastil, ki odločajo o njegovih pravicah, dolžnostih ali pravnih interesih. (22. Člen)
- EnglishProceeding from the Basic Constitutional Charter on the Sovereignty and Independence of the Republic of Slovenia, and from fundamental human rights and Freedoms, …
(Preamble) - SloveneIzhajajoč iz Temeljne ustavne listine o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije, ter temeljnih človekovih pravic in svoboščin, ...
- EnglishIn its own territory, the state shall protect human rights and fundamental freedoms.
… (Art. 5) - SloveneDržava na svojem ozemlju varuje človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine.
… (5. Člen)
- EnglishHuman rights and fundamental freedoms shall be exercised directly on the basis of the Constitution.
The manner in which human rights and fundamental freedoms are exercised may be regulated by law whenever the Constitution so provides or where this is necessary due to the particular nature of an individual right or freedom.
No human right or fundamental freedom regulated by legal acts in force in Slovenia may be restricted on the grounds that this Constitution does not recognise that right or freedom or recognises it to a lesser extent. (Art. 15) - SloveneČlovekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine se uresničujejo neposredno na podlagi ustave.
Z zakonom je mogoče predpisati način uresničevanja človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, kadar tako določa ustava, ali če je to nujno zaradi same narave posamezne pravice ali svoboščine.
Nobene človekove pravice ali temeljne svoboščine, urejene v pravnih aktih, ki veljajo v Sloveniji, ni dopustno omejevati z izgovorom, da je ta ustava ne priznava ali da jo priznava v manjši meri. (15. Člen)
- EnglishThe rights and duties of citizens and other persons may be determined by the National Assembly only by law. (Art. 87)
- SlovenePravice in obveznosti državljanov ter drugih oseb lahko državni zbor določa samo z zakonom. (87. Člen)
- English
Judicial protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the right to obtain redress for the violation of such rights and freedoms, shall be guaranteed.
… (Art. 15) - Slovene
Zagotovljeni sta sodno varstvo človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin ter pravica do odprave posledice njihove kršitve.
... (15. Člen)
- EnglishEveryone has the right to have any decision regarding his rights, duties, and any charges brought against him made without undue delay by an independent, impartial court constituted by law.
… (Art. 23) - SloveneVsakdo ima pravico, da o njegovih pravicah in dolžnostih ter o obtožbah proti njemu brez nepotrebnega odlašanja odloča neodvisno, nepristransko in z zakonom ustanovljeno sodišče.
… (23. Člen)
- EnglishEveryone shall be guaranteed the right to appeal or to any other legal remedy against the decisions of courts and other state authorities, local community authorities, and bearers of public authority by which his rights, duties, or legal interests are determined. (Art. 25)
- SloveneVsakomur je zagotovljena pravica do pritožbe ali drugega pravnega sredstva proti odločbam sodišč in drugih državnih organov, organov lokalnih skupnosti in nosilcev javnih pooblastil, s katerimi ti odločajo o njegovih pravicah, dolžnostih ali pravnih interesih. (25. Člen)
- English
Judicial protection of the rights and legal interests of citizens and organisations is guaranteed against decisions and actions of administrative authorities and bearers of public authority. (Art. 120) - Slovene
Proti odločitvam in dejanjem upravnih organov in nosilcev javnih pooblastil je zagotovljeno sodno varstvo pravic in zakonitih interesov državljanov in organizacij. (120. Člen)
- EnglishA court having jurisdiction to review administrative acts decides the legality of final individual acts with which state authorities, local community authorities, and bearers of public authority decide the rights or obligations and legal entitlements of individuals and organisations, if other legal protection is not provided by law for a particular matter.
If other legal protection is not provided, the court having jurisdiction to review administrative acts also decides on the legality of individual actions and acts which intrude upon the constitutional rights of the individual. (Art. 157) - SloveneO zakonitosti dokončnih posamičnih aktov, s katerimi državni organi, organi lokalnih skupnosti in nosilci javnih pooblastil odločajo o pravicah ali o obveznostih in pravnih koristih posameznikov in organizacij, odloča v upravnem sporu pristojno sodišče, če za določeno zadevo ni z zakonom predvideno drugo sodno varstvo.
Če ni zagotovljeno drugo sodno varstvo, odloča v upravnem sporu pristojno sodišče tudi o zakonitosti posamičnih dejanj in aktov, s katerimi se posega v ustavne pravice posameznika. (157. Člen)
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court decides:
- on constitutional complaints stemming from the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms by individual acts;
… (Art. 160) - SloveneUstavno sodišče odloča:
- o ustavnih pritožbah zaradi kršitev človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin s posamičnimi akti;
… (160. Člen)
- EnglishIn order to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in relation to state authorities, local self-government authorities, and bearers of public authority, the office of the ombudsman for the rights of citizens shall be established by law.
Special ombudsmen for the rights of citizens may also be established by law for particular fields. (Art. 159) - SloveneZa varovanje človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin v razmerju do državnih organov, organov lokalne samouprave in nosilcev javnih pooblastil se z zakonom določi varuh pravic državljanov.
Z zakonom se lahko za posamezna področja določijo posebni varuhi pravic državljanov. (159. Člen)
- EnglishIn its own territory, the state shall protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall protect and guarantee the rights of the autochthonous Italian and Hungarian national communities.
… (Art. 5) - SloveneDržava na svojem ozemlju varuje človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine. Varuje in zagotavlja pravice avtohtone italijanske in madžarske narodne skupnosti.
… (5. Člen)
- EnglishThe autochthonous Italian and Hungarian national communities and their members shall be guaranteed the right to use their national symbols freely and, in order to preserve their national identity, the right to establish organisations and develop economic, cultural, scientific, and research activities, as well as activities in the field of public media and publishing. In accordance with laws, these two national communities and their members have the right to education and schooling in their own languages, as well as the right to establish and develop such education and schooling. The geographic areas in which bilingual schools are compulsory shall be established by law. These national communities and their members shall be guaranteed the right to foster relations with their nations of origin and their respective countries. The state shall provide material and moral support for the exercise of these rights.
In order to exercise their rights, the members of these communities shall establish their own self-governing communities in the geographic areas where they live. On the proposal of these self-governing national communities, the state may authorise them to perform certain functions under national jurisdiction, and shall provide funds for the performing of such functions.
The two national communities shall be directly represented in representative bodies of local self-government and in the National Assembly.
The position of the Italian and Hungarian national communities and the manner in which their rights are exercised in the geographic areas where they live, the obligations of the self-governing local communities for the exercise of these rights, and those rights which the members of these national communities exercise also outside these areas, shall all be regulated by law. The rights of both national communities and their members shall be guaranteed irrespective of the number of members of these communities.
Laws, regulations, and other general acts that concern the exercise of the constitutionally provided rights and the position of the national communities exclusively, may not be adopted without the consent of representatives of these national communities. (Art. 64) - SloveneAvtohtoni italijanski in madžarski narodni skupnosti ter njunim pripadnikom je zagotovljena pravica, da svobodno uporabljajo svoje narodne simbole in da za ohranjanje svoje narodne identitete ustanavljajo organizacije, razvijajo gospodarske, kulturne in znanstvenoraziskovalne dejavnosti ter dejavnosti na področju javnega obveščanja in založništva. V skladu z zakonom imata ti narodni skupnosti in njuni pripadniki pravico do vzgoje in izobraževanja v svojem jeziku ter do oblikovanja in razvijanja te vzgoje in izobraževanja. Zakon določa območja, na katerih je dvojezično šolstvo obvezno. Narodnima skupnostima in njunim pripadnikom je zagotovljena pravica, da gojijo odnose s svojima matičnima narodoma in njunima državama. Država gmotno in moralno podpira uveljavljanje teh pravic.
Na območjih, kjer ti skupnosti živita, ustanovijo njuni pripadniki za uresničevanje svojih pravic svoje samoupravne skupnosti. Na njihov predlog lahko država pooblasti samoupravne narodne skupnosti za opravljanje določenih nalog iz državne pristojnosti ter zagotavlja sredstva za njihovo uresničevanje.
Narodni skupnosti sta neposredno zastopani v predstavniških organih lokalne samouprave in v državnem zboru.
Zakon ureja položaj in način uresničevanja pravic italijanske oziroma madžarske narodne skupnosti na območjih, kjer živita, obveznosti samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti za uresničevanje teh pravic, ter tiste pravice, ki jih pripadniki teh narodnih skupnosti uresničujejo tudi zunaj teh območij. Pravice obeh narodnih skupnosti ter njunih pripadnikov so zagotovljene ne glede na število pripadnikov teh skupnosti.
Zakoni, drugi predpisi in splošni akti, ki zadevajo uresničevanje v ustavi določenih pravic in položaja zgolj narodnih skupnosti, ne morejo biti sprejeti brez soglasja predstavnikov narodnih skupnosti. (64. Člen)
- EnglishHuman rights and fundamental freedoms shall be exercised directly on the basis of the Constitution.
The manner in which human rights and fundamental freedoms are exercised may be regulated by law whenever the Constitution so provides or where this is necessary due to the particular nature of an individual right or freedom.
Human rights and fundamental freedoms shall be limited only by the rights of others and in such cases as are provided by this Constitution.
Judicial protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the right to obtain redress for the violation of such rights and freedoms, shall be guaranteed.
No human right or fundamental freedom regulated by legal acts in force in Slovenia may be restricted on the grounds that this Constitution does not recognise that right or freedom or recognises it to a lesser extent. (Art. 15) - SloveneČlovekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine se uresničujejo neposredno na podlagi ustave.
Z zakonom je mogoče predpisati način uresničevanja človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, kadar tako določa ustava, ali če je to nujno zaradi same narave posamezne pravice ali svoboščine.
Človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine so omejene samo s pravicami drugih in v primerih, ki jih določa ta ustava.
Zagotovljeni sta sodno varstvo človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin ter pravica do odprave posledice njihove kršitve.
Nobene človekove pravice ali temeljne svoboščine, urejene v pravnih aktih, ki veljajo v Sloveniji, ni dopustno omejevati z izgovorom, da je ta ustava ne priznava ali da jo priznava v manjši meri. (15. Člen)
- EnglishHuman rights and fundamental freedoms provided by this Constitution may exceptionally be temporarily suspended or restricted during a war and state of emergency. Human rights and fundamental freedoms may be suspended or restricted only for the duration of the war or state of emergency, but only to the extent required by such circumstances and inasmuch as the measures adopted do not create inequality based solely on race, national origin, sex, language, religion, political or other conviction, material standing, birth, education, social status or any other personal circumstance.
The provision of the preceding paragraph does not allow any temporary suspension or restriction of the rights provided by Articles 17, 18, 21, 27, 28, 29 and 41. (Art. 16) - SloveneS to ustavo določene človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine je izjemoma dopustno začasno razveljaviti ali omejiti v vojnem in izrednem stanju. Človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine se smejo razveljaviti ali omejiti le za čas trajanja vojnega ali izrednega stanja, vendar v obsegu, ki ga tako stanje zahteva, in tako, da sprejeti ukrepi ne povzročajo neenakopravnosti, ki bi temeljila le na rasi, narodni pripadnosti, spolu, jeziku, veri, političnem ali drugem prepričanju, gmotnem stanju, rojstvu, izobrazbi, družbenem položaju ali katerikoli drugi osebni okoliščini.
Določba prejšnjega odstavka ne dopušča nobenega začasnega razveljavljanja ali omejevanja pravic, določenih v 17., 18., 21., 27., 28., 29. in 41. členu. (16. Člen)
- EnglishMarriage is based on the equality of spouses. Marriages shall be solemnised before an empowered state authority.
Marriage and the legal relations within it and the family, as well as those within an extramarital union, shall be regulated by law.
The state shall protect the family, motherhood, fatherhood, children and young people and shall create the necessary conditions for such protection. (Art. 53) - SloveneZakonska zveza temelji na enakopravnosti zakoncev. Sklene se pred pristojnim državnim organom.
Zakonsko zvezo in pravna razmerja v njej, v družini in v zunajzakonski skupnosti ureja zakon.
Država varuje družino, materinstvo, očetovstvo, otroke in mladino ter ustvarja za to varstvo potrebne razmere. (53. Člen)
- EnglishParents have the right and duty to maintain, educate, and raise their children. This right and duty may be revoked or restricted only for such reasons as are provided by law in order to protect the child's interests.
Children born out of wedlock have the same rights as children born within it. (Art. 54) - SloveneStarši imajo pravico in dolžnost vzdrževati, izobraževati in vzgajati svoje otroke. Ta pravica in dolžnost se staršem lahko odvzame ali omeji samo iz razlogov, ki jih zaradi varovanja otrokovih koristi določa zakon.
Otroci, rojeni zunaj zakonske zveze, imajo enake pravice kakor otroci, rojeni v njej. (54. Člen)
- EnglishEveryone shall be free to decide whether to bear children.
The state shall guarantee the opportunities for exercising this freedom and shall create such conditions as will enable parents to decide to bear children. (Art. 55) - SloveneOdločanje o rojstvih svojih otrok je svobodno.
Država zagotavlja možnosti za uresničevanje te svoboščine in ustvarja razmere, ki omogočajo staršem, da se odločajo za rojstva svojih otrok. (55. Člen)
- EnglishEveryone has the right to freely express affiliation with his nation or national community, to foster and give expression to his culture, and to use his language and script. (Art. 61)
- SloveneVsakdo ima pravico, da svobodno izraža pripadnost k svojemu narodu ali narodni skupnosti, da goji in izraža svojo kulturo in uporablja svoj jezik in pisavo. (61. Člen)
- EnglishThe status and special rights of the Romany community living in Slovenia shall be regulated by law. (Art. 65)
- SlovenePoložaj in posebne pravice romske skupnosti, ki živi v Sloveniji, ureja zakon. (65. Člen)
- English
The law shall provide measures for encouraging the equal opportunity of men and women in standing for election to state authorities and local community authorities. (Art. 43) - Slovene
Zakon določi ukrepe za spodbujanje enakih možnosti moških in žensk pri kandidiranju na volitvah v državne organe in organe lokalnih skupnosti. (43. Člen)
- EnglishEvery citizen has the right, in accordance with the law, to participate either directly or through elected representatives in the management of public affairs. (Art. 44)
- SloveneVsak državljan ima pravico, da v skladu z zakonom neposredno ali po izvoljenih predstavnikih sodeluje pri upravljanju javnih zadev. (44. Člen)
- EnglishEmployment in the state administration is possible only on the basis of open competition, except in cases provided by law. (Art. 122)
- SloveneZaposlitev v upravnih službah je mogoča samo na temelju javnega natečaja, razen v primerih, ki jih določa zakon. (122. Člen)
- English
Everyone has the right to freedom of association with others.
… (Art. 42) - Slovene
Vsakdo ima pravico, da se svobodno združuje z drugimi.
… (42. Člen)
- EnglishThe right to vote shall be universal and equal.
Every citizen who has attained the age of eighteen years has the right to vote and be elected.
The law shall provide measures for encouraging the equal opportunity of men and women in standing for election to state authorities and local community authorities. (Art. 43) - SloveneVolilna pravica je splošna in enaka.
Vsak državljan, ki je dopolnil 18 let, ima pravico voliti in biti voljen.
Zakon določi ukrepe za spodbujanje enakih možnosti moških in žensk pri kandidiranju na volitvah v državne organe in organe lokalnih skupnosti. (43. Člen)
- EnglishThe President of the Republic represents the Republic of Slovenia and is commander-in-chief of its defence forces. (Art. 102)
- SlovenePredsednik republike predstavlja Republiko Slovenijo in je vrhovni poveljnik njenih obrambnih sil. (102. Člen)
- EnglishThe President of the Republic is elected in direct, general elections by secret ballot.
Only a citizen of Slovenia may be elected President of the Republic.
… (Art. 103) - SlovenePredsednik republike se izvoli na neposrednih, splošnih in tajnih volitvah.
Za predsednika republike je lahko izvoljen le državljan Slovenije.
… (103. Člen)
- EnglishThe Government is composed of the president and ministers. Within the scope of their powers, the Government and individual ministers are independent and accountable to the National Assembly. (Art. 110)
- SloveneVlado sestavljajo predsednik in ministri. Vlada in posamezni ministri so v okviru svojih pristojnosti samostojni in odgovorni državnemu zboru. (110. Člen)
- EnglishAfter consultation with the leaders of deputy groups the President of the Republic proposes to the National Assembly a candidate for President of the Government.
The President of the Government is elected by the National Assembly by a majority vote of all deputies unless otherwise provided by this Constitution.
… (Art. 111) - SlovenePredsednik republike po posvetovanju z vodji poslanskih skupin predloži državnemu zboru kandidata za predsednika vlade.
Predsednika vlade voli državni zbor z večino glasov vseh poslancev, če ni s to ustavo drugače določeno.
… (111. Člen)
- EnglishMinisters are appointed and dismissed by the National Assembly on the proposal of the President of the Government.
Prior to appointment a proposed minister must appear before a competent commission of the National Assembly and answer its questions. (Art. 112) - SloveneMinistre imenuje in razrešuje državni zbor na predlog predsednika vlade.
Predlagani minister se mora pred imenovanjem predstaviti pristojni komisiji državnega zbora in odgovarjati na njena vprašanja. (112. Člen)
- English
The National Assembly is composed of deputies of the citizens of Slovenia and comprises ninety deputies.
Deputies are elected by universal, equal, direct, and secret voting.
One deputy of the Italian and one deputy of the Hungarian national communities shall always be elected to the National Assembly.
Deputies, except for the deputies of the national communities, are elected according to the principle of proportional representation with a four-percent threshold required for election to the National Assembly, with due consideration that voters have a decisive influence on the allocation of seats to the candidates. (Art. 80) - Slovene
Državni zbor sestavljajo poslanci državljanov Slovenije in šteje 90 poslancev.
Poslanci se volijo s splošnim, enakim, neposrednim in tajnim glasovanjem.
V državni zbor se vedno izvoli po en poslanec italijanske in madžarske narodne skupnosti.
Poslanci, razen poslancev narodnih skupnosti, se volijo po načelu sorazmernega predstavništva ob štiriodstotnem volilnem pragu za vstop v Državni zbor, pri čemer imajo volivci odločilen vpliv na dodelitev mandatov kandidatom. (80. Člen)
- EnglishThe National Council is the representative body for social, economic, professional, and local interests. The National Council has forty members. It is composed of:
• four representatives of employers;
• four representatives of employees;
• four representatives of farmers, crafts and trades, and independent professions;
• six representatives of non-commercial fields;
• twenty-two representatives of local interests.
The organisation of the National Council is regulated by law. (Art. 96) - SloveneDržavni svet je zastopstvo nosilcev socialnih, gospodarskih, poklicnih in lokalnih interesov. Državni svet ima 40 članov. Sestavljajo ga:
- štirje predstavniki delodajalcev;
- štirje predstavniki delojemalcev;
- štirje predstavniki kmetov, obrtnikov in samostojnih poklicev;
- šest predstavnikov negospodarskih dejavnosti;
- dvaindvajset predstavnikov lokalnih interesov.
Organizacijo državnega sveta ureja zakon. (96. Člen)
- EnglishThe right to private property and inheritance shall be guaranteed. (Art. 33)
- SloveneZagotovljena je pravica do zasebne lastnine in dedovanja. (33. Člen)
- EnglishThe manner in which property is acquired and enjoyed shall be established by law so as to ensure its economic, social, and environmental function.
The manner and conditions of inheritance shall be established by law. (Art. 67) - SloveneZakon določa način pridobivanja in uživanja lastnine tako, da je zagotovljena njena gospodarska, socialna in ekološka funkcija.
Zakon določa način in pogoje dedovanja. (67. Člen)
- EnglishNo one may be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment. The conducting of medical or other scientific experiments on any person without his free consent is prohibited. (Art. 18)
- SloveneNihče ne sme biti podvržen mučenju, nečloveškemu ali ponižujočem kaznovanju ali ravnanju. Na človeku je prepovedano delati medicinske ali druge znanstvene poskuse brez njegove svobodne privolitve. (18. Člen)
- English
Violence of any form against any person whose liberty has been restricted in any way is prohibited, as is the use of any form of coercion in obtaining confessions and statements. (Art. 21) - Slovene
Prepovedno je vsakršno nasilje nad osebami, ki jim je prostost kakorkoli omejena, ter vsakršno izsiljevanje priznanj in izjav. (21. Člen)
- EnglishEveryone has the right to personal dignity and safety. (Art. 34)
- SloveneVsakdo ima pravico do osebnega dostojanstva in varnosti. (34. Člen)
- EnglishThe inviolability of the physical and mental integrity of every person and his privacy and personality rights shall be guaranteed. (Art. 35)
- SloveneZagotovljena je nedotakljivost človekove telesne in duševne celovitosti, njegove zasebnosti ter osebnostnih pravic. (35. Člen)
- English
Forced labour shall be prohibited. (Art. 49) - Slovene
Prisilno delo je prepovedano. (49. Člen)
- English
Children shall be guaranteed special protection from economic, social, physical, mental, or other exploitation and abuse. Such protection shall be regulated by law.
… (Art. 56) - Slovene
Otrokom se zagotavlja posebno varstvo pred gospodarskim, socialnim, telesnim, duševnim ali drugim izkoriščanjem in zlorabljanjem. Takšno varstvo ureja zakon.
... (56. Člen)
- EnglishAny incitement to national, racial, religious, or other discrimination, and the inflaming of national, racial, religious, or other hatred and intolerance are unconstitutional. Any incitement to violence and war is unconstitutional. (Art. 63)
- SloveneProtiustavno je vsakršno spodbujanje k narodni, rasni, verski ali drugi neenakopravnosti ter razpihovanje narodnega, rasnega, verskega ali drugega sovraštva in nestrpnosti. Protiustavno je vsakršno spodbujanje k nasilju in vojni. (63. Člen)
- English
The state shall protect the family, motherhood, fatherhood, children and young people and shall create the necessary conditions for such protection. (Art. 53) - Slovene
Država varuje družino, materinstvo, očetovstvo, otroke in mladino ter ustvarja za to varstvo potrebne razmere. (53. Člen)
- EnglishEveryone shall be free to decide whether to bear children.
The state shall guarantee the opportunities for exercising this freedom and shall create such conditions as will enable parents to decide to bear children. (Art. 55) - SloveneOdločanje o rojstvih svojih otrok je svobodno.
Država zagotavlja možnosti za uresničevanje te svoboščine in ustvarja razmere, ki omogočajo staršem, da se odločajo za rojstva svojih otrok. (55. Člen)
- EnglishLaws, regulations, and other general acts must be in conformity with the Constitution.
Regulations and other general acts must be in conformity with the Constitution and laws.
… (Art. 153) - SloveneZakoni, podzakonski predpisi in drugi splošni akti morajo biti v skladu z ustavo.
Podzakonski predpisi in drugi splošni akti morajo biti v skladu z ustavo in z zakoni.
… (153. Člen)
- EnglishPursuant to a treaty ratified by the National Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote of all deputies, Slovenia may transfer the exercise of part of its sovereign rights to international organisations which are based on respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy, and the principles of the rule of law and may enter into a defensive alliance with states which are based on respect for these values.
Legal acts and decisions adopted within international organisations to which Slovenia has transferred the exercise of part of its sovereign rights shall be applied in Slovenia in accordance with the legal regulation of these organisations.
… (Art. 3a) - SloveneSlovenija lahko z mednarodno pogodbo, ki jo ratificira državni zbor z dvotretjinsko večino glasov vseh poslancev, prenese izvrševanje dela suverenih pravic na mednarodne organizacije, ki temeljijo na spoštovanju človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, demokracije in načel pravne države, ter vstopi v obrambno zvezo z državami, ki temeljijo na spoštovanju teh vrednot.
Pravni akti in odločitve, sprejeti v okviru mednarodnih organizacij, na katere Slovenija prenese izvrševanje dela suverenih pravic, se v Sloveniji uporabljajo v skladu s pravno ureditvijo teh organizacij.
... (3.a člen)
- EnglishLaws and regulations must comply with generally accepted principles of international law and with treaties that are binding on Slovenia. Ratified and published treaties shall be applied directly. (Art. 8)
- SloveneZakoni in drugi predpisi morajo biti v skladu s splošno veljavnimi načeli mednarodnega prava in z mednarodnimi pogodbami, ki obvezujejo Slovenijo. Ratificirane in objavljene mednarodne pogodbe se uporabljajo neposredno. (8. Člen)
- English
Laws must be in conformity with generally accepted principles of international law and with valid treaties ratified by the National Assembly, whereas regulations and other general acts must also be in conformity with other ratified treaties.
… (Art. 153) - Slovene
Zakoni morajo biti v skladu s splošno veljavnimi načeli mednarodnega prava in z veljavnimi mednarodnimi pogodbami, ki jih je ratificiral državni zbor, podzakonski predpisi in drugi splošni akti pa tudi z drugimi ratificiranimi mednarodnimi pogodbami.
… (153. Člen)
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court decides:
• on the conformity of laws and other regulations with ratified treaties and with the general principles of international law;
… (Art. 160) - SloveneUstavno sodišče odloča:
- o skladnosti zakonov in drugih predpisov z ratificiranimi mednarodnimi pogodbami in s splošnimi načeli mednarodnega prava;
… (160. Člen)
- English
The state and religious communities shall be separate.
… (Art. 7) - Slovene
Država in verske skupnosti so ločene.
… (7. Člen)
Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia 1991, as amended to 2021 (English). According to Art. 11: “The official language in Slovenia is Slovene.”