Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro 2007, as amended to 2013
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
  • English
    Direct or indirect discrimination on any grounds shall be prohibited.
    Regulations and introduction of special measures aimed at creating the conditions for the exercise of national, gender and overall equality and protection of persons who are in an unequal position on any grounds shall not be considered discrimination.
    Special measures may only be applied until the achievement of the aims for which they were undertaken. (Art. 8)
  • Montenegrin
    Zabranjena je svaka neposredna ili posredna diskriminacija, po bilo kom osnovu.
    Neće se smatrati diskriminacijom propisi i uvođenje posebnih mjera koji su usmjereni na stvaranje uslova za ostvarivanje nacionalne, rodne i ukupne ravnopravnosti i zaštite lica koja su po bilo kom osnovu u nejednakom položaju.
    Posebne mjere se mogu primjenjivati samo dok se ne ostvare ciljevi zbog kojih su preduzete. (Član 8)
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
  • English
    The state shall guarantee the equality of women and men and shall develop the policy of equal opportunities. (Art. 18)
  • Montenegrin
    Država jemči ravnopravnost žene i muškarca i razvija politiku jednakih mogućnosti. (Član 18)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English

    With majority vote of all its Members, the Parliament shall adopt laws regulating the following: … Montenegrin citizenship,
    … (Art. 91)

  • Montenegrin

    Većinom glasova svih poslanika Skupština donosi zakone kojima se uređuju: … crnogorsko državljanstvo,
    … (Član 91)

Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    Constitutionality and legality shall be protected by the Constitutional Court.
    … (Art. 11)
  • Montenegrin

    Ustavnost i zakonitost štiti Ustavni sud.
    … (Član 11)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    The Constitutional Court shall decide on the following:
    1) Conformity of laws with the Constitution and confirmed and published international agreements;
    2) Conformity of other regulations and general acts with the Constitution and the law;
    3) Constitutional appeal due to the violation of human rights and liberties granted by the Constitution, after all other efficient legal remedies have been exhausted;
    4) Whether the President of Montenegro has violated the Constitution,
    5) The conflict of responsibilities between courts and other state authorities, between state authorities and local self-government authorities, and between the authorities of the local self-government units;
    6) Prohibition of work of a political party or a non-governmental organization;
    7) Electoral disputes and disputes related to the referendum, which are not the responsibility of other courts;
    8) Conformity with the Constitution of the measures and actions of state authorities taken during the state of war or the state of emergency;
    9) Performs other tasks stipulated by the Constitution.
    If the regulation ceased to be valid during the procedure for the assessment of constitutionality and legality, and the consequences of its enforcement have not been recovered, the Constitutional Court shall establish whether that regulation was in conformity with the Constitution, that is, with the law during its period of validity.
    The Constitutional Court shall monitor the enforcement of constitutionality and legality and shall inform the Parliament about the noted cases of unconstitutionality and illegality. (Art. 149)
  • Montenegrin
    Ustavni sud odlučuje:
    1) o saglasnosti zakona sa Ustavom i potvrđenim i objavljenim međuna-rodnim ugovorima;
    2) o saglasnosti drugih propisa i opštih akata sa Ustavom i zakonom;
    3) o ustavnoj žalbi zbog povrede ljudskih prava i sloboda zajamčenih Ustavom, nakon iscrpljivanja svih djelotvornih pravnih sredstava;
    4) da li je predsjednik Crne Gore povrijedio Ustav;
    5) o sukobu nadležnosti između sudova i drugih državnih organa, između državnih organa i organa jedinica lokalne samouprave i između organa jedinica lokalne samouprave;
    6) o zabrani rada političke partije ili nevladine organizacije;
    7) o izbornim sporovima i sporovima u vezi sa referendumom koji nijesu u nadležnosti drugih sudova;
    8) o saglasnosti sa Ustavom mjera i radnji državnih organa preduzetih za vrijeme ratnog i vanrednog stanja;
    9) vrši i druge poslove utvrđene Ustavom.
    Ako je u toku postupka za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti propis prestao da važi, a nijesu otklonjene posljedice njegove primjene, Ustavni sud utvrđuje da li je taj propis bio saglasan sa Ustavom, odnosno sa zakonom za vrijeme njegovog važenja.
    Ustavni sud prati ostvarivanje ustavnosti i zakonitosti i o uočenim pojavama neustavnosti i nezakonitosti obavještava Skupštinu. (Član 149)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    Any person may file an initiative to start the procedure for the assessment of constitutionality and legality.
    The procedure before the Constitutional Court for the assessment of constitutionality and legality may be initiated by the court, other state authority, local self-government authority and five Members of the Parliament.
    The Constitutional Court itself may also initiate the procedure for the assessment of constitutionality and legality.
    During the procedure, the Constitutional Court may order to stop the enforcement of an individual act or actions that have been taken on the basis of the law, other regulation or general act, the constitutionality, i.e. legality of which is being assessed, if the enforcement thereof could cause irreparable damage. (Art. 150)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako može dati inicijativu za pokretanje postupka za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti.
    Postupak pred Ustavnim sudom za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti može da pokrene sud, drugi državni organ, organ lokalne samouprave i pet poslanika.
    Ustavni sud može i sâm pokrenuti postupak za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti.
    U toku postupka, Ustavni sud može narediti da se obustavi izvršenje pojedinačnog akta ili radnje koji su preduzeti na osnovu zakona, drugog propisa ili opšteg akta čija se ustavnost ili zakonitost ocjenjuje, ako bi njihovim izvršenjem mogle nastupiti neotklonjive štetne posljedice. (Član 150)
  • English

    Parents shall be obliged to take care of their children, to bring them up and educate them.
    … (Art. 72)
  • Montenegrin

    Roditelji su obavezni da brinu o djeci, da ih vaspitavaju i školuju.
    … (Član 72)
  • English
    The right to education under same conditions shall be guaranteed.
    Elementary education shall be obligatory and free of charge.
    … (Art. 75)
  • Montenegrin
    Jemči se pravo na školovanje pod jednakim uslovima.
    Osnovno školovanje je obavezno i besplatno.
    … (Član 75)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Everyone shall have the right to work, to free choice of occupation and employment, to fair and human working conditions and to protection during unemployment. (Art. 62)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako ima pravo na rad, na slobodan izbor zanimanja i zapošljavanja, na pravične i humane uslove rada i na zaštitu za vrijeme nezaposlenosti. (Član 62)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    The employed shall have the right to adequate salary.
    The employed shall have the right to limited working hours and paid vacation.
    The employed shall have the right to protection at work.
    Youth, women and the disabled shall enjoy special protection at work. (Art. 64)
  • Montenegrin
    Zaposleni imaju pravo na odgovarajuću zaradu.
    Zaposleni imaju pravo na ograničeno radno vrijeme i plaćeni odmor.
    Zaposleni imaju pravo na zaštitu na radu.
    Omladina, žene i invalidi uživaju posebnu zaštitu na radu. (Član 64)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Social insurance of the employed shall be mandatory.
    … (Art. 67)
  • Montenegrin
    Socijalno osiguranje zaposlenih je obavezno.
    … (Član 67)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    Direct or indirect discrimination on any grounds shall be prohibited.
    Regulations and introduction of special measures aimed at creating the conditions for the exercise of national, gender and overall equality and protection of persons who are in an unequal position on any grounds shall not be considered discrimination.
    Special measures may only be applied until the achievement of the aims for which they were undertaken. (Art. 8)
  • Montenegrin
    Zabranjena je svaka neposredna ili posredna diskriminacija, po bilo kom osnovu.
    Neće se smatrati diskriminacijom propisi i uvođenje posebnih mjera koji su usmjereni na stvaranje uslova za ostvarivanje nacionalne, rodne i ukupne ravnopravnosti i zaštite lica koja su po bilo kom osnovu u nejednakom položaju.
    Posebne mjere se mogu primjenjivati samo dok se ne ostvare ciljevi zbog kojih su preduzete. (Član 8)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English

    All shall be deemed equal before the law, regardless of any particularity or personal feature. (Art. 17)
  • Montenegrin

    Svi su pred zakonom jednaki, bez obzira na bilo kakvu posebnost ili lično svojstvo. (Član 17)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    The state shall guarantee the equality of women and men and shall develop the policy of equal opportunities. (Art. 18)
  • Montenegrin
    Država jemči ravnopravnost žene i muškarca i razvija politiku jednakih mogućnosti. (Član 18)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    Everyone shall have the right to equal protection of the rights and liberties thereof. (Art. 19)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako ima pravo na jednaku zaštitu svojih prava i sloboda. (Član 19)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    The commitment of the citizens of Montenegro to live in a state in which the basic values are freedom, peace, tolerance, respect for human rights and liberties, multiculturalism, democracy and the rule of law;
    … (Preamble)
  • Montenegrin

    opredjeljenja građana Crne Gore da žive u državi u kojoj su osnovne vrijednosti: sloboda, mir, tolerancija, poštovanje ljudskih prava i sloboda, multikulturalnost, demokratija i vladavina prava;
    … (Preamble)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    Montenegro shall guarantee and protect rights and liberties.
    The rights and liberties shall be inviolable.
    … (Art. 6)
  • Montenegrin
    Crna Gora jemči i štiti prava i slobode.
    Prava i slobode su nepovredivi.
    … (Član 6)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    Montenegro shall protect the rights and interests of the Montenegrin citizens.
    … (Art. 12)
  • Montenegrin

    Crna Gora štiti prava i interese crnogorskih državljana.
    … (Član 12)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    The law, in accordance with the Constitution, shall regulate:
    1) the manner of exercise of human rights and liberties, when this is necessary for their exercise;
    … (Art. 16)
  • Montenegrin
    Zakonom se, u skladu sa Ustavom, uređuju:
    1) način ostvarivanja ljudskih prava i sloboda, kada je to neophodno za njihovo ostvarivanje;
    ... (Član 16)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    Rights and liberties shall be exercised on the basis of the Constitution and the confirmed international agreements.
    … (Art. 17)
  • Montenegrin
    Prava i slobode ostvaruju se na osnovu Ustava i potvrđenih međunarodnih sporazuma.
    … (Član 17)
Obligations of Private Parties
  • English

    Everyone shall be obliged to respect the rights and liberties of others. (Art. 6)
  • Montenegrin

    Svako je obavezan da poštuje prava i slobode drugih. (Član 6)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    Everyone shall have the right to legal remedy against the decision ruling on the right or legally based interest thereof. (Art. 20)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako ima pravo na pravni lijek protiv odluke kojom se odlučuje o njegovom pravu ili na zakonom zasnovanom interesu. (Član 20)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    Everyone shall have the right of recourse to international institutions for the protection of own rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. (Art. 56)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako ima pravo obraćanja međunarodnim organizacijama radi zaštite svojih prava i sloboda zajemčenih Ustavom. (Član 56)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    The Constitutional Court shall decide on the following:

    3) Constitutional appeal due to the violation of human rights and liberties granted by the Constitution, after all other efficient legal remedies have been exhausted;
    … (Art. 149)
  • Montenegrin
    Ustavni sud odlučuje:

    3) o ustavnoj žalbi zbog povrede ljudskih prava i sloboda zajamčenih Ustavom, nakon iscrpljivanja svih djelotvornih pravnih sredstava;
    … (Član 149)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    The protector of human rights and liberties of Montenegro shall be independent and autonomous authority that takes measures to protect human rights and liberties.
    The protector of human rights and liberties shall exercise duties on the basis of the Constitution, the law and the confirmed international agreements, observing also the principles of justice and fairness.
    … (Art. 81)
  • Montenegrin
    Zaštitnik ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore je samostalan i nezavisan organ koji preduzima mjere za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda.
    Zaštitnik ljudskih prava i sloboda vrši funkciju na osnovu Ustava, zakona i potvrđenih međunarodnih ugovora, pridržavajući se i načela pravde i pravičnosti.
    ... (Član 81)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English

    The Parliament shall:
    14. appoint and release from duty: the Protector of Human Rights and Liberties;
    ... (Art. 82)

  • Montenegrin

    14) imenuje i razrješava: zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda; 
    ... (Član 82)

Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    Guaranteed human rights and freedoms may be limited only by the law, within the scope permitted by the Constitution and to such an extent which is necessary to meet the purpose for which the limitation is allowed, in an open and democratic society.
    Limitations shall not be introduced for other purposes except for those for which they have been provided for. (Art. 24)
  • Montenegrin
    Zajemčena ljudska prava i slobode mogu se ograničiti samo zakonom, u obimu koji dopušta Ustav u mjeri koja je neophodna da bi se u otvorenom i slobodnom demokratskom društvu zadovoljila svrha zbog koje je ograničenje dozvoljeno.
    Ograničenja se ne smiju uvoditi u druge svrhe osim onih radi kojih su propisana. (Član 24)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    During the proclaimed state of war or emergency, the exercise of certain human rights and freedoms may be limited, to the necessary extent.
    The limitations shall not be introduced on the grounds of sex, nationality, race, religion, language, ethnic or social origin, political or other beliefs, financial standing or any other personal feature.
    There shall be no limitations imposed on the rights to: life, legal remedy and legal aid; dignity and respect of a person; fair and public trail and the principle of legality; presumption of innocence; defence; compensation of damage for illegal or ungrounded deprivation of liberty and ungrounded conviction; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; entry into marriage.
    There shall be no abolishment of the prohibition of: inflicting or encouraging hatred or intolerance; discrimination; trial and conviction twice for one and the same criminal offence (ne bis in idem); forced assimilation.
    Measures of limitation may be in effect at the most for the duration of the state of war or emergency. (Art. 25)
  • Montenegrin
    Za vrijeme proglašenog ratnog ili vanrednog stanja može se ograničiti ostvarivanje pojedinih ljudskih prava i sloboda, u obimu u kojem je to neophodno.
    Ograničenje se ne smije činiti po osnovu pola, nacionalnosti, rase, vjere, jezika, etničkog ili društvenog porijekla, političkog ili drugog uvjerenja, imovnog stanja ili bilo kakvog drugog ličnog svojstva.
    Ne mogu se ograničiti prava na: život; pravni lijek i pravnu pomoć; dostojanstvo i poštovanje ličnosti; pravično i javno suđenje i načelo zakonitosti; pretpostavku nevinosti; odbranu; naknadu štete za nezakonito ili neosnovano lišenje slobode i neosnovanu osudu; slobodu misli, savjesti i vjeroispovijesti; zaključenje braka.
    Ne mogu se ukidati zabrane: izazivanja ili podsticanja mržnje ili netrpeljivosti; diskriminacije; ponovnog suđenja i osude za isto krivično djelo; nasilne asimilacije.
    Mjere ograničenja mogu važiti najduže dok traje ratno ili vanredno stanje. (Član 25)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Everybody shall have the right to respect for his/her private and family life. (Art. 40)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako ima pravo na poštovanje privatnog i porodičnog života. (Član 40)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Everyone shall have the right to health protection.
    A child, a pregnant woman, an elderly person and a person with disability shall have the right to health protection from public revenues, if they do not exercise this right on some other grounds. (Art. 69)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako ima pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu.
    Dijete, trudnica, staro lice i lice sa invaliditetom imaju pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu iz javnih prihoda, ako to pravo ne ostvaruju po nekom drugom osnovu. (Član 69)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Marriage may be entered into only on the basis of a free consent of a woman and a man. Marriage shall be based on equality of spouses. (Art. 71)
  • Montenegrin
    Brak se može zaključiti samo uz slobodan pristanak žene i muškarca.
    Brak se zasniva na ravnopravnosti supružnika. (Član 71)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Family shall enjoy special protection.
    Parents shall be obliged to take care of their children, to bring them up and educate them.
    Children shall take care of their own parents in need of assistance.
    Children born out of wedlock shall have the same rights and responsibilities as children born in marriage. (Art. 72)
  • Montenegrin
    Porodica uživa posebnu zaštitu.
    Roditelji su obavezni da brinu o djeci, da ih vaspitavaju i školuju.
    Djeca su obavezna da se staraju o svojim roditeljima kojima je potrebna pomoć.
    Djeca rođena van braka imaju ista prava i obaveze kao i djeca rođena u braku. (Član 72)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Mother and child shall enjoy special protection.
    The state shall create the conditions that encourage childbirth. (Art. 73)
  • Montenegrin
    Majka i dijete uživaju posebnu zaštitu.
    Država stvara uslove kojima se podstiče rađanje djece. (Član 73)
  • English

    The determination that we, as free and equal citizens, members of peoples and national minorities who live in Montenegro: Montenegrins, Serbs, Bosniacs, Albanians, Muslims, Croats and the others, are committed to democratic and civic Montenegro;
    … (Preamble)
  • Montenegrin

    odlučnosti da smo kao slobodni i ravnopravni građani, pripadnici naroda i nacionalnih manjina koji žive u Crnoj Gori: Crnogorci, Srbi, Bošnjaci, Albanci, Muslimani, Hrvati i drugi, privrženi demokratskoj i građanskoj Crnoj Gori;
    … (Preamble)
  • English
    The law, in accordance with the Constitution, shall regulate:

    2) the manner of exercise of the special minority rights;
    … (Art. 16)
  • Montenegrin
    Zakonom se, u skladu sa Ustavom, uređuju:
    2) način ostvarivanja posebnih manjinskih prava;
    ... (Član 16)
  • English
    Persons belonging to minority nations and other minority national communities shall be guaranteed the rights and liberties, which they can exercise individually or collectively with others, as follows:
    1) the right to exercise, protect, develop and publicly express national, ethnic, cultural and religious particularities;
    2) the right to choose, use and publicly post national symbols and to celebrate national holidays;
    3) the right to use their own language and alphabet in private, public and official use;
    4) the right to education in their own language and alphabet in public institutions and the right to have included in the curricula the history and culture of the persons belonging to minority nations and other minority national communities;
    5) the right, in the areas with significant share in the total population, to have the local selfgovernment authorities, state and court authorities carry out the proceedings in the language of minority nations and other minority national communities;
    6) the right to establish educational, cultural and religious associations, with the material support of the state;
    7) the right to write and use their own name and surname also in their own language and alphabet in the official documents;
    8) the right, in the areas with significant share in total population, to have traditional local terms, names of streets and settlements, as well as topographic signs written in the language of minority nations and other minority national communities;
    9) the right to authentic representation in the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro and in the assemblies of the local self-government units in which they represent a significant share in the population, according to the principle of affirmative action;
    10) the right to proportionate representation in public services, state authorities and local self-government bodies;
    11) the right to information in their own language;
    12) the right to establish and maintain contacts with the citizens and associations outside of Montenegro, with whom they have common national and ethnic background, cultural and historic heritage, as well as religious beliefs;
    13) the right to establish councils for the protection and improvement of special rights. (Art. 79)
  • Montenegrin
    Pripadnicima manjinskih naroda i drugih manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica jemče se prava i slobode koja mogu koristiti pojedinačno i u zajednici sa drugima:
    1) na izražavanje, čuvanje, razvijanje i javno ispoljavanje nacionalne, etničke, kulturne i vjerske posebnosti;
    2) na izbor, upotrebu i javno isticanje nacionalnih simbola i obilježavanje nacionalnih praznika;
    3) na upotrebu svog jezika i pisma u privatnoj, javnoj i službenoj upotrebi;
    4) na školovanje na svom jeziku i pismu u državnim ustanovama i da nastavni programi obuhvataju i istoriju i kulturu pripadnika manjinskih naroda i drugih manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica;
    5) da u sredinama sa značajnim učešćem u stanovništvu organi lokalne samouprave, državni i sudski organi vode postupak i na jeziku manjinskih naroda i drugih manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica;
    6) da osnivaju prosvjetna, kulturna i vjerska udruženja uz materijalnu pomoć države;
    7) da sopstveno ime i prezime upisuju i koriste na svom jeziku i pismu u službenim ispravama;
    8) da u sredinama sa značajnim učešćem u stanovništvu tradicionalni lokalni nazivi, imena ulica i naselja, kao i topografske oznake budu ispisani i na jeziku manjinskih naroda i drugih manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica;
    9) na autentičnu zastupljenost u Skupštini Crne Gore i skupštinama jedinica lokalne samouprave u kojima čine značajan dio stanovništva, shodno principu afirmativne akcije;
    10) na srazmjernu zastupljenost u javnim službama, organima državne vlasti i lokalne samouprave;
    11) na informisanje na svom jeziku;
    12) da uspostavljaju i održavaju kontakte sa građanima i udruženjima van Crne Gore sa kojima imaju zajedničko nacionalno i etničko porijeklo, kulturno- istorijsko nasljeđe, kao i vjerska ubjeđenja;
    13) na osnivanje savjeta za zaštitu i unapređenje posebnih prava. (Član 79)
  • English
    Forceful assimilation of the persons belonging to minority nations and other minority national communities shall be prohibited.
    The state shall protect the persons belonging to minority nations and other minority national communities from all forms of forceful assimilation. (Art. 80)
  • Montenegrin
    Zabranjena je nasilna asimilacija pripadnika manjinskih naroda i drugih manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica.
    Država je dužna da zaštiti pripadnike manjinskih naroda i drugih manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica od svih oblika nasilne asimilacije. (Član 80)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    The right to elect and stand for elections shall be granted to every citizen of Montenegro of 18 years of age and above with at least a two-year residence in Montenegro.
    The electoral right shall be exercised in elections.
    The electoral right shall be general and equal.
    Elections shall be free and direct, by secret ballot. (Art. 45)
  • Montenegrin
    Pravo da bira i da bude biran ima državljanin Crne Gore koji je navršio 18 godina života i ima najmanje dvije godine prebivališta u Crnoj Gori.
    Biračko pravo se ostvaruje na izborima.
    Biračko pravo je opšte i jednako.
    Izbori su slobodni i neposredni, a glasanje je tajno. (Član 45)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    The freedom of political, trade union and other association and action, without approval, by the registration with the competent authority, shall be guaranteed.
    … (Art. 53)
  • Montenegrin
    Jemči se sloboda političkog, sindikalnog i drugog udruživanja i djelovanja, bez odobrenja, uz upis kod nadležnog organa.
    … (Član 53)
Head of State
  • English

    Montenegro shall be represented by the President of Montenegro.
    … (Art. 11)
  • Montenegrin

    Crnu Goru predstavlja predsjednik Crne Gore.
    … (Član 11)
Head of State
  • English
    The President of Montenegro shall be elected on the basis of a general and equal electoral right, through direct and secret ballot.
    A Montenegrin citizen residing in Montenegro for minimum 10 years in the past 15 years may be elected for the President of Montenegro.
    … (Art. 96)
  • Montenegrin
    Predsjednik Crne Gore bira se na osnovu opšteg i jednakog biračkog prava, neposrednim i tajnim glasanjem.
    Za predsjednika Crne Gore može biti biran crnogorski državljanin koji ima prebivalište u Crnoj Gori najmanje 10 godina u posljednjih 15 godina.
    … (Član 96)
  • English

    The legislative power shall be exercised by the Parliament, the executive power by the Government
    … (Art. 11)

  • Montenegrin

    Zakonodavnu vlast vrši Skupština, izvršnu vlast vrši Vlada,
    … (Član 11)

  • English
    The Parliament shall:

    12) Elect and dismiss from duty the Prime Minister and members of the Government
    … (Art. 82)
  • Montenegrin
    12) bira i razrješava predsjednika i članove Vlade;
    ... (Član 82)
  • English

    The President of Montenegro:

    5) propose to the Parliament: the Prime Minister-Designate for composition of the Government after the completion of the discussions with the representatives of political parties represented in the Parliament;
    … (Art. 95)

  • Montenegrin

    Predsjednik Crne Gore:

    5) predlaže Skupštini: mandatara za sastav Vlade, nakon obavljenog razgovora sa predstavnicima političkih partija zastupljenih u Skupštini;
    … (Član 95)

  • English
    The Government shall consist of the Prime Minister, one or more Deputy Prime Ministers and the ministers.
    The Prime Minister represents the Government and manages its work. (Art. 102)
  • Montenegrin
    Vladu čine predsjednik, jedan ili više potpredsjednika i ministri.
    Predsjednik Vlade predstavlja Vladu i rukovodi njenim radom. (Član 102)
  • English

    The legislative power shall be exercised by the Parliament, the executive power by the Government
    … (Art. 11)
  • Montenegrin

    Zakonodavnu vlast vrši Skupština, izvršnu vlast vrši Vlada,
    … (Član 11)
  • English
    The right to elect and stand for elections shall be granted to every citizen of Montenegro of 18 years of age and above with at least a two-year residence in Montenegro.
    … (Art. 45)
  • Montenegrin
    Pravo da bira i da bude biran ima državljanin Crne Gore koji je navršio 18 godina života i ima najmanje dvije godine prebivališta u Crnoj Gori.
    … (Član 45)
  • English
    The Parliament shall consist of the Members of the Parliament elected directly on the basis of the general and equal electoral right and by secret ballot.
    The Parliament shall have 81 Members. (Art. 83)
  • Montenegrin
    Skupštinu čine poslanici koji se biraju neposredno, na osnovu opšteg i jednakog biračkog prava i tajnim glasanjem.
    Skupština ima 81 poslanika. (Član 83)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    Property rights shall be guaranteed.
    … (Art. 58)
  • Montenegrin
    Jemči se pravo svojine.
    … (Član 58)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    The right to succession shall be guaranteed. (Art. 60)
  • Montenegrin
    Jemči se pravo nasljeđivanja. (Član 60)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Infliction or encouragement of hatred or intolerance on any grounds shall be prohibited. (Art. 7)
  • Montenegrin
    Zabranjeno je izazivanje ili podsticanje mržnje ili netrpeljivosti po bilo kom osnovu. (Član 7)
Protection from Violence
  • English

    It is prohibited to perform medical and other experiments on human beings, without their permission. (Art. 27)
  • Montenegrin

    Zabranjeno je na ljudskom biću, bez njegove dozvole, vršiti medicinske i druge oglede. (Clan 27)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    The dignity and security of a man shall be guaranteed. The inviolability of the physical and mental integrity of a man, and privacy and individual rights thereof shall be guaranteed.
    No one can be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment.
    No one can be kept in slavery or servile position. (Art. 28)
  • Montenegrin
    Jemči se dostojanstvo i sigurnost čovjeka.
    Jemči se nepovredivost fizičkog i psihičkog integriteta čovjeka, njegove privatnosti i ličnih prava.
    Niko ne smije biti podvrgnut mučenju ili nečovječnom ili ponižavajućem postupanju.
    Niko se ne smije držati u ropstvu ili ropskom položaju. (Član 28)
Protection from Violence
  • English

    Any form of violence, inhuman or degrading behavior against a person deprived of liberty or whose liberty has been limited, and any extortion of confession and statement shall be prohibited and punishable. (Art. 31)
  • Montenegrin

    Zabranjeno je i kažnjivo svako nasilje, nečovječno ili ponižavajuće postu-panje nad licem koje je lišeno slobode ili mu je sloboda ograničena, kao i iznu-đivanje priznanja i izjava. (Član 31)
Protection from Violence
  • English

    The competent court may prevent dissemination of information and ideas via the public media if required so to: prevent invitation to forcible destruction of the order defined by the Constitution; preservation of territorial integrity of Montenegro; prevention of propagating war or incitement to violence or performance of criminal offences; prevention of propagating racial, national and religious hatred or discrimination. (Art. 50)
  • Montenegrin

    Nadležni sud može spriječiti širenje informacija i ideja putem sredstava javnog obavještavanja samo ako je to neophodno radi: sprječavanja pozivanja na nasilno rušenje Ustavom utvrđenog poretka; očuvanja teritorijalnog integriteta Crne Gore; sprječavanja propagiranja rata ili podstrekavanja na nasilje ili vršenjekrivičnog djela; sprječavanja propagiranja rasne, nacionalne i vjerske mržnje ili diskriminacije. (Član 50)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Forced labor shall be prohibited.
    … (Art. 63)
  • Montenegrin
    Zabranjen je prinudni rad.
    … (Član 63)
Protection from Violence
  • English

    A child shall be guaranteed special protection from psychological, physical, economic and any other exploitation or abuse. (Art. 74)
  • Montenegrin

    Djetetu se jemči posebna zaštita od psihičkog, fizičkog, ekonomskog i svakog drugog iskorišćavanja ili zloupotrebe. (Član 74)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    The state shall provide material security to the person that is unable to work and has no funds for life. (Art. 67)
  • Montenegrin

    Država obezbjeđuje materijalnu sigurnost licu koje je nesposobno za rad i nema sredstva za život. (Član 67)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    Everyone shall have the right to health protection.
    A child, a pregnant woman, an elderly person and a person with disability shall have the right to health protection from public revenues, if they do not exercise this right on some other grounds. (Art. 69)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako ima pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu.
    Dijete, trudnica, staro lice i lice sa invaliditetom imaju pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu iz javnih prihoda, ako to pravo ne ostvaruju po nekom drugom osnovu. (Član 69)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    Mother and child shall enjoy special protection.
    The state shall create the conditions that encourage childbirth. (Art. 73)
  • Montenegrin
    Majka i dijete uživaju posebnu zaštitu.
    Država stvara uslove kojima se podstiče rađanje djece. (Član 73)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    In Montenegro, anything not prohibited by the Constitution and the law shall be free.
    Everybody is obliged to abide by the Constitution and the law. (Art. 10)
  • Montenegrin
    U Crnoj Gori slobodno je sve što Ustavom i zakonom nije zabranjeno.
    Svako je obavezan da se pridržava Ustava i zakona. (Član 10)
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    The power3 is limited by the Constitution and the law.
    … (Art. 11)

  • Montenegrin

    Vlast je ograničena Ustavom i zakonom.
    … (Član 11)

Status of the Constitution
  • English
    Rights and liberties shall be exercised on the basis of the Constitution and the confirmed international agreements.
    … (Art. 17)
  • Montenegrin
    Prava i slobode ostvaruju se na osnovu Ustava i potvrđenih međunarodnih sporazuma.
    … (Član 17)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    The law shall be in conformity with the Constitution and confirmed international agreements, and other regulations shall be in conformity with the Constitution and the law. (Art. 145)
  • Montenegrin
    Zakon mora biti saglasan sa Ustavom i potvrđenim međunarodnim ugovorima, a drugi propis mora biti saglasan sa Ustavom i zakonom. (Član 145)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    When the Constitutional Court establishes that the law is not in conformity with the Constitution and confirmed and published international agreements, that is, that other regulation is not in conformity with the Constitution and the law, that law and other regulation shall cease to be valid on the date of publication of the decision of the Constitutional Court.
    The law or other regulation, i.e. their individual provisions that were found inconsistent with the Constitution or the law by the decision of the Constitutional Court, shall not be applied to the relations that have occurred prior to the publication of the Constitutional Court decision, if they have not been solved by an absolute ruling by that date. (Art. 152)
  • Montenegrin
    Kad Ustavni sud utvrdi da zakon nije u saglasnosti sa Ustavom i potvrđenim i objavljenim međunarodnim ugovorima, odnosno da drugi propis nije saglasan sa Ustavom i zakonom, taj zakon i drugi propis prestaje da važi danom objavljivanja odluke Ustavnog suda.
    Zakon ili drugi propis, odnosno pojedine njihove odredbe, za koje je odlukom Ustavnog suda utvrđeno da nijesu saglasne sa Ustavom ili zakonom, ne mogu se primjenjivati na odnose koji su nastali prije objavljivanja odluke Ustavnog suda ako do tog dana nijesu pravosnažno riješeni. (Član 152)
Status of International Law
  • English
    The ratified and published international agreements and generally accepted rules of international law shall make an integral part of the internal legal order, shall have the supremacy over the national legislation and shall be directly applicable when they regulate the relations differently from the internal legislation. (Art. 9)
  • Montenegrin
    Potvrđeni i objavljeni međunarodni ugovori i opšteprihvaćena pravila međunarodnog prava sastavni su dio unutrašnjeg pravnog poretka, imaju primat nad domaćim zakonodavstvom i neposredno se primjenjuju kada odnose uređuju drukčije od unutrašnjeg zakonodavstva. (Član 9)
Status of International Law
  • English
    Rights and liberties shall be exercised on the basis of the Constitution and the confirmed international agreements.
    … (Art. 17)
  • Montenegrin
    Prava i slobode ostvaruju se na osnovu Ustava i potvrđenih međunarodnih sporazuma.
    … (Član 17)
Status of International Law
  • English
    Everyone shall have the right of recourse to international institutions for the protection of own rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. (Art. 56)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako ima pravo obraćanja međunarodnim organizacijama radi zaštite svojih prava i sloboda zajemčenih Ustavom. (Član 56)
Status of International Law
  • English

    The protector of human rights and liberties shall exercise duties on the basis of the Constitution, the law and the confirmed international agreements, observing also the principles of justice and fairness.
    … (Art. 81)
  • Montenegrin

    Zaštitnik ljudskih prava i sloboda vrši funkciju na osnovu Ustava, zakona i potvrđenih međunarodnih ugovora, pridržavajući se i načela pravde i pravičnosti.
    ... (Član 81)
Status of International Law
  • English

    The court shall rule on the basis of the Constitution, laws and confirmed and published international agreements.
    … (Art. 118)
  • Montenegrin

    Sud sudi na osnovu Ustava, zakona i potvrđenih i objavljenih međunarod-nih ugovora.
    … (Član 118)
Status of International Law
  • English
    The law shall be in conformity with the Constitution and confirmed international agreements, and other regulations shall be in conformity with the Constitution and the law. (Art. 145)
  • Montenegrin
    Zakon mora biti saglasan sa Ustavom i potvrđenim međunarodnim ugovorima, a drugi propis mora biti saglasan sa Ustavom i zakonom. (Član 145)
Status of International Law
  • English
    The Constitutional Court shall decide on the following:
    1) Conformity of laws with the Constitution and confirmed and published international agreements;
    … (Art. 149)
  • Montenegrin
    Ustavni sud odlučuje:
    1) o saglasnosti zakona sa Ustavom i potvrđenim i objavljenim međuna-rodnim ugovorima;
    … (Član 149)
Status of International Law
  • English
    When the Constitutional Court establishes that the law is not in conformity with the Constitution and confirmed and published international agreements, that is, that other regulation is not in conformity with the Constitution and the law, that law and other regulation shall cease to be valid on the date of publication of the decision of the Constitutional Court.
    … (Art. 152)
  • Montenegrin
    Kad Ustavni sud utvrdi da zakon nije u saglasnosti sa Ustavom i potvrđenim i objavljenim međunarodnim ugovorima, odnosno da drugi propis nije saglasan sa Ustavom i zakonom, taj zakon i drugi propis prestaje da važi danom objavljivanja odluke Ustavnog suda.
    … (Član 152)
Religious Law
  • English
    Religious communities shall be separated from the state.
    … (Art. 14)
  • Montenegrin
    Vjerske zajednice odvojene su od države.
    … (Član 14)
Links to all sites last visited 22 February 2024

This is in reference to legislative, executive and judicial power.